Baby Huston

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Danny and Jessica went home. Their hearts raced. Their excitement filled their body. Their first instinct was to call everyone. 7 weeks in was too soon. Jessica didn't want to take chances. She hated to think like that, but sadly it was reality.

"We are going to be parents! We are making a baby together!" Danny said taking Jessica's hand.

Jessica gave him a soft smile and rubbed her stomach.

"I just want the baby to be born now." Danny said.

"Not now, we need time to prepare. It's going to be a long 9 months." Jessica giggles

"What do you mean?"

"I always have the worse pregnancies. Morning sickness almost everyday, heartburn, cramping, I get so swollen and fat, sometimes moody sometimes happy." Jessica laughs.

Danny gives her wide eyes. "No morning sickness yet. That's a good thing. And I will be here to give you whatever you want."

"You're right. Not yet.

And don't baby me, I am not hopeless okay?" She giggles and takes his hand reaching it over her tiny belly.

"I bet you will be beautiful pregnant. Just as beautiful as you are now."

"I wonder what it will be."

"I don't know, you have had 2 boys, so maybe you can feel a difference if it's a girl, the same if it's a boy."

"It's too soon to tell. Gosh we are having a little baby together! Baby Huston!" A big smile came to Jessica's face.


When they got home they got home Jessica took a bath while Danny watched a football game.

Danny ran into the bathroom handing Jessica the phone.

"It's Matthew, he wanted you to call. Remember?"

"Oh I totally forgot." Jessica reaches out her hand and takes the phone.

"Hello, Matthew. I am sorry about not calling you back sooner. We got home so late."

"It's fine. Are you okay? What did the doctors say?"

"I am just fine. I bruised myself and sprained my wrist. They think it was just because I was dehydrated. Thank you for calling."

"I am just glad you are okay and it was nothing serious."

"Me too. You should get rest! You start classes tomorrow!"

"Yea, I do. Shit."

"What's wrong?"

"I am not really ready. I am nervous."

"Well you have everything you need for classes. Focus, do your work, study, and be the best you can be. I know you can do it."

"Thanks mom. I needed to hear that. Get rest okay?"

"I will, thank you. I love you honey. Call me tomorrow after classes okay?"

"I will."

"That was hard." Jessica said let's out a deep breath.


"You don't know how badly I wanted to tell him!"

Danny stared at Jessica zoning out.

"Danny, stop staring!" Jessica covers herself with bubbles.

"I am sorry, my bad." Danny turns around.

"After your bath get to bed okay? The doctor said you need to rest."


A week later and the kids returned from vacation. After vacation they went right on to getting ready for their first days of school.
Jessica wanted to tell the kids so badly but knew she had to wait. It was hard for Danny to keep it from them too. Jessica and Danny decided to wait until the Colorado State VS Pitt game in early October. It would be hard to hide it, but they wanted all of the kids around when they did it.

First Day Of School/ 8 weeks pregnant

Today was Brandon's first day of fourth grade, and Emily was starting second grade. In the morning it was hectic. The kids ran around picking out the perfect outfit and Jessica and Danny made sure they had everything ready and breakfast was made. Jessica was having an off day and was very tired so she didn't move as fast as everyone else.

"Are you guys almost ready? We have to get to the school on time so that we can get pictures!" Danny says grabbing the bugs bags

"You all have everything you need right? Supplies, book bag, tissues, all good?"

"All good!" The both yell running into the kitchen.

"Shh, I have a little bit of a headache." Jessica bends down and fixes their hair and clothes. She gives them a hug.

"My babies, starting school again. What am I going to do without you! Stop growing!"

"We love you mommy!" Emily gives her a hug.

"We will be home soon."

"Okay, let's get going so we can get your pictures and meet the teachers!"

Danny and Jessica took the kids to school, met the teachers, than went to work.


9 weeks pregnant-

The kids had their first week of school and it went great. They all loved it so much. Jessica slowly started to feel the symptoms of her pregnancy which was a good thing. She met with her doctor in a few days before Matthews birthday. Matthew was turning 10 this Saturday. Jessica had planned a small party for him at sports world.

Jessica laid in bed with a pounding head ache and an achey body.

"Maybe you should stay home today and get some rest Jess. I will take the kids to school."

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all." Danny sits up and gives her a kiss.

He walks over to the dresser and changes into his clothes.

"Have you herd from Matthew?"

"No, he has been so busy with football."

"And school I hope."

"His games have been going well. But he hasn't been played." Jessica said

"He is only a Freshman. It will take time." Danny turns around and gives Jessica a smile.

"Get better, rest up. I will see you later."

I had a two hour delay today so I wanted to get a chapter in. I know it's short but I will try to update/ i have been really busy with school.

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