'Chapter one'

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Your POV

I walked home from a friends house. It was 11 pm. The streets were relatively quiet but I didn't mind that. I liked that. I hate big crowds, but I think nobody does.
I started to feel a little bit uneasy and played with the tough of calling a cab. I settled my bag down and searched for money. I had nearly nothing with me. I signed. And started to walk again. Normally I like the night. The darkness. The cool air. But this time everything seemed more dangerous. This is like the thousandth time I walked this way. I know the worst things here are the old grannies who kept watching the road all the time. I looked at my phone screen. 11:23 pm. I should be there in 10 minutes. I shoved the little electronic machine back into my bag and started humming my favorite song, since I didn't dare to plug my earplugs in. I crossed the last street and could see my door in the distance. I smile appeared on my face. Nearly there. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw shadows moving. I walked faster. Not daring to turn around. Then something grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the ground. I closed my eyes in shock. I felt something sitting on me. I looked through the slits of my eyes. On top of me said a man. He smirked at me. I tried to move but nothing did work. He was stronger than he looks. The man raised his claw-like-hand and rammed it in my stomach. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his other hand. I felt so sick and everything startet to go black. "I have one more!", was the last thing I heard.

First chapter finished. I hope you like it and it's not too short :')

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