I Won't Say Goodbye

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November 30th-
As each day went by without Matthew, Jessica found it harder and harder to find a reason to go on with life. It got harder and harder not having Matthew any longer. She felt like she couldn't live without him. Jessica's children are her world. When a piece of her world was taken from her too soon she wasn't able to handle it. Ever since the death she isolated herself in his room and refused to come out. She didn't eat or drink anything. She didn't tend to her family or baby that desperately needed her mothers attention. She didn't speak, she didn't shower, she didn't move. She just laid in his bed weeping for her son. Everyone was in mourn. Everyone grieved alone. The kids stayed locked up in their rooms while Danny took care of Marlowe. Danny felt lost. He was still shook by this death. It killed him to see his wife the way she was. He tried talking to her but there was nothing that anyone could say to make anything better.


Come the day of Matthew's funeral Jessica was an absolute wreck. She had been for the last week but today was the worst out of these last few days. It took a lot for her to get ready for her own sons funeral. Jessica's body was so weak that Danny had to help her shower and change. It had been days since she touched a piece of food and every last bit of energy she had went towards her uncontrollable sobs.

Once Jessica was out of the shower her sisters came over to help finish getting her ready. Jessica had no motivation to do her hair or makeup. Jane and Ann were light on everything. They knew Jessica didn't want to be dolled up. 

After they finished helping her get ready Jessica sat in her room on the edge of the bed staring at herself through her vanity mirror. All she could see was anger, sadness, and guilt. She looked lifeless. Her eyes were swollen and her body was still shaking. In only a matter of days she had lost so much weight that she looked sickly.

Danny was just finishing up getting ready while most of Jessica's family was downstairs. She didn't care to go mingle, she just kept to herself. At times she'd hear Marlowe cry and she'd want to go get her, but Jessica didn't have the energy.

While Jessica sat alone in her room she could hear weeps from across the hall. It was Brandon... Jessica felt terrible for not being their for him these last couple days when he needed her most. Danny was the support system for the kids and he was the one that comforted the kids around this terrible time. But Jessica couldn't leave it up to Danny anymore.

She left her room, dressed in black, and headed to Brandon's room. Without even knocking she went right in and found her son standing in front of his dresser trying to tie his tie. He looked so frustrated and so angry.

Jessica ran to his side and got on her knees. She put her hands on both of his arms and looked into his red eyes.

"I hate this tie! I hate it!" He yells

Jessica quivered her lips and closed her eyes, fighting back the tears. She could see how much pain Brandon was in. He was letting it all out.

"Let me help you, baby." Jessica struggles to say as she ties the tie.

Brandon calms down and throws himself onto his mother. Jessica wraps her arms around her son and holds him tighter than ever. Brandon was her only son left. After losing one, she could never let him go.

"I want to die." Brandon cries

Jessica shakes her head and begins to cry. "No, Brandon. Don't ever say that. You're life is so beautiful... Matthew's was so beautiful. Don't ever ask for your life to be taken from you." Jessica says sternly.

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