'Chapter twenty'

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Your POV

You felt a soft touch on your shoulder and opened your eyes slowly. It was your mother who had tried to waking you up as light as possible. "Hey, you slept for nearly two days now, you must be really hungry.", she whispered. You immediately sit straight on your bed. "Two days??" But then you nodded because you were really hungry.

You stand up still a little sleepy and followed your mother to the kitchen. She already prepared bread and cereal. As soon as you sat down you began to eat. You've never eaten that fast before. You shoved one slice of bread after the next one into your mouth and ate a bit of cereal in between. Your father and mother just smiled at you as you did this but you didn't pay attention to them. You wanted to fill you empty stomach. After what felt like 20 slices of bread and 10 bowls of cereal you finally had enough and pushed the plate aside gently. "Thank you.", you said happy and leaned back.

Your mother and father just finished their second slice and got up to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. "Glad you liked it (y/n).", your mother said happy and smiled at you. "By the way. When are you planning to go to school again? I mean I don't want to push, but it wouldn't be good if you had to repeat too much stuff on your own.", your mother mentioned then. "...you're right...", you said lost in thought. Then you looked at the clock. It was in the morning. You would have time to go to school. "I think I can like go now?", you said more question like. "Great idea! I can drive you if you want to.", your father said and sounded proud of you. You nodded slowly. "I just need to pack my back and put on some new clothes and stuff but I have enough time for that.", you told your father and after he nodded you made your way back to your room.

As you closed the door you just stood there for a second. Why do they want me to go to school already? Don't they care about me...? Those questions were in your hair as you put on new clothes (and make up) and put all your stuff into your bag. As you finished you went back to your father and walked to his car with him.

The two of you drove in silence. You had enough going on inside your head and didn't want to talk. And he was obviously the same. He just said goodbye as you needed to leave for school. Weird.

You entered your school grounds. All was pretty much the same. Students were going in and out and you could see some through the window. You proceeded to walk to your classroom and tried to open that door as quiet as possible because you didn't want to be noticed. And you weren't. Not even your friends payed attention. You sat down on your seat and then your friend (f/n) turned around and screamed. You flinched and looked up shocked. You were inside a hug soon after that. "Oh my god, you're alive! (Y/n) we missed you! What happened to you?", she yelled while hugging you tight.

You could barely breath but she needed to let you go because the teacher came in. You could feel the eyes of the other students on your back but you tried to ignore them as much as possible. The teacher didn't even noticed that you were th ere again and just did his job. In the breaks your friends tried to push some information out of you but you would never tell them about Brendon and what happened. All the other students of your class just watched you judging. They probably didn't see the news and thought that I was skipping class all the time. Whatever. As long as they leave me be.

They day got by slowly and you returned to your home alone. After all that happened you thought maybe you closest friend (f/n) would stay with you on your way or that your father would get you... but well. Looks like I'm not worth the effort... you thought.

As soon as you got home you told you parents that you were really tured so you went to your room and you actually sleeps some more. Tomorrow would be another day of school. Maybe this one will be better.

Let's see.

A/N: Im sorry you had to wait that long but I'm really busy with school and other stuff right now. Also I wasn't well the last days... but here is the new chapter. I hope you like it although theres no Beebo involved. :)

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