'Chapter twenty three'

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Brendons POV

What the heck was (y/n) doing? Why was she doing that? I didn't understand her thinking. She reached out a hand to a clearly mad demon. I wanted to help her with that now. I took a few steps towards them and then it happened.

Dallon took her hand.... and shook it? What? That wasn't how I remembered him being. Well it's better this way though. He let go of her hand quickly. "I'm Dallon.", he said clearly confused.i couldn't help but chuckle. I got a death glare and a confused look from Dallon and (y/n). I stopped immediately then.

I could see her eyes wandering towards my arm. I hid it behind my back for now. She seemed a bit upset by that. "Well, Dallon, don't you have something to do?", I ask rethorical. I could see that he wanted to say something but he just left. Luckily. Even though he walked very slow.

When he was out I went to hug (y/n) again. She hugged back immediately and I could feel my shoulder getting wet. She cried. I hugged her tighter. We stood there for a few minutes like this. I would have stayed like this forever but we couldn't. Also it seemed like she wanted to say something. I loosened my grip and so did she. As I looked into her (e/c) eyes something I would've never expected happened.

She pulled my face closer and kissed me. My eyes widened. Sadly the kiss was short but still. I didn't know what to say then. "I missed you.", she mumbled and looked down. Then she grabbed my wrist and looked at my arm with the wounds. I wanted to pull away immediately but resisted for her. She looked at it for quite some time. I could feel liquid dropping onto it.

"Why?", she whispered. "Why you?", she whispered again. I didn't understand why did that hit her that much. She went into a hug again. She began to cry heavily and I hugged her very close. I tried to calm her down. Eventually it worked and she let go to wipe away the tears.

"Why does that hit you so much?", I asked her softly. She looked at the floor kinda uncomfortable and sat down. I followed her and looked at her. "You don't have to tell me..", I said quietly and she glanced at me for a second then back at the ground. Something was there. Something she had to say. But she couldn't. She began to speak:


A/N: Well cliffhanger :) but I wanted to ask you guys what you want. How do you want her to answer now to the slefharm thing: 1.she did it too? 2.she does it too? 3.she doesn't do it (I have another story for that then)
Also sorry that it's that short but I need this cliffhanger here ^^"

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now