'Chapter forty seven'

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Your POV

"Then let's get inside, shall we?"

Brendon said smiling pointing at the door. I was getting really nervous all of the sudden. I was going to live in hus house. With him! I was just overwhelmed by that thought. I felt my face heating up a bit. "Are you alright?", Brendon asked me worried and I nodded quickly. "Yeah! Just hot.", I answered back in reality. I could hear him mumble a 'Yes, you are.' and blushed even more. I looked at him with an shocked look for a second but soon that turned into a smile because he looked so derpy smirking like he did. I kissed his cheek and then we proceeded our walk towards the house. Ryan and Dallon had already carried all of the bags to the door and we're waiting there inpaitient. I helped Brendon to get to the door. He took out a chain of keys. Some looked really old and others were shining new. He unlocked the door and we got inside. We stayed in the hallway in shock.

There was a woman with a man and they literally licked off each others faces. "Uhhh...", I said confused and looked at Brendon who had already face palmed. "How could I forget this.", he said disappointed and the two persons were now looking at us. The man way more shocked then the woman. "Brendon, sweety! Have you never heard of knocking?", she said and fixed her hair. Then she hugged him. A little to long in my opinion. "Hey... Kelly...", Brendon said really awkward because she was still hugging him. "I totally forgot that I gave you a key for my house.", he mumbled and she finally let go of him. "Yeah! That was very kind of you. And I've only been here five or six times the last months.", she said but I could tell she was lying. The man who hung at her lips some moments ago still stood there very awkward. "And you brought your.... little sister?", she asked then looking at me. What? Did I look that young? I was raging up. "No, she's my girlfriend. (Y/n).", he introduced me. I just nodded but said nothing. Instead I just pulled him a little closer to me what caused him to nearly loose his balance but because he was holding onto me anyways he didn't fall. "Such a young girl? Oh my.", she said in a bitchy voice looking up and down on me. "I'm 19!", I lied. Well I was nearly 19 sooo... I didn't know how old Brendon exactly was but he looked like 24 or something to me so it should be fine. She still looked at me judgingly. Then she hugged me too but nearly pressed all my organs together.

Then he went to Ryan and Dallon. "Two handsomes aren't ya?", she asked them biting her lip. What a bitch. The other stranger still didn't know what to do and just watched. Ryan didn't care about her at all. He played with his fingers. Dallon just looked at her confused. I used the time and whispered something into Brendons ear. "Is she...?" He shook his head. "She's normal."

Dallon tried to ignore her but she seemed to get closer to him every second. He looked very uneasy but luckily Brendon saved him. "So, Kelly. Who's this guy?", he asked her. She just shook her head. "Not important." I could see how the heart of this poor man broke. I didn't get why he wanted her in the first place but well. "Okay, uhm... could you please leave us now. As you maybe see we wanted to move in here now, so...", she looked at us a little confused but then she nodded. "Sure, bye guys.", she said then and hugged everyone again. The other man just awkwardly left. When the door was closed Brendon sighed. "I'm sorry, I forgot that I gave her a key. I asked her to look after the house and stuff like that.", he said and I walked over to the couch with him and let him sit down. "It's okay. We will unpack everything, right?", I said asking the other too but they already sat beside Brendon on the couch. I sighed. "Okay, I'll unpack my things then. Where can I put them?", I said a bit disappointed. Brendon pointed into the direction of the room and had a weird smile on his face. I didn't understood it and just got my things into the room. I had unpacked like half of my things when I could hear a knock on the doorframe. I turned around and there was Brendon. Wait? He stood on his own? "You can stand on your own?", I asked him confused and he smiled. "Even more.", he said and walked around. He even jumped and danced a bit. I looked at him in surprise. "Since when???", I asked. "I think the whole day already.", he said chuckling. I looked at him confused. He came closer towards me. "I liked how you helped me.", he whispered and I blushed. "Uhh.... of course I would help you!", I said trying my hardest not to full on blush. Worked more or less. He smirked and kissed me. I kissed him back gladly and he hold me close with one hand on my neck and the other one at my back. I lay both of my arms on his shoulders and enjoyed the kiss. My whole body tingled but it felt good. We were beginning to deepen the kiss when I heard a loud. "Oh! Sorry!"

It was Dallon who already walked away again. We both laughed. After a small peck on the lips I proceeded unpacking my stuff. And soon all the other guys did too. Ryan and Dallon had their own rooms and I shared mine with Brendon. The situation of one of them walking into us while we kissed repeated itself way too often this past week. So we called some guys who knew how to built a lock into a door. Eventually we saw that we would need some more furniture and stuff like that because we were four persons. Dallon wanted to go but Ryan and me went with him. Brendon was left to clean up. He was pretty unhappy with that. "Come on guys! Why so I have to clean??", he whined and we laughed. "I'm sorry but you were the last one at breakfast today.", I said chuckling cupping his face with my hands giving him a kiss. "Well be back soon.", I said in a voice like a mother to her child. He nodded and pouted. "Don't you dare pouting! You know I get weak when you do this! But not this time.", I said like a mother and then we both laughed. "See you soon. Love you!", he said before kissing me a last time. "Love you too." Then we got out.

We walked around the store a bit but we didn't really find anything. So I suggested that we could search the Web. It would be much easier and cheaper. Both of the guys nodded. But u asked the guys if we could go and buy some normal food because I still liked the tasted of it although it didn't make my hunger dissappear. They agreed and we went buying some food instead. I bought some heart shaped chocolate too for Brendon who needed to clean all the time. Then we were on our way home. We sang all together in the car. I had my music on and they seemed to like it too what made me happy.

When we arrived I got the bags put of the car and refused to let the others help. Dallon unlocked the door for me and I entered first. That was a mistake. What I saw stole my breath. There was Kelly lying on the couch. But that was not everything. Brendon was on top of her. Kissing her. Her dress was already somewhat loose and both of their hair was a mess. I could hear Dallon and Ryan gasp. I just threw the shopping back inside the room and rushed out. Without looking back once.

I couldn't comprehend what I just saw. I didn't want to either. That was horrible. I felt like everything coming back to the cave back then was the biggest mistake I ever made. I knew I wasn't important. He just played with me. I was his doll. That's it. Nothing more. Maybe even less. I could feel the streams of tears running down my face as I was running into a random direction. I was just following this one street. The rest of the surroundings were trees. I just ran and cried and didn't know what to feel. I felt anger. I felt sadness. I felt lonelyness. Black-blue. That's what Tyler would've said. Eventually I left the street and went deep down into the forest. I didn't know where to go. But I couldn't go back there. I wasn't wanted that was sure. Brendon can have fun with her and just leave me alone. I'm not good enough anyways. I felt my phone in pocket buzz but I didn't even bother to get it out and look at it. It was probably one of the guys. Or Brendon wanting to explain. But what should he explain. That I wasn't good enough? That I never will be. Of course my brain needed to remind me of their song Always and the time he sung thus to me after he found out that I cut. I began to cry even harder and fell onto my knees. I screamed. I cried. I didn't know what to do. I felt so helpless. Where should I go now. I had nobody. Nobody missed me. Nobody needed me. I just stayed there and cried and screamed.

Eventually I transformed. I ripped the bandages of my arm and began to dig my claws into my own flesh. Cutting through it as deep as possible. Mutliple times until I didn't saw a spot that wasn't bleeding anymore. It bled a lot and I cried. My tears dropped into the wounds and it burned even more. But I deserved that. It was foolish of me to think that somebody like Brendon or somebody at all would truly love me. There was no reason to do so. Many people made that clear but he made it the clearest. The worst part was that I still felt love for him. I didn't hate him. Why? Why can't I just hate him?!

Because of the huge blood loss I began to feel dizzy and collapsed onto the ground.

A/N: much happening in this chapter. ^^ and i wanted to ask you guy something. In case it would come to some kinky scenes: should I write them out or just skip them? If I write them out I will put a warning in front of course.

Shout out to @beeboandhisbandmates books btw

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