'Chapter fifty four'

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Your POV

"I will take a shower.",

I mumbled towards Brendon. It hurt to see his sad face due to how I was acting this whole morning. I didn't know why I did this but my mind went back to defense after I woke up again. Like it did when I was still human in school sometimes. It didn't let emotion through. No matter how much I screamed on the inside. The outside wouldn't show it. No matter how much I wanted to. There was a bigger force that let me get dull on the outside.  I didn't want to hurt Brendon by being like I was now any longer. Maybe a shower would help me. I would've some time alone and the water may wash away the memories of that dream. That nightmare.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and stripped off my pyjamas. Then I took a warm shower. Was that really me thinking if such a cruel world? Could my brain have made this? I know I hadn't the most positive thoughts about myself but still I didn't want to believe that my own brain had made all that up. I sighed as the water flew down my body. I hated to shower. Not because of getting clean or anything. Just because my body was exposed. To myself. I didn't want to see it. I knew that I would never like it. No matter what I would do so why try. Also my arms were filled with scars. But that wasn't the only place. I hadn't told any of the other guys but my thighs and hips were pretty filled with them too. I just didn't dare to tell them. They were already worried about my arms. No need to make them worry even more.

I got out of the shower and quickly covered myself with a towel so I wouldn't have to look at myself. Although... I was kinda interested if the wings had any affect to my skin. I turned my back to the mirror and let the towel slide down a bit. There were scars but they looked rather weird. They weren't red or white like my other ones. They were black. With what seemed like stains of black smoke around then. My chin fell down a bit when I saw that. Another thing on my body I had to hide. Great.

I quickly put my normal clothes on and started to make myself ready. I had opened the window so the dream could dissolve from the mirror entirely and the air would be less wet. Then I saw something or rather someone out of the corner of my eye as I was about to leave the bathroom still feeling as dull as before. I turned towards the window and saw a man stand there. He smiled at me with a kind smile.  His whole appearance was rather cute. He had reddish blond hair and wore a hat. A fedora I think. Other than that he wore mostly dark clothes and had his hands in his pockets. Everything on him seemed nice except his eyes. Although they had a usual colour they didn't smile. They had no emotion. It kinda creeped me out and I just stared at him. For some reason I couldn't move a muscle in my body.

"I was send to bring you back home safely.", he said still wearing that fake smile. I began to panic but other than my eyes nothing moved. "Don't worry, you will move again. But now I would prefer if you'd be quiet and cooperate. He said while purple smoke began to envelope his hands. His face still faked the kindness. I tried to scream. I couldn't. I tried my hardest to move at least one inch but I couldn't. Every bone stayed were it was.

He raised one hand and the purple smoke began to creep over. I came closer and closer and the screams in my head got louder and louder. I needed to move. I needed to run. I needed to warn Brendon, Ryan and Dallon. They have to get away from this place. The purple smoke had reached my skin and I could feel a tingle whenever it surrounded me more. Nearly my whole body was wrapped by that... smoke when the smile of the man turned into a mad one. But I could only see it for a second then the smoke was all around me.

First everything was purple and then just darkness. Who was that man? Where would he take me? He said back home. Did he mean the subwaystation? Or my old home. But that would make no sense. My parents didn't believe in supernatural beings. And how would they even come to talk to an demon or whatever he was.

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