Grandpa Al

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"Mom! Danny! I got it! I am going to PITT!" Matt runs into the kitchen late at night while Jessica and Danny sat sharing a glass of wine. They quickly stand up and jump around.
"What! Are you serious kid?" Danny stands up and hugs Matt.
"Dear Matthew De'Niro, after paying close attention to your devotion to football, and your amazing testing scores I would like to offer you a full athletic scholarship to The University Of Pittsburg. We hope to see you on the field this July, and in classes this fall." Matt says loudly
"Oh Matt, I am so proud of you!" Jessica cries giving him a hug.
"Mom, don't cry!" Matt says with a tear in his eye.
"I am not, I am just so happy. Keep reading!"
"Your athletic ability is impeccable! It's not a better time to be a panther than now. We chose you because- You work hard academically, with tremendous scores. You put forth your best effort athletically, your head coach is able to continuously recommend you to our team. Congratulations! Enroll soon!" Matt smiles
"Wow! This is amazing. We are going to for sure frame this bad boy!" Danny says with a smile
"I couldn't have done it without you guys." Matt smiles giving them a hug.
"Mom, can I? Can I go to PITT?" Matt says looking at Jessica.
"Though I will miss you so much, I want you to go. Work hard, be your best, and get good grades." Jessica cries and hugs Matt.
"Holy shit, I can't believe this." Matt says
"It's amazing kid!" Danny pats his back
"I have to call grandma and grandpa D."
"How long has it been since you have called them?" Jessica says
"A long time."
"Give them a call, than my mom." Jessica smiles
"I wish grandpa Al was here to see this." Matt says softly.
"Me too." Jessica puts her head down and looks at a picture of Jessica with her dad. Danny puts his arms around her and smiles.
"It's okay Jess." He kisses her
"Well I will call grandma Dorthy first."
Matt walks off and calls her.

"Hello, Matthew? Is something wrong?" Dorthy says
"No, I am sorry to call so late."
"It's fine! What's going on honey?"
"I got an email tonight... I got the athletic scholarship to PITT! Full ride grandma!" Matt says happily
Dorthy gasp, you could hear her start to cry.
"Oh Matthew! I am so happy for you. This is amazing!"
"I can't help but wish grandpa Al was here. He was a big PITT fan."
"He sure was. He would be so proud Matthew. I remember you both always watching the games. It was his favorite thing to do." Dorthy chokes up.
"I didn't mean to make you sad."
"You didn't. I am so happy for you Matthew."
"Thanks grandma, I love you."
"Love you too. Call me tomorrow." Dorthy hangs up.

"How was grandma?" Jessica says walking in.
"She's okay. She seemed a little sad after I brought up grandpa." Matt says putting down the phone.
Jessica was quite. She put her head down. "You should get rest. We will have a big celebration tomorrow." Jessica smiles closing Matt's bedroom door.
"Wait, mom."
"Can you come here?" Matt says
"Sure, what's going on?" Jessica comes back in his room and sets next to him on his bed.
"I won't go if you don't want me to. I will stay."
Matt says frantically.
Jessica puts her hand on Matt's hand and smiles. "Don't be silly, you are going. Don't let anyone stop you."
"I am scared to leave you."
"Why, I will be fine."
"You will?"
"Yes. I have Danny, your brother, Emily, and the thought of knowing you are happy."
"I just need to get away. These last few years have been a crazy shit show."
"I know. You need to do what's best for your future. Getting out of here is a start. I want you to be happy."
"Thanks mom. For everything."
The Next Morning-
"Matt is gonna be a panther!" Brandon says at the breakfast table.
"That's right!" Danny says laughing
"I don't want Matt to leave." Emily says putting her head down.
Matt walks over and smiles
"Don't worry Em, I will visit. All the time."
"Really? Yay!" She says
"Okay guys, eat your breakfast. The bus will be here soon. And Matt you should get going soon."
"Okay, where is mom?" Matt says looking around. Danny pulls him aside so the kids couldn't hear.
"She has been up all night crying. Today is the anniversary of your grandpa Al's death. 9 years."
"Shit, I totally forgot. Is she okay?"
"She wants to be alone. I am staying home with her today just so she isn't completely alone."
"Is there anything I could do for her?"
"I think she is good, but thanks." Danny smiles
"Okay, well I have to go." Matt grabs his bag and waves goodbye.
"Alrighty littles, the bus is almost here. Why don't you want down." Danny grabs the kids bookbags.
"Bye daddy!" Emily says giving Danny a hug.
"Bye Danny." Brandon waves
"Have a good day guys!"
After breakfast Danny cleans up and makes Jessica some coffee and toast. She laid in her bed all curled up in the sheets. She held the last picture she took with her father, she was pregnant with Brandon at the time the picture was taken.
"Hey baby, I brought you some food." Danny sits next to Jessica at the edge of the bed and rubs her back.
"Thanks." She says softly.
"I know things are hard right now, and you want to be alone. Just know I am here when you need me." Danny kisses her.
Jessica sits up and wipes her tears.
"I loved him so much Danny. He was my rock, my number one supporter."
"I bet he adored you Jess."
"I will never forget the look he gave me when I came home pregnant at 18. How disappointed he was. He didn't talk to me for almost 2 years. It was the worst thing in the world because everything I did when I was younger I did to make him proud."
"Jessica, you have accomplished so much, he never stopped loving you." Danny says
"One day I came home, he was sick. I thought I was going to lose him. I brought Matthew with me. Just him and I. When he met my father Matt acted like he had known him forever. I feel like Matt healed my dad that day. He brought so much light to him. Or relationship became better. Him and my mom moved out to Colorado to be closer to Matt and I. I never forgave him for not coming to the wedding. And boy do I wish he could meet you Daniel." Jessica wipes her eyes.
Danny was speechless. He gave Jessica a hug and held her in his arms as she cried. She held onto Danny.

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