'Chapter forty three'

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Your POV

The door opened and a women opened. She looked at me in confusion and I tried to smile as nice as possible. I had a bag which looked very filled. "Hello, I'm Lisa. A classmate of Tyler. I should bring him the latest schoolwork.", I tried to say as natural as possible. At first the women looked very confused but then it looked like she remembered the name. "Oh, so you are Lisa! You must've grown a bit and change you're hair. That's why I didn't recognise you. I'm sorry, I'm Kelly.", she said apologising letting me inside. "Tyler must've missed a lot in school. Thank you that you bring him thus stuff.", she said smiling. "Eh. No problem. I'll try to teach him some stuff too so I would stay for a while if that's alright with you.", I said smiling and trying to be casual. She nodded. "Sure, you can have dinner with us if you want.", she answered and I thanked her. Then she showed me where Tylers room was. I knocked and I could hear his voice from the other side.

I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. He just sat on the ground. His room was messy and the curtains were closed. I liked it though. I walked over to him. "Can I sit down?", I asked him and he nodded. "You look pink-red-orange but spots of you are blue-black.", he busted out and looked at me in regretment right after that. I looked at him in confusion. "I'm sorry.", he said and looked away. "Don't be.", I ensured him. "What does that mean?" I said smiling at him. He shook his shoulders. "I don't know exactly. I forget the right words all the time. Josh would know.", he said silently. He pulled his knees to his chest. "Try to describe it?", I said and looked at him questioning. He thought a bit about it and nodded then. "You look like others would describe cats or puppys. Or like people think the people in magazines are. ", he describes the first parts. "So pink-red-orange means something like pretty or cute?", I asked back and he nodded. "Yeah, that was it.", he said without looking at me. I giggled a bit. "Well, thank y..." "but some spots are black-blue. That's a negative feeling. Like when you have five apples and take four with you. The last one would feel blue-black...", he said and my smile fell. "... alone.", I said while looking down. "Alone.... yeah. That was the word.", he repeated after me and said to himself. "But there's more blue than black. It's a feeling. Like when you feel left alone or when you aren't feeling well. When the bad feelings are too much.", he tried to explain futher. I was still looking down but wanted to help him find the right word. "Sad?", I said bur he shook his head. "No the word was fancier. Longer. Much more beautiful.", he said while thinking as strong as possible. "Melancholy?", I asked him and he nodded fast. "Yeah! You have more blue then black. You're more melancholy then lonely.", he explained and I looked up. "Probably, yeah.", I said. Now I wasn't so alone anymore and thanks to Brendon I wasn't thinking that often anymore. He was right. I wasn't alone.

All of the sudden there was a knock and I rushed to get random papers put of my bag and placed them as if we would learn. Then his mother opened the door again. "I forgot to ask if you wanted to drink or eat something. Tyler shook his head without looking at her. She looked at him worried. "Uh. I'm a little hungry. Could I have something please?", I asked smiling and she nodded happily and got put after I thanked her. Tyler looked at me in disbelief. "What?", I asked him. "Nothing.", he said. "And just for your knowing. I'm not hungry at all but I saw how worried your mother looked at you when you said no. Please eat something. You look very slim. You don't have to eat all of it. But please eat something.", I said with a worrieing face and he looked at me kinda pissed off. "Please Tyler. Do it for Josh.", I begged him and I seemed to have found his weak spot because he looked at me in surprise and nodded then slowly. "Thank you.", I said reliefed.

"I'm surprised how quick you can change your mood.", he said after a while. I just looked down and shook my shoulders. "How else would've I survived school or home.", I simply said while scribbling something onto the paper so it would look like we had done something. He didn't say anything after that. I didn't either. I kinda felt like that was to much of a mean way to answer, but that's how it is now.

Kelly opened the door and brought us or better said me some food. Bread with cheese and some fruits. I thanked her and hoped that she would leave the room but she didn't. "What are you learning right now?", she asked. "Trigonometry.", I answered fast before Tyler could say something so he would inform her about a topic that wasn't mentioned on the papers in front of us. "Oh, what was that again? It's been so long since I had math...", she said thinking. Tyler looked at me in panic but I knew some things about that topic. "It's for triangles. Sinus, cosinus and tangens.", I answered her and she nodded as if she remembered. "Okay, good luck with that. Tyler, this is important. Try to remember it.", she said before she got out.

I got a confused look of the boy. "Not important.", I said and put another paper on top so it would look like progress. "Where is Josh?", Tyler asked me then. I tensed up and looked at him. I wasn't sure if I could tell him. "Well... uhh... you.. you're not gonna believe me anyways...", I said looking away. "Try.", he simply answered. "Well, uh... see Tyler... Josh isn't human. And neither am I or Brendon, Dallon or Ryan.", I said slowly. He looked at me in confusion. "What are you then?", he asked me. "Ehh, Josh is an angel... and we others are demons.", I stated slow. He smiled. "As if." I nodded. "It's true. I can prove it.", I said and he still didn't seem to believe. "Look into my eyes.", I demanded and so he did. I let them change plus the skin around it getting greyish. He stumbled back. "What?!" "Shhhh!"

"That's not my full demon form... but you wanted to know where Josh is now, right?", I said kinda awkward. I wanted to take the focus off me. After a while of progressing Tyler nodded. "So, he is in heaven right now..." And so I told him the whole story all over again. He took his time to progress but then he looked at me again. "Is that the reason why nobody sees Josh besides me?", he asked and I nodded. "So he is real! Josh is real!", he said happy. I nodded again. All of the sudden my phone buzzed. A message from Brendon. It was already 9pm?! Wow. The message just told us to get to the car. "Tyler, I'm sorry but I need to go.", I said and pushed everything inside my bag. Then I got up. He did the same. "I will come with you!", he stated. "Josh is back, right?" I nodded. "Follow me.", he said and climed outside the window. I was a bit confused. "Otherwise my mother would ask.", he said and I followed him then. Then we walked towards the car as fast as possible.

"Good or bad news?"

A/N: hey, so I thought about writing either a Ryan x reader or a Dallon x reader. What would you guys prefer?

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