Try Again

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July 18th-

"Matthew! Hi! How is it going?" Jessica says quickly answering the phone.

"Good, practice is taking a lot out of me. But yea everything is going good."

"I miss you! Are you enjoying the college life?"

"Yea, it's pretty cool. I miss you too. How is everyone?"

"We are all doing fine. I can't wait to see you next week. What do you want for your birthday?"

"My birthday? Geez, I haven't thought about that. I don't know."

"If anything comes to mind let me know. The kids are excited to see you."

"What day are you coming again?"

"The 26th. Is that okay?"

"Yea, I just think that's a big scrimmage day."

"But it's your birthday!"

"I know mom, I am sorry. But I promise we can all spend time together. I am sorry I haven't called."

"It's okay baby. As long as you are okay and taking care of yourself."

"I am, I have to go. I love you-"
Matthew hangs up the phone before Jessica could say I love you. She let's out a sigh than gets back to work.

Jessica was starting to experience some cramping. She had been feeing a little off. She was super tired and dizzy.

Jessica could only think that she was pregnant. After work she went home and set out different pregnancy test.

"Danny!" Jessica yells from upstairs.

"Yea baby?" Danny walks into the bathroom and looks at all the test Jessica laid out.

"I think I-"

"No way! Did you take them yet?"

"No... I am scared too."

"Don't be scared baby."

"What if it's negative?"

"Than we try again."


"Let's take a test!" He says kissing her.

Danny left the bathroom and Jessica starting testing.

10 minutes later she walked back into the bathroom.

"Look, 3 negatives, 1 positives, and 4 in the middles."

"That's not very helpful.

Maybe we could do to the OBGYN and see what's up."

"Could we?"

"Of course baby. This is all so exciting!" Danny kisses her.

She felt so guilty. What if it was a no when she went to the doctor. She didn't want to let Danny down because she knew how excited he was. She really wanted to give Danny a baby. She wanted to share a child with him. The thoughts of not being fertile scared her.


"Jessica Huston?" The nurse says

"That's me!" Jessica and Danny stand up and head back.

They get Jessica weight, blood pressure, and ask her questions.

"So, what's going on?" The doctor says walking in. The doctor was a good friend of Danny's from med school.

"I don't know if I am pregnant or not. I took a bunch of test and they all have different answers." Jessica says

"Have you been experiencing any signs of pregnancy? Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, cramping?"

"Fatigue, nausea, and cramping. No vomiting."

"Okay, well, I am going to have you take some blood and give you an exam. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, I just want to know." Jessica takes Danny's hand.

The nurse comes in and takes Jessica blood than gives her a gown to change into.

When the doctor comes back he has the results in his hand.

"So, what does it say doc?" Danny says

"I am sorry, but you are not pregnant."

Jessica puts her head down.

"It's okay baby, we can always try again."

"So, you are trying for a baby?"

"Yes..." Jessica says

"I can put you in some fertility drugs to help the process. If you would like. Some mothers like to do it naturally."

"I think we will just stick with naturally, drugs is my last choice."

"Okay. That's perfectly fine. I wish you both the best of luck. Nice seeing you again."

Short chapter:) the weekend is almost here so hopefully I can update more/)

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