He's The One

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When Jessica got home she was very emotional. She was scared to see Robert the way he was. She was worried for his health. She knew that she just had to let it go and move on.

Her mind was quickly taken off the visit when she got home.

The house was silent. Emily and Brandon were both at their friends houses and Marlowe was down for a nap.

Danny was in the living room patiently waiting for Jessica.

"Wow, the house is dead silent." Jessica giggles walking over to Danny. She sets her things down and sits right next to him on the couch. He puts his arm around her and kisses her forehead.

"This is just the calm before the storm, baby. How was your appointment?" He says

"Oh, my appointment, it was fine." She bluffs

"Ahh, really? Because the doctors office called seeing if you could come in for an appointment next week." He says with wide eyes

Jessica's heart began to raced. She didn't want Danny to know she went to see Robert for two reasons. The adoption was a surprise and also because he doesn't want Jessica near him. Especially after knowing their history.

"Jess, why did you lie?" He says with sadness

"I didn't mean to lie!"

"If you needed a day to yourself you could have just told me. I would have understood!" He chuckles

Jessica then realized that Danny didn't suspect anything other than she snuck away for the day.

Jessica just went along. "I'm sorry."

Danny leans in and gives her a hug. "Don't apologize... you deserve a break. With everything you do, you deserve a weekend." He says

"A weekend is too long away from all my babies." Jessica pouts

She then lays on the couch in his arms for a bit. It was very rare that the house was this silent and it was just the two of them.

"Did you enjoy your day at least?"

"Yes, I did. Thank you for watching the kiddos."

Then, Jessica and Danny were startled by Marlowe screaming from upstairs. Danny started to get up but Jessica stopped him.

"It's okay, I got it. I bet she's hungry." Jessica giggles

Marlowe screams even louder, waiting to be comforted.

"How's that weekend trip sounding now?" Danny smiles

"Great, actually!"


Father's Day-

It was summer time now. Matthew was home from college, Brandon and Emily were done with the school year, and Danny had shorter days at work to spend with the family.

It was Father's Day as well. It was a big day for Brandon as well. It was the day he was going to present Danny with the adoption papers. He was over the moon. The only people that knew were Matthew, Jessica, and Brandon. It was going to be a big surprise. But only Brandon knew that Jessica went to see Robert to get the papers. They both knew that if anyone knew it would cause problems, no matter the circumstance.

The six of them were all going to go out for dinner. Until then they celebrated at home.

"Happy Father's Day Daddy!" Emily comes running into Jessica and Danny's room with a giant Father's Day card.

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