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Jessica sighs as she carries a big box from the mail. It was from PITT.

"Here it is..." she throws it on the ground and covers her face.

"If you don't want to go through it, we can set it aside." He says putting his hand on her back.

She shakes her head. "No, this has to be done. I'm going to take this upstairs and organize all his things." She says sternly

Jessica kept telling herself she'd go through Matthews clothes and room, but six months later and she still hasn't been able too. The last time she stepped into his room was a few weeks after his passing. Danny always looked out for her when it came to stuff like this. She'd get worked up and it only hurt her worse.


"No, I'm fine. I can do this." She grabs the box and walks up the stairs

Danny chases after her. "You haven't been in his room for months. Just hold it off."

Jessica makes it up to his door and begins to open it. "I'm done holding it-" when she sees the room she goes speechless and feels sick to her stomach. When Danny hears the silence he runs to her side. He kicks the box into the room and shuts the door. Grabbing onto her shoulders he moves her aside as she begins to cry.

"Jess, we can do this another day..."

"Why can't I even go into his room without feeling this way?"

"It's still fresh."

"But it shouldn't be! Why can't I just... no... I can't move on." She shakes her head

Danny sighs and takes her hands. "Please, just let it be for right now. You aren't ready."


A few days later-

Brandon and Danny were out for the day so it was just the girls...

After Emily's swim practice Rachel and her daughter Heather were coming over. Emily and Heather were going to have a play date while Jessica and Rachel get to know one another. Jessica was excited... she was never very social with the kids parents, it was because she couldn't stand most of the 'PTO moms'.

"They're here, They're here!" Emily says jumping up at down at the front glass door.

Jessica walks over with Marlowe on her hip and smiles. "Well go say hello!" Jessica says opening the door.

"Heather, you're finally at my house so we can play!" Emily giggles

"I know, I'm so excited! Mommy can I go play now?" Heather says to her mother

"Well you need to greet Mrs. Huston First."

"Hi Mrs Huston! Thank you for having me!" She says quickly

"Okay now let's go!" Emily exclaims as they run to the back yard.

The girls run off and Rachel and Jessica chuckle.

"Hi!" Jessica smiles

"Hi! I'm glad the girls are so excited!" Rachel chuckles

"Yeah, I know! It's great. Say hi Lowie!" Jessica says

"Hi Lowie!" Marlowe repeats

Jessica chuckles and Rachel smiles

"You're just so cute! Hello Marlowe!" Rachel exclaims

She becomes shy and digs her head into Jessica's chest. "Oh come on Lowie! Don't play shy now." Jessica giggles

"Play?" She asks

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