'Chapter fifty nine'

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Your POV


I heard Brendons confused voice from the other side of the door. I was so glad to hear his voice and he didn't sound like he was in pain either. That was relieving. I sighed happily. He was alive and well. Good. I looked over at Ryan and he looked as relieved as me. "It's us!", I yelled and tried to figure out how we could open the door from this side.

I let my fingers run over the cold metal and tried to find weak spots in the door or anything like that. There had to be something like that. The lock was still in tact and didn't look used at all. Dammit. I fiddled around with my nails even with claws but it didn't do anything. I slowly shock my head at Ryan as he looked at me with a questioning face.

"How the fuck did you come out?", I heard Brendons voice again. Now louder. He must be closer to the door. So he's most likely not tied onto anything either. So far so good. "We killed the guy who brought us food." "You got food?!", now Dallon spoke up as well. "Yeah, ...", Ryan said and we were both thinking the same. We just got a special treatment because we had this ... special task... A shiver ran down my spine only thinking about it.

"Well get you out of there!", I said then loudly looking around. There was still the scent of dead in the air. "Maybe the guy has the right keys?", I suggested and walked back to room one as fast as I could. The demon was still lying there. I made a face and crouched down next to the corpse. Then I searched around in his pockets. I felt uneasy while doing so. It just wasn't normal to search for keys on a corpse. Also I felt like being watched. I didn't like this at all. My heart beat got faster and I was ready to change forms of necessary. Hurrying while searching the pockets I found a key chain. But there was only one key on it. It was probably the key for our door but maybe it functioned with all doors. I could only hope.

I stood up fast and ran back to Ryan. I was feeling safer now. Much safer but I still turned around a few times to see if someone would be there. I handed Ryan the key. "That's all I found...", I said quietly. He tried it but it didn't work. "Fuck.", he cursed and let the key fall to the ground. "I'm sorry.... maybe the other guard is somewhere out there?", I suggested and pointed to the main door. Ryan shrugged but I already walked towards the door. Ryan whisper yelled at me to stop but I ignored him. We needed to get both of them out of there.

I opened the door a bit to look through the gap. There was indeed a demon on the other side. He seemed rather sleepy and swung from one leg to the other in boredom. I think he even sang something. But he didn't saw me yet. Parts of my skin turned grey and I felt the horns peeking through. My claws rested on the door and I peeked through. I wouldn't need my wings right now so I didn't let them appear. I pushed the door open a little more and he still didn't saw me. What an idiot. And a little bit more. Just enough that I fit through. I breathed a few times to calm down a little and concentrated on what I had to do.

I charged towards the demon with my claws in front of me and ran him over. My nails immediately digged into his skin. He flinched in pain and tried to breath free but couldn't. He was too surprised. Eventually I sat on top of him and tried keeping his arms on the floor while trying to get one hand free to kill. But each time I raised one hand he was able to free one arm. That was going on for a while until I decided another method of killing. I opened my mouth and dug my teeth into his neck. I felt the vein pulsate in my mouth before I bit down. Blood filled my mouth and it was disgusting. Demon blood was disgusting. The pulsating stopped and I ripped out part of his neck. The blood flew out of his neck and I felt the life leave him. His arms didn't protest anymore and his eyes stared into nothing. I sighed and wiped my mouth with my hand before getting off him. Then I did the same as with the other one. Searching searching searching. I had to find something and it better be the right key for the door. I will kill every fucking demon in this hole to open this door even if I die while doing it. I didn't care. I needed to free them out of there. And after that I would free them from me. Then they wouldn't get in trouble ever again and could live their lifes how they want to. Without me destroying them. Making everything more difficult and more dangerous. They didn't have to fear for their or my lifes. Everything will be better once I'm gone.

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now