'Chapter eleven'

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Your POV


My heart began to beat faster as he said that I could go out. I was so happy. That I would be tied to him didn't bothered me at all. I totally understood that. I wanted to hug hum because I was so happy but I decided otherwise.

 I searched for windows but of course there weren't any down here. "How long do I have to wait until it gets dark?" I asked excited and wanted to jump around but then I felt a strong pain in my stomach I totally forgot about that wound there. I flinched and inhaled air through my teeth. I closed my eyes and tried to cencentrate on not falling.

To my surprise I felt hands grabbing my arms and helping me stand again. I looked up and I looked into brown eyes. I could get lost in those. Wait no! That's not right! I looked to the ground again and mumbled a thank you. "Before you can get out I need to stitch your wound. And you need new clothes." He said and pulled my arm carefully as a sign for me to follow him.

He dragged me into the room were he once tortured me. I was a little afraid what would happen now. Did he just played being nice? Would he torture me again because I wanted to go out so bad?

He sat me on a iron table. "Please lie down.", he said calmly. I hesitated but did as I was told. After I lied down he tied me to the table. My arms and my legs. I looked at him with terrefied eyes. He looked at me for a second but left me then to get something. "It's gonna hurt and I don't want you to move, otherwise I can't stich it up.", Brendon said from the other side of the room.

I began to breath faster and I shivered. He came back with a box full of surgery stuff. I could see some scalpels and syringes. He didn't took those though. He took a needle and a thread. He really wanted to stich my wound. Brendon walked away again and came back with a bottle of alcohol.

He put his hand on the edge of my shirt but hesitated. "May I?", he asked politely and I nodded slowly. He lifted my shirt which stuck onto my wound because of the dry blood. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. He fastly ripped my shirt off the wound and I flinched. He looked at me with a worried look after that but continued. He poured a lot of the alcohol on my wound and I nearly screamed but I could hold it back, because I knew that others weren't supposed to hear.

"You can scream as loud as you want. It's better for my image and for your life if others think I'm torturing you.", he said as he saw how much I tried not to scream. After that I screamed my lungs out as he stichted my wound. I cried too. After Brendon was finished he gave me a glad of water and cleaned up the needle and the new blood that came out of my wound. He put bandages around my waist and helped me sit up again.

"Are you okay?", he asked then. I nodded and my stomach accually felt better now. It still hurt but I felt that it was cleaned and stiched now. "Thanks", I said then but he walked away immediately as I said that. "Brendon?"

"Don't thank me for that!", he said kind of angry and I was a little afraid that he would destroy something like last time. He stopped and turned half around. "Sorry. But you shouldn't thank me for that because I did it to you. I'm just cleaning up my mistakes.", he explained and turned his back towards me again. I looked at him in disbelief. Is he regretting that he hurt me?

I stood up slowly and pulled my shirt all the way down. Then I decided to walk over to him. "Still thank you." I said now a little bit louder then a mumble. He turned around and looked at me kind of annoyed but kind of happy too? I was confused.

"It should be dark in a few hours. Then we can go. Oh, are you hungry? You didn't ate for three days now.", he asked as he walked over to the fridge. I was excited to go out but he was right. I was really hungry.

"Yeah... I could eat something."

A/N: That's probably the biggest shit I ever wrote. I'm sorry.

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