'Chapter thirty nine'

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Your POV

"Okay, I'm happy that we found you and that the family is back together but we really need to get outa here now.", Dallon said already walking towards the staircase with Brendon.

I nodded then. He was right. We were down here for quite a while now. It would be kinda hard to get Ryan and Brendon out of here though. I mean they maybe forgot all about Ryan by now. But Brendon... that happened like yesterday. Well, we had no choice but to try. I would give Brendon his hoodie if I would wear something besides my bra under it... maybe Dallon had a shirt under his.

"Dallon? What do you have under your hoodie?", I asked. Maybe not the best way to put it. Dallon looked at me really surprised and didn't know what to say. Everybody else especially Brendon looked at me weirder out. Whoops. "No! I mean if you wear a shirt below yours you could give it to Brendon so they wouldn't see its him right away. So we could go to our room without getting noticed!", I explained blushing really hard. That really wasn't how I meant it. Dallon was still a bit confused by what I had asked before but then he reacted and stripped his hoodie off. He wore a shirt below. Good. Then we could go to out room more or less normal. Ryan had to play the victim or something. Like human victim.

"What about Ryan?", Brendon asked then. "He'll be our 'human victim'. That's why his clothes are so ripped apart.", I explained and made my way to the staircase too. Dallon was still helping Brendon and Ryan wad behind us. I practically run up the stairs. The others were a little slower but I wanted to look if someone was there.

I opened the door a bit to look if there would be somebody. Luckily the halls were empty so I fully opened the door and hold it open for the three. We made out way to our room as fast as possible. Luckily the few people who saw us didn't pay much attention. When I closed the door behind us I sighed loudly. So did the others. All were exhausted and tired. "We should probably get Ryan new clothes and clean Brendons wounds.", I said then after Ryan had already sit down. "And you should shower... sorry but you stink...", I said laughing a bit. The others nodded then laughing too.

"You can lend clothes of mine. They should fit.",  Brendon explained. He looked still a bit weirded out by the fact that Ryan was alive though. "Dallon could you maybe help him find everything. You know where everything is, right?", Brendon asked Dallon. And Dallon nodded. Then he went to Brendons Bedroom where his clothes were with Dallon. Then Brendon tried to get up and I helped him. "You know in which room we need to go, right?", he asked jokingly. And I chuckled. I brought in in the room where he used to torture me and stich my wound.

Brendon sat down, pulled off Dallons hoodie and I asked him where the medicine stuff was. He pointed at one wardrobe and I got everything that looked useful. "Now. That might burn a bit.", I warned as I patted a cloth dranked in alcohol on his wounds. He flinched a bit but put his teeth together so he didn't move too much.

When I cleaned all his wounds I got the bandages. One big wound was on his stomach so I put a bandage around his torso. I had to like hug him to get it around him. When I finished he cupped my face with both of his hands and pulled it towards his gently. I was a bit surprised by his action but I couldn't complain. He kissed me and I went with it.

Then he placed one hand in the crook of my neck and pushed me closer. He depend the kiss and leaned towards me too. His other hand was moving to my back now and held me close. I leaned in further and run my hand through his hair. It was so soft. The other hand was on his shoulder. He groaned when I hit a wound and I wanted to pull away and excuse me but he didn't let me he just hold me closer if that was even possible. So I just moved my hand away on his shoulder. He bagan to bite my lip and it felt so good. His hand began to move under the hoodie I wore. It send shivers down my spine. It felt so good.

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