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"Kids, come say goodbye. We are leaving soon." Jessica says

Brandon and Emily run down and grab onto Matthews leg.

"Don't leave! Stay here!" Emily says. Matthew bends down and picks them up.

"I will visit, and we can FaceTime!" He smiles

"It's not the same! You can't leave us!"

"Mom and Danny aren't that bad." He jokes

Brandon starts to cry and hugs Matthew tight.

"Don't cry buddy." Matthew hugs him back.

"I am gonna miss you."

"I will miss you too little bro."

"And I will miss you too Emily! Be good and have a great summer! I will visit soon." They all have a big group hug. Jessica couldn't help but tear up.

Dorthy walked over to Matthew and hugged him tight crying.

"I am beyond proud of you. I know your grandpa is looking down right now smiling." Dorthy says

"I love you grandma."

"Here is a picture I framed for you, put it on your desk or in your locker at football. Okay?" She smiles wiping her tears


Matthew let's out a sigh and says goodbye to everyone and they head to Pittsburgh.

A few weeks after graduation and Matthew was already on his way to Pittsburg. Jessica, Matthew, and Danny drove to Pittsburg to help Matthew settle into his dorm and say goodbye. The younger kids stayed back at home with Dorthy.

On the ride over Jessica kept going over how he needs to keep his dorm clean, and to make sure he finds a good job.

When they got to Pittsburg they stayed in a hotel room close to the university.

The next morning they headed to the university for 'Early Bird Move-In' which was for all fall sport athletes.

"Hello, welcome to PITT! Your name please?" The lady says at the dorm registration stand.

"Matthew D'Niro." He says

"Ah, right here! You are dorm7, room 321. You are sharing a room with a freshman who is also on the football team." The lady stands up.

"Do all of the players stay in the same facility?" Danny ask

"Yes, the coaches run the football dorm room." She smiles

"Okay, so you will be surrounded by the team." Jessica says

"It will be fine mom." Matt says.

They take a small bus over to the dorm.

"Here it is! The players dorm! Here is your key, dorm meeting is tonight at 7." She smiles handing the key.

"Thanks!" He says

"Also, a book of rules, if you break these you can be kicked out."

Matthew nods than turns to Jessica and Danny.

"Do you here that? Don't break any rules!" Jessica says

"I know mom, I am pretty sure you said that 50 times on the ride over here."

"I know, I am sorry." Jessica hugs him.

"Mom, please not yet."

"Sorry, sorry. Let's get your stuff more in."

Danny drives the car over to the dorm room and they start unloading things. Matthew was the first to moved in so he took the left part of the room.

Jessica cleaned up the room and made his bed. Matthew put all of his things away and Danny brought in the heavy boxes.

"This is a nice room, it's pretty big." Danny days carrying in the last box.

"Yea, that box is just pictures, I can organize it later."

"So you're all set than moving in wise?" Jessica says opening the box.

Jessica paused for a moment and picked up the picture Dorthy gave to Matt.

A tear fell from her face when she saw the picture of Al and Matthew when he was younger fishing. It was her favorite.

"I love this." She says setting it on his desk.

"Me too." Matt says

"How about we go out to eat than head back to the hotel?" Danny says

"I think I am going to stay here for a bit and meet the team and stuff. If that's okay? I was planning on sleeping here tonight."

"Sure, can we at least take you out to the city and get a bite to eat before we say goodbye?" Danny says

"Of course."


They all went to eat at an Italian restaurant. Matt kept talking about how excited he was and pointing out parts of the city as they walked around. It made Jessica so happy seeing Matthew excited about college.

Once the day was over the headed back to the dorm. Jessica tried to hold in her tears.

Jessica made sure everything was okay before they left.

"Well, I guess this is it." He says hugging Danny.

When he gets to Jessica he starts to cry. Jessica hugs his tight.

"I am proud of you baby."

"I know mom. I love you."

"Be good, don't get in trouble and work hard, take care of yourself too. Eat healthy!" Jessica says pointing her finger at Matthew.

He laughs "I will. You take care of yourself too."

"I will." Jessica hugs him again and kisses his cheek.

He gives Danny another hug.

"You're an official panther buddy.

We couldn't be more proud."

"I couldn't have done it without you guys and your support. Thank you."

"Don't thank us. It's our job." Jessica smiles

"Take care of Emily and Brandon for me. I know they will miss playing catch."

"Sure thing."

They all gave each other another hug than said their final goodbyes.

On the way back Jessica cried.

"My baby boy is all grown up."

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