Away From You

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Jessica, Matt, Dorthy, and Danny ran around frantically calling Brandon's name. Nothing.
The loud speaker called his name, asking for people to help search for him. Before they knew it everyone was running around calling Brandon. Cops searched up and down the streets, in the woods near the field.
"How could you let this happen!" Jessica says yelling at Dorthy. Dorthy was a wreak.
"Jessica, I turned my back for a moment while he played with friends. I am so sorry."
"How could you let someone take him!"
Danny came up to Jessica. "Now is not the time. We have to stay together." Danny grabs Jessica and holds her as she bawls.
"Why didn't I just go sit with him. I am his mother. He is my responsibility."
"Don't blame yourself." Dorthy says.
Jessica's heart hurt. She didn't know how this could happen.
"Ma'am, we would like to ask a few questions." An officer says coming up to Jessica.
"Anything yet?" Danny's says
"I am afraid not. Do you have any idea of who may have wanted to take your son?"
The word 'take' and 'steal' your son rang in Jessica's ears. It made her sick. Jessica didn't know who could do such a thing. Take away her baby boy.
"No, I don't." She cries digging her head into Danny's chest.
"I have an idea." Danny says
Jessica looks up and him.
"Robert De'Niro. Jessica's ex. He lost custody of Brandon, if that is any help."
"Yes, that is plenty. Ma'am do you have his number?"
"I do, Should I call? Jessica quickly rips out her phone and dials his number. The phone rings and rings.
"Straight to voicemail." Jessica cries, worried Robert may be the one.
"Why would your ex husband have a desire to take your son?"
"He was angry last we talked to him. Since my boyfriend and I walked my oldest down the field. I thought he may have left."
"We will track down his address and go to the home. Would you like to come?"
Another cop walks over. "There is no sign of a kid sir. I think we should try some other locations."
Jessica looked at Danny crying again. "What if they don't find him?"
"They will. I promise." Danny holds Jessica again.
"Danny, mom anything yet?" Matt says running up to them out of breath.
"No. We are going to go with them To your fathers. They think it may have been him. Go home with Dorthy, and wait and see if someone brings him home." Danny says
"Okay." Matt says
He gives Jessica a hug before she goes into the patrol car with Danny and the two officers.
"Don't worry mom. He will be okay." Matt hugs her tight.

As they drive to Roberts apartment, Jessica looks out the window, hoping, praying, and asking god that he will be okay.

When they pulled in 7 other cop cars where already surrounding the building. The police stood outside their patrol cars holding up there guns.
"What's going on? Why are guns out? Is he in there?" Jessica cries
"Ma'am, please stay in the car." The office steps out and pulls out his gun. Jessica leans over Danny and looks to see what's going on.
"Danny! I just want my boy."
"They are going to get him. Just say here." Danny holds her.
Danny looked out the window, he has saw Robert with a gun in his hand, and Brandon behind him.
"Jessica, I see him!"
Jessica quickly picks up her head.
"Brandon!" She yells
Danny quickly covers her mouth as she rolls down the window.
"Jessica! Stay quite, Robert has a gun." Danny keeps his hand over her mouth. Tears quickly fall from her eyes.
Jessica puts her hand on the window.

After minutes Jessica sees a cop walk Robert to a patrol car.
Jessica quickly gets away from Danny's arms and opens the door.
"Why did you do it!" Jessica yells.
Danny follows her and pulls her away as she looks at Robert, furious.
"Ma'am. Step away."
"Wait, why did you Robert. Everything, why did you do it. Why did you do it to us? What did we do to deserve this? My goal was to get away from you!" Jessica cries as Danny pulls her away and they put him in the patrol car.
"Mommy?" Jessica hears a soft voice and follows it. She looks and sees Brandon sitting in the ambulance wrapped up in a big blanket.
She runs to him. Brandon gets up and runs to her. She hugs him and cries, than she picks him up.
"Brandon, I am so happy you are okay. I love you so much."
Brandon cries
Danny walks over and puts his hand on Jessica's shoulder. She rest her head on his hand, kissing it.
The paramedic ask for Brandon to sit back down.
"What happen to your face love?" Jessica runs her hand down his small bruised face.
"He hit me with his gun." Brandon says in a scared tone.
"Just a few minor injuries. We will have to take him to the ER and get him stitched up. Do you want to come with us?"
"Yes, of course. My boyfriend and I both." Jessica looks back at Danny with relief.
"Okay, hop in."
They ride to the ER. Danny calls Dorthy and Matt to tell them that they found him. On the way there Jessica held Brandon and wouldn't let him go. She never in a million years felt as scared as she did that night. She had so much anger built up inside. Brandon told Jessica and Danny what had happened on they way there.
"Dad called me over when I sat with grandma, he told me to be quite.
When I walked over to him he told me he was taking me home."
"Why didn't-"
Danny interrupts Jessica letting Brandon finish.
"He told me it was going to be okay. After a little bit of time daddy was saying bad words about you,at his house I herd cop cars. Daddy yelled louder and pulled out his gun. I herd the cops calling my name, telling me to come out. I started to yell and he hit me with his gun. After that he took me outside and hit me again, holding the gun to his head."
Jessica cried, and looked at Brandon.
"I am so glad you are okay. You are the strongest little boy I know. Next time stay with me or Danny. Don't ever go anywhere without telling us." Jessica smiles and runs her hands through his hair.
"We are so glad you are with us now Brandon."
Danny says
"I don't want to see him ever again mommy. Please, he scares me." Brandon cries digging his face into Jessica.
"Okay baby."

While they are at the hospital Danny goes back to Brandon to get the stitches. Jessica couldn't bare seeing Brandon cry again. It broke her heart. She wasn't strong enough at the moment. She sat in the chair, talking to god.

Thank you. For making my life in one way a living hell, but giving me so many blessings. My kids, Danny, Emily. Thank you for letting my son be okay. For it only being his father who took him. I would rather have my boy with a few bruises than not having him at all. But most of all, thank you for giving me the strength and courage to get away from him. Robert, I am so glad I can finally be away from you.

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