Stranger Danger

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It was a week after Brandon had been taken. Jessica wouldn't leave his side. She took off work the first week to stay home with him, she wouldn't send him to school, or let him go anywhere. Though Robert was in jail, and it was only him that took Brandon and not a random stranger she was still scared.

"Jessica, you should let him go to school. He is dying to get out of the house." Danny says pouring a cup of coffee.
"He can go back Monday." Jessica says faintly.
"Okay honey, maybe I can take him with me to work, he can experience the life of a doctor."
"I am taking him to get out his stitches today."
"Good morning guys." Matt says sitting down at the island.
"Any word from the scout yet?" Danny says sitting next to him. Jessica turns around and listens.
"Not yet, I don't think I will get it. I guess I am stuck in Colorado." Matt says softly
"Give it time. They will call soon." Jessica says
"Thanks mom, I hope."

"Hey Brandon and Emily, what's up?" Danny says
"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Jessica says flipping the pancakes. She looks down and sees Brandon fully dressed and ready for school.
"Honey, why are you dressed? You don't have to go to school today." Everyone looks at Jessica, waiting for her reaction after Brandon answers her.
"Mommy, I want to go to school. I don't need to miss anymore."
Jessica's face freezes. She turns around and ignores what he says. "Brandon, you are staying home."
Emily walks away and hugs Danny good morning.
"Why can't Brandon go to school? He just has a few bumps and bruises." Matt takes a bite out of his toast and looks at Jessica. Danny pats him telling him not to say anything else.
"I want Brandon home this week, okay? Now please, Emily Brandon what do you want for breakfast."
Emily and Brandon look at each other than smile, "Pancakes and eggs!" They yell
Jessica smiles pretending nothing happened.
Danny, Emily, and Matt leave home while Jessica and Brandon stay. Jessica was able to pick up Brandon's missing work so she helped him with that. Later on Jessica took Brandon to get out his stitches than took him out to lunch.

"Yum! I love this burger." Brandon smiles taking a big bite.
"That's good. Want me to fill up your water real quick?" Jessica says standing up from the booth.
"Yes please." Brandon says handing Jessica his cup.
When Jessica walks over to the booth she sees Brandon standing up away from the table talking to a tall young man. Jessica runs over to him and pulls Brandon away.
"Mom!" Brandon says looking at her as she picks him up.
"Sorry miss, I was just complimenting your sons choice in sports team." The man says holding his hands up.
"He dropped something and I picked it up for him mommy."
"Okay, let's just go home." Jessica puts Brandon down and grabs her purse leaving a tip.
For a few moments the car ride was silent, Brandon decided to break it.
"Mommy, are you mad?"
"Yes Brandon."
"Why?" He says softly.
"Because, how many times to I have to tell you, don't talk to strangers. Don't go anywhere without me knowing, or Danny. You don't understand! You have to be safe, anyone could take you at any moment." Jessica chokes up and wipes her tear.
"I am sorry mommy. I helped him, he dropped his straw. I was trying to be nice."
"I understand, just please be safe honey."
"Why did daddy put the gun to his head?" Brandon says.
"Daddy put the gun to his head crying, saying 'I love my family, I love my family'."
"I don't know honey, has it been bothering you?"
"No, it's not smart to put a gun to your head." Brandon says
"You're right."

After dinner all five of them watched a movie. Emily and Brandon fell asleep. Once the movie was over Matt went upstairs and Jessica and Danny drank wine watching House shows.
"How was your day sweetie?" Danny says resting his hand on Jessica's thy.
"A little rough." Jessica looks at the tv and sips her wine.
"Aw, why?" Danny pauses the show.
"Today Brandon picked up something for a college kid at the burger restaurant. I left for a moment to get more water and when I came back Brandon wasn't in his seat, he was talking to this guy. I overreacted and pulled him away. I made a complete fool out of myself."
Danny laughs
"It's not funny." Jessica lightly punches him, giggling.
"I know it isn't. But you need to know he is safe. It's over honey. No one will take him away." Danny kisses Jessica
"Losing my child is the scariest feeling in the world. Those 4 hours where I couldn't find him where the worst 4 hours of my life. It keeps replaying in my head. I am scared."
"I am here for you honey. I won't let anyone take our children. We are safe, they are safe. Besides after last Friday we went through the whole stranger danger talk. Brandon was helping a guy out, being a good kid. He knows to scream."
Jessica smiles "you always say the right things."
"I think it's time to send him back to school and have a normal life again. No one will take him at school. I promise."
This is a little random, how is everyone liking it? Can't wait for the next few chapters!!!

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