'Chapter thirty three'

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Your POV

I began to panic in the small bathroom. Blood was still flowing and I needed to lean on the wall to not fall on the floor. I tried to reach the lock but I wasn't close enough. I heard Brendons voice calling my name. At first normal but the louder. He began to panic but I didn't dare to make a sound. I couldn't let him see me.

"(Y/n)! Where are you?! That's no joke!", he shouted. I began to cry silently. I was so scared. He would find me but I wish he would just leave again. At least until I cleaned up. Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door and tensed up. "Are you in here?", he asked now more quiet. I didn't answer. I began to cry harder. I couldn't control one sound coming out. "(Y/n)? ", he asked and with that he opened the door and saw me. I just slid down the wall and curled up in a ball.

"(Y/N)!!", he shouted and ran over to me and pulled me into a close hug. I started full crying then. I felt his breath on my neck. He breathed uneven. "Why?", he whispered weakly. I couldn't speak. I could kinda stop crying but still. Speaking wasn't going to happen now. Brendon let go of me again. I tried to avoid hus eyes but hel hold my face carefully to force me to look at him. "You need to tell me.", he said with tears in his eyes. "Promise me you'll tell me later.", he whispered and I nodded. I don't know if I was going to really tell him but I couldn't say no either.

He stood up again and searched something in the cupboards. Then he got a bandage and sat down beside me again. His hand came close to my arm carefully. I was about to flinch away but I couldn't. As he touched my arm I flinched away but said sorry right after that and gave him my arm. He looked at it for a long time. Then all of the sudden he pulled on my arm to get it closer and licked the blood off of it. The feeling send shivers down my spine and I wanted to pull my arm away but he was stronger. He hold onto it and didn't even look at me. He licked it again but then he let go of it and stumbled back. He made a face full of pain. I wanted to get over to him but he nearly punched me away.

"N...No!", he said and sounded as if he was under pain. I wanted to say something but he was faster. "Go!... get Dallon..", he said clawing into his own arms to prevent from attacking. I needed a moment to get up but then I ran as fast as possible. I didn't care of anybody saw my arms. I didn't even see if anybody was in the corridors.

When I got to Dallons door I kocked loudly until he opened the door. I didn't make a pause. I knocked and knocked and tried nor to cry. When Dallon opened the door I nearly punched him. He looked at me terrified. "(Y/N)?! What happened to you?", he asked worried. "Doesn't matter! Come!", I shouted and pulled him with me. Ignoring that I left blood on his clothes. He needed to come and help. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what was up with Brendon. Maybe Dallon would see what's up. I really hoped. He needed to know.

I dragged him into the bathroom and pointed at Brendon trying to speak. "He... you... you need to help him!", I cried out. Dallon looked at the cowering Brendon with a terrified face. He sat down beside him and looked at me with a worried face for a second. Then he turned back to Brendon. "Hey, what happened?", he asked him trying to stay calm. Brendon couldn't answer properly. He tried to but no words came out. Just sounds and gasps. "H... he liked my blood and became a whole other person.", I explained shivering. Dallon made a loud sigh. "Oh, no.", he said and tried to touch Brendon but all of the sudden he turned demon and was about to attack him. He smiled deviously. Dallon jumped away in the right time though.

Brendons demon formed had changed. His horns were bigger and something was at his back. Dallon looked at me in confusion all of the sudden and I just looked back at him with a questioning face and he turned away. Brendon punched in my direction and I ducked away and turned demon out of shock too.

As soon as he saw my red eyes he smiled at me and reached out with one hand slowly.I was confused by what was happening. I didn't move this time. Something stopped me. I wasn't scared anymore either. I breathed even again. I just stared into his yellow eyes and began to step closer. All of the sudden Dallon slapped Brendon in the face and I was safes from my trance.

Brendon got angry and began to attack Dallon. He hit him this time. Dallon stumbled backwards but could catch himself again. I run over to Dallon to help him but he pushed me behind him. "Brendon, come to your senses! What's wrong with you?", I shouted at him. He looked at me shocked but the shock was soon away and the devious smile was back. I shoved Dallon aside and ran up to Brendon before he could hold me back.

I hugged him close hoping that that would help him. I even was in my human form to show that I don't want to fight. At first nothing happened but then I was shoved away by Brendon. But not aggressive. "Le...leave..pleease...", he gasped. I didn't want to but he looked into the direction of the door with a serious face. I turned my had and There was Dallon who whispered that other demons came. We had forgotten to close the goddamn door and now we has to deal with these kinds of things. I looked at Dallon terrified but let go of Brendon. He looked like he could think normal again but it looked like it was very hard. "Don't change into demon.", Dallon whispered to me before the first other ones came.

I didn't know anyone of these demons. They looked shocked at Brendon and me. "Look what he had done!", one of them said and pointed at me
I had already forgot that my arms were full of blood. Oh no. They thought Brendon was that. I wanted to say something against it but Brendon punched in my direction but missed me on purpose.

All of the sudden some of the demons rushed over to Brendon and grabbed him. He did fight them at first but stopped when he saw me wanting to help him. He looked at Dallon. Then the taller one came over and hold onto me. I knew why. I shouldn't stop them and get in trouble. But I wanted to help! I wanted to help so bad. I tried to free myself but my normal strength wasn't enough. I began to turn demon but Dallon turned me away as soon as he saw grey spots on my skin. "Are you crazy?! Stop! Turn back again! They can't see your eyes, or else...", he whisper screamed at me. "Or what!?", I whispered back and he shook his head and said not now. I wanted to see Brendon but Dallon didn't let me until I turned back human. So I did.

I tried to break through anyways. But soon they got Brendon all chained up. I wanted to scream but Dallon hold my mouth shut so the other demons wouldn't fokus on us. I didn't want to loose Brendon. I wasn't mad at him for what happened it isn't his fault. I began to cry again. I would think that I was all drained out but I wasn't. I cried because I loved him. I truly did. I was not ready to loose him. I needed him with me. I wanted to have him with me. Him. Just him. They can't take him. Without him it was in me: the fear of falling apart.

I tried to break free one last time and managed to get Dallons hand away from my mouth. "Brendon! I need you! I.... I love you!", I said. I finally said it. I did it. I told him how I felt. He smiled at me sadly. I could see the grey of his skin fade. "I love you too.", he said I tears began to fill his eyes.

"If you love me let me go."

And with that they took him.

A/N: Hey, next chapter. I'm sorry for taking Brendon away. But the great plot was by beebboob . Thank you for the great idea! Also I'm listening to this is gospel now ;-; little tip: don't.

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now