Wanna Dance?

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9 days until the wedding-

Jessica was still very mad at Matthew. He accepted his punishment of losing his truck and but being able to leave the house. He didn't give Jessica a hard time. Jessica was preparing for the wedding, she booked the honeymoon for her and Danny. She took off he rest of the month off work. Jessica was getting ready to go meet with Katie's mom Janet. Jessica was nervous to hear what Janet would say and if she knew.

"Jessica, it's nice to see you." Janet says sitting at the table.
"You too. So I guess you understand why I called?"
"Yes I do. Let me start off by saying how embarrassed I am! And how sorry I am on behalf of Katie and I. I am so shocked on her actions lately."
"I was shocked to hear that she had cheated on him."
"Me too. It's such a shame. She really loves him and wants to be with him."
"No offense, but I don't think Matthew wants to be involved with a girl and a baby that isn't his."
Janet chuckles "I don't blame the poor kid."
"How is Katie?"
"Her father kicked her out. She is living with a boy named Derek..." Janet says sadly
"Oh Janet, I am sorry."
"She is 18. She can do whatever now. I am worried for her."
"Do you think she would talk to me?"
"I don't think so. Don't worry about her, focus on your big day!"

After lunch Jessica went home. Matthew was no where to be seen when she got home. She walked around the house calling his name until she went into his room.

"Matt, are you okay?" She says opening the door.
Matthew sat in the corner of his room crying. His floor was covered in ripped pictures of him and Katie.
Matthew cried even louder.
Jessica quickly got on the floor and hugged him. Matt rested his head on her shoulder. Jessica rocked him back and fourth.
"It's okay honey... take deep breaths." Jessica put her chin on the top of his head.
"I loved her so much."
"I know honey."
"She screwed me over. We never had sex. She told me we did when we were at a party. It was all a cover up." Matthew cries.
Jessica holds him tighter
"He was my best friend. She was my girlfriend. Why does this shit happen to me."
"Things happen honey, but there is always good in the end. It's better you know now. What would you do if you found out three years from now?"
"You're right.
Mom I am so sorry for letting you down. I should have never done the things I did. You don't deserve the stress I put on you. I am sorry for the things I said that night. You are an incredible women and such an amazing role model. I love you mom."
Jessica's heart melts. She smiles at Matthew.

The Next Day-

Sarah had thrown a party for Danny and Jessica before they got married. Since many people couldn't make it to the wedding it was a small fun get together at a local restaurant.

"In honor of my beautiful best friend, who found someone that loves her and cares for her." Sarah says giving Jessica a hug.
Everyone clapped.
"Can we dance?" Emily yells jumping up and down.
Jessica smiles and looks at Danny.
"Well?" Danny says
"Emily, will you dance with me?" Brandon says
"Of course big brother." They run away and dance by the speakers.
"Look how happy those two are." Jessica giggles
"Well my lady, wanna dance?"
"Sure." Jessica says with a smirk.
Everyone Stars to dance to the music.
"Smile for a picture!" Dorthy says putting her phone in front of Jessica and Danny.
"I envy you guys!" Angelica says walking over.
"Hey!" Danny's Says giving his sister a hug.
"We haven't seen you in so long. How have you been?" Jessica says
"Wonderful. I can't express how happy I am for you guys!"
"Aww how sweet, thank you." Jessica giggles
"You guys are all one cute family."
"We have put together a pretty cute one."
"For sure! Well you two enjoy yourself!"
"We will, thank you!" Jessica says
Danny spins Jessica around and dances with her when a slow song comes on.

"8 days baby." Danny says rocking back and forth.
Jessica rested her head on his shoulder as the sway around.
"I know. Just think how great it will be."
"Wanna know something?"
"Sure." Jessica whispers
"When I first met you, I knew I would put a ring on your finger one day. I had to call you mine."
"Oh really?"
"You have that that kind of effect on me." Danny whispers.
Jessica blushes.
"You're so cute, that's why."
"I love you."
"My three favorite words."

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