New Beginning's

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Danny and Jessica were getting married on a Saturday. On Thursday they all headed to Hawaii for the wedding. The boys shared a room with Danny and Jessica shared a room with Emily. All the girls in the family were on one floor while the boys were on the other floor. Jessica's heart raced. She never thought that she would marry Danny, it was all too real for her. She loved it. Jessica's whole side of the family came, and so did Danny's. Jessica planned a very small, peaceful, calm wedding and a nice after party.

"Emily your hair looks so nice!" Jessica says as she watched Jane do it.
"You look so beautiful Jessica!" Emily smiles
"Aw, thank you. Are you excited?"
"Yes! I wanna go to the beach too!"
"Don't we all sweetie?" Dorthy jokes around
"Jessica this dress is to die for!" Ann says
"Thank you, it's really simple."
"It will look so nice on you!" Jane says.

All of the girls are in Jessica's hotel room getting ready and doing each others hair.

"Jessie, I have a question." Dorthy ask sitting down next to her as Jessica puts on her mascara.
"Who is going to walk you down the aisle?"
"I asked George, it only feels right. He is my best friend." Jessica smiles
"You and George, the cutest siblings." Dorthy laughs
I wonder how the boys are doing?"

Boys POV-
All of the men were about half way ready. Danny paced around the room practicing his vows.

"Here's to us and our future of-" Danny's whispers when Matt walked in.
"I just got off the phone with aunt Jane. They said we should start heading down in about 15 minutes."
"Oh, okay." Danny smiles
"Are you okay?"
"Just nervous. I want to make this special, and I want her to never forget these words that are in this." Danny says showing him his note card.
"I am happy for you guys.
Danny I never had the time to thank you. For loving and caring for my mom. You changed her in a way that would be impossible for some to do. You make her so happy. Thank you." Matt looks at Danny with watery eyes and hugs him.
"Thank you Matthew. You are a great kid."

"Jessica, stunning! Absolutely stunning!" Dorthy says.
"You take my breath away!" Jane and Ann say.
"Thank you all." Jessica giggles
"Jessica?" Emily says looking up at her.
Jessica bends down and puts her hands on her shoulders.
Emily smiles
"I love you Jessica." Emily gives her a hug.
"Awe, I love you too sweetheart."
"I am so happy my daddy loves you and you are marrying him. Thank you for being like a best friend and an awesome mom."
"Thank you for being the sweetest little girl out there!" Jessica hugs her again.
"Okay! Let's go get you married!" Jane says
"Let's go!" Emily jumps.


A small canopy stood close next to the ocean of Hawaii. 40 chairs were set out near the water. Everyone sat calmly and peacefully. There was no need for music as the sound of the ocean was their music. Danny walked down the aisle with the boys and his brothers. Matthew and Brandon stood next to Danny proudly. They each had beige suits on. Dorthy, Ann, Jane, and their kids walked down the aisle and sat in the front giving Danny a smile. Emily slowly walked down the aisle in her lace dress that fell to her knees. She help a small bouquet of white lilies. Danny smiled looking at his beautiful little girl. Once she had made it to the canopy everyone rose. Jessica took a deep breath and looked a George. He mouthed to her let's do this. Jessica nodded than they began to walk down the aisle. Jessica immediately looked at Danny and her boys and smiled. Danny cried softly as he saw he beautiful bride to be. Jessica giggled. Once she got to the canopy she looked at the ocean and thought of her father. In her head she said "I love you daddy."

Danny took Jessica's hand as the priest went through prayers and talked about Danny and Jessica's love. Than it was soon time to exchange vows.

Danny took a deep breath than smiled. Jessica started to giggle.

"Jessica Phyllis Lange,
The women that I plan to spend the rest of my life with. You never fail to make me smile. My love for you is everlasting. You inspire me each day with you strength and how much you love you give to everyone around you. 2 years ago you welcomed my daughter and I into you and your sons lives. Bringing our family together and growing a strong bond is something that I will meet want to replace. So, without hesitation, I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, and respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. Today, I choose you to be my husband. I accept you as you are, and I offer myself in return. I will care for you, stand beside you, and share with you all of life's adversities and all of its joys from this day forward, and all the days of my life. Here's to starting over and most importantly new beginnings."

Jessica wipes away her tears and clears her throat.
"Daniel Sallis Huston,
My love, thank you for teaching me how to love and trust again. For showing me another side of life that I didn't think existed. You love me unconditionally everyday at my best and at my worst. You have been such a great man to my boys, and as a family we are complete. I promise to always be your biggest fan and your partner in crime. I promise to create and support a family with you, in a household filled with laughter, patience, understanding, and love. I vow not just to grow old together, but to grow together. I will love you faithfully through the difficult and the easy. What may come, I will always be there, each one believing that love never dies. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep."

The priest looks at both of them and smiles.

"With the power invested in me by the state of Hawaii, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Danny holds Jessica and kisses her. He then dips her kissing her again. Everyone cheers as they clap for Danny and Jessica who run down the aisle.
"Next stop- honeymoon" Danny says running with Jessica.

Thoughts? Really love how this story is coming along!❤❤❤

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