The Plan

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Hey Brandon,
This letter will be quick. I know that you probably don't want to talk to me, and that you are angry with me. I am angry with myself for what I did. I never meant to hurt or scare you. I want you to know that I am so sorry, and sorry doesn't cut it all the time and I know that. I hope you are okay and doing good in school. Hope baseball is working out, keep working hard. In a couple weeks I am having my court hearing. They will decide how long I stay in jail. I will write to you, I hope that you will write back to me. If you don't want to hear from me just tell me. I miss you Brady. You're a good kid. Just like your mother.
Love Dad.

Graduation day is coming closer and closer. I bet you can't wait. I remember you told me your dream was to go to college, and I am so glad you are accomplishing it. Thank you for visiting me a few weeks ago. I know I asked you before, but I was wondering if you would come to my hearing. You can come for support or to see them take me away. It's up to you. I am really proud of you, and being able to call you my son makes me so proud. I hope you are all taking care of your mother, and that you and your brother get along. I am so sorry for ruining these last few years. I miss you guys everyday, when I get out of here I want to have a relationship with you, I want to talk to you. On regular days here I wake up, eat, red, go to church, yoga, lunch, read until it's time for dinner than sleep. I have a hard time closing my eyes at night. But I dream about our family, and all the amazing memories. I deserve to be here. I guess a reason I want you to come to the hearing is so you can see my plead guilty, and take my punishment. Before you leave please visit me. I can't go on knowing that I can't see you.
Love Dad.

In two weeks, 14 days. They will decide where I go. I deserve it honestly, the things I did to you and our kids. I hurt you all so bad. I asked Matthew, and I hope you may come to my trial. Reason being I want you to see me being taken away and punished. I want you to know I miss you everyday. A day never goes by that I don't think about you in here. And honestly, I am dying here. Men beat me up, I talk to nobody. I am scared. I can't imagine what a maximum prison could be like. I am pleading guilty, because I am guilty. I am turning myself in for beating you like I did. Jessica you deserve so much better than how I treated you. I really wish that I was able to treat you better and keep our family going. I herd that you were married, and I want to congratulate you and I am guessing Danny... It really does hurt that you moved on. I can't believe our first born is graduating, I remember when you first had him. Time flys, gosh. I just hope I am there when Brandon graduates. I love you, and I will never stop. Thank you for being such a great mother and wife. You gave me the best years of my life from the day I met you in history class junior year. God you were and still are, so beautiful. Finding out that I could have a kid with you was great, even though the timing couldn't have been worse. We have been through so much Jessica, and this trial is the end. Take care of our boys because I know I can't. Lastly, I don't blame you for Ellie's death. I don't blame you for anything. It was all me, all my fault. Everything I did was because of my feelings. I need to get help. And I will. I have been going to church, doing yoga, and reading. I am bettering myself in here. Jessie, my sweet jessie.
Love Robert

Jessica, Brandon, and Matthew went out alone and sat around the restaurant table reading their letters aloud. It was very awkward. They didn't know how to react.

"So" Jessica says as she finishes reading hers.
"What's the plan?" Matthew says
"Do you two want to go?" Jessica says
"I kinda do." Matt twiddles his thumb.
"Brandon?" Jessica looks at him.
"I don't want to, but you guys can."
"Okay sweetie. Matthew, I will go with you."
"Sorry, I am just scared of him."
Jessica puts her hand in Brandon's shoulder and smiles.
"Don't worry, don't do something you don't want to do."
"It will be strange, but I want to see him be taken away."
"I don't know why I am going.
Seeing his plead guilty will probably just make it easier to forgive him."

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