First Halloween

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August 22-

Today was Brandon's first day of middle school and Emily's first day of third grade. Getting back into the school year was always hectic but they managed. The kids were all really to start school with their new supplies and clothes. Jessica was sad to see them start school but ready to have a steady daily routine. Jessica was ready for Brandon to start spending school days with his friends. Ever since Robert passed there were good days and bad days for him. Jessica hoped that seeing his friends would make him a bit happier.

"How is it that my baby boy is growing up so fast! Middle school! How?" Jessica pouts. Jessica kneels down and fixes his hair and buttons up his shirt.

Brandon gives Jessica a small smile.

"You're so handsome." She whispers

"Thanks mom."

Jessica sighs then cups his cheeks. For some reason she felt extra emotional. Brandon had grown a lot over the last few months and it was just so hard for her. He was always her baby.

"Are you crying?" He asks

Jessica giggles "Yes. I love you so much, baby. And I'm so proud of you. You've grown into such a great boy or should I say man?" Jessica smiles

"It's because of you Mom." He then leans in and kisses her cheek and her heart melts.

"Goodness! I'm a mess! Let's go downstairs."


"Everyone ready? Get in front of the door for one picture before the bus comes!" Jessica gets Emily and Brandon to stand for a picture. The two of them pose together and smile happily.

"Great picture!" Danny says

"Here, Em hold Lowie so she can be in a picture too!" Jessica quickly hands her Marlowe and the three of them smile together.

"Aww! Great!" Danny chuckles

"Mom, Marlowe is gonna make me smelly!" Emily says holding Marlowe away from her.

"Does she have a poopy diaper?" Jessica smiles taking her.

"I think so! Phew!" Braden chuckles

"Alrighty, the bus is here. Now run!" Danny yells with excitement

The kids dash to the end of the driveway and Danny snaps a few more pictures.

"Look at them go!" Jessica says curling up next to Danny.

He wraps his arm around her and rests his head on Jessica's.

"Yep. But look at Brandon." He points to the one window and Jessica sees Brandon jumping around with his friend.

"He looks happy."

"Its good that they are starting school. A lot happened this summer."

"Yeah. Now I'll be alone all day with little girl." Jessica says bouncing her in her arms.

"Huh? You're gonna spend all day with mommy!" Jessica says

Marlowe starts to clap her hand and smile.

"But you'll miss daddy, right?"  He says tickling her tummy.

Marlowe's smile quickly fades and she grows grumpy when Danny starts to mess with her.

"No daddy, no! Marlowe doesn't like to be tickled!" Jessica says sternly

"Well baby, I have to leave you for work!" He leans in and gives her a kiss.

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