A Good Chance

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A couple days later Jessica did everything the doctors told her to do, drink water, eat fruits, light exercise, take her IV, and go in for weekly test.

Jessica was very on edge and up tight. She would constantly go to the restroom to make sure she wasn't miscarrying. If she didn't feel the baby move she would get worried. Danny tried to calm her but there was nothing that they could do then to tel her the baby will be okay, the baby won't have birth defects, everything will be just fine.

Danny and Jessica signed up for yoga classes so Jessica could relax and get some light exercise in.

"Almost ready?" Danny says

"Yea, do you have my water?"

"Mhm, let's go before we're late."


When they get to the yoga center they walked into the class that had many expecting women and their partners. Jessica and Danny laid a mat out and sat in the circle.

"Hello ladies, so today we are going to go around and introduce ourselves!" The instructor says.

They go around the circle and all of the mothers introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Megan. This is my fourth child! I'm 28 weeks pregnant with a little girl!"

"Congrats." Everyone says

They finally get to Jessica and Danny.

"Hi, I'm Jessica. This is Danny my husband. I am 28 weeks with a girl." Jessica says as Danny rubs her belly.

"28 weeks? You look a little bit small for 28 weeks." Megan says

"Yes, 28 weeks." Jessica looks at her belly and sighs.

After class Danny and Jessica head home. While Jessica is changing she looks at her belly.

"Danny I am smaller then the usual size for 28 weeks." She says looking in the mirror.

"Maybe it's because there is less fluid. It will get bigger Jess."

"Did you see how that one Bitch looked at me the whole time, like I was crazy for saying that I was 28 weeks!"

"You were 28 weeks today, maybe she is at the end of her 28 weeks."

"But there's not that big of a size difference!"

"Honey, you need to relax... It's not good for the baby."

"Shut up Danny! It's easy for you to say, you aren't the one carrying a child that is at high risk! I could miss carry at any moment. Saying that I need to relax and calm down is out of the question. I can't lose another baby Daniel. I felt so guilty when I lost Ellie. I couldn't help but think it was my fault. The amount of pressure on me is unreal. Every move I make I wonder if I am hurting the baby. Every night I wake up to make sure the baby will move or to make sure blood isn't all over. You don't understand!"

Jessica slid on her pajamas and walked out of the room.

Danny turned around and punched the pillow next to him pulling his hair.

"Fuck!" He cries covering his face.


The next morning Jessica and Danny were silent towards each other. The kids went off to school then Danny took Jessica for her test at the hospital. They were meeting her O

Jessica laid back on the bed as the nurses hooked her up to the monitors. The non-stress test was done to monitor the babies heart rate and how it reacted to certain movements. The other test was a contraction test to test the babies heart rate during uterine contractions. It's all to make sure the baby has enough oxygen and will have enough oxygen during labor.

Danny sat in the chair across from Jessica as Jessica read a magazine.

Later on the doctor came in to check on Jessica and change her IV.

"How's it going Jess?" She says switching out the fluid bags.

"Okay... What's the update?"

"Her heart rate levels are better then what I thought they would be. You are very very slowly begging to get more fluid which is very well. It's very rare to come out of this."

"Is there still a risk or still birth, miscarriage, or birth defects?"

"Yes... but the percentage rate is very low right now for that happening. You are lucky you have a strong little girl in there. As we continue these test we might want to consider having you go to 35 weeks then possibly deliver the baby, or deliver the baby whenever it's safe."

"Jessica won't be able to go the whole 40 weeks?"

"I think it's better to get the baby out when it's safe and she has a chance of survival. We will have to do a cesarean section when that time comes."

Jessica let out a sigh and held the sides of her stomach.

"Am I smaller then most 28 week mothers?"

"Yes, and it's only because Of the low amount of fluid. But I am very optimistic Mrs Lange."

"As long as you believe that this baby has a good chance we will be okay."

"We just need to keep doing what we are doing until birth."


"Danny wake up! Something isn't right!"

"What, what?" Danny says sitting up from bed.

Jessica pulled her sheets down and saw blood surrounding her lower area. She instantly began to cry.

"It's okay, let's get up and go to the hospital.

MATTHEW!" Danny yells as Jessica pokes her belly trying to get the baby to move.

"What's going on?"

"I need you to watch the kids. I have to take your mother to the hospital."

"Is everything okay."

"I'm losing the baby! She isn't moving!" Jessica covers her face and sobs.

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