'Chapter eight'

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Your POV

I woke up. I felt a little dizzy, but still I tried to sit up. I looked around. He seemed to be gone. Good. Maybe I can try to escape. My breath got faster and I tried to stand up. My stomach and the wounds of yesterday, at least I think yesterday, hurt a bit, but I can still walk luckily. I walked towards the door slowly. Even though I wondered why he didn't tie me down again I still wanted to get out as fast as possible.

I was at the door now. It didn't seemed to be locked either. Is it a trap? Well, I've got no time for that. I just opened the door fast to look into a dark corridor.
What? Where am I?
I looked around in confusion but I saw nobody. I started to walk out and shut the door silently.

I just need to find the exit. Shouldn't be hard, right? I walked in the left direction. Hoping I could got out there. I sneaked around some corners and tried to not make a sound. As I wanted to walk around the next corner I could hear laughing and screaming. I peaked around the corner and saw how some man tortured a little boy. I stood there in shook and was about to scream but put my hand on my mouth. Otherwise I can't get out. I decided to walk another way and to ignore the screams of pain. Even though it was hard.

I walked for a while until I started to feel sick and dizzy again. I leaned against the wall and took a break. I breathed slowly and tried to calm down. My eyes were closed now and I ignored all my surroundings.

So I didn't hear the footsteps nearing me. Someone gripped my arm and I immediately opened my eyes to see a very angry Brendon and another guy that looked at me weirdly. The grip on my arm tighned and I flinched.

"What are you doing here?! Are you insane?", Brendon asked me angry but he sounded very caring too. I was confused. The other guy smirked at me and chuckled.

"Are you a demon too?" I asked bravely and his smirk fell and his expression got kinda angry. Now he looked at Brendon. Brendon ignored him and pulled me down the corridors. It hurt but I tried to stay silent about that. As we reached his door the taller guy left us and Brendon 'threw' me in his room. Then he screamed at me.

"Are you kidding me?! You could have died!"

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