'Chapter two'

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Brendons POV

I pulled my hand out of her stomach. Smiling deviously I licked the blood off my hand. It tasted delicious. The girl lied there lifeless, so I could pick her up, without problems. I carried her on my shoulder and walked back to the other demons. All ranked lower than me. Besides Dallon. We are the same rank.

Normally we don't hunt for ourselfes but it gets really boring just sitting around like a fool. Where is the fun in that? You don't get to see their scared faces. Don't hear their screams. And there cold when you get them. Just boring.

Dallon looked at me. I saw a little bit dissapointment. He looked down at my victim and back up to me. He stood next to at least 5 dead persons.
"Just one?", he asked sceptical. I sighed and looked at the pile if lifeless bodies. All had open necks. How boring.
"At least I had fun killing her.", I sassed him and let the girl fall to the ground. Dallon was about to say something, but changed his mind and picked up the bodies.
"We should head back. It's gonna be morning soon.", he said and left me with the girl. I nodded and picked her up, then followed him.

We walked into the secret location every demon in LA has to bring his victims. It's in an old subwaystation. But everywhere are torture chambers. I split up from the rest. To get to my own chamber since the girl looks very dead to me. My plan is to eat her raw. I opened the dark red door and stepped into a big room. It is one of the biggest down here. I throw the body in the corner and stepped over it. Then I went to the bathroom I had down here. All my clothes were filled with blood and there were stains on my skin too. I decided to shower. I threw my clothes into the laundry and stepped into the shower. The warm water run down my body and I started to wash the blood off.

Your POV

Everything was spinning and my stomach hurt like hell. I wanted to scream, but that would just hurt way more, so I didn't. I groaned instead. When my eyes opened a bit I could see a big room. A desk in the middle and swords and knifes on the wall. I swallowed. Then I looked down my body. I saw a big bloodstain on my shirt and looked at it in fear. Slowly the memories startet to come back and I held my head with one hand. The man. Am I in his ...room? Am I dead?

I could hear water in the next room, so u assumed he was there. I have to get out of here. Quickly! I tried to stand up, while holding onto the wall. I tried not to scream. But I wasn't strong enough. I collabsed on the ground again. Then the sound of water goes off. I looked around fearfully. My eyes begin to water because of fear and pain. I crawled towards the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.
Just then I heard footsteps and looked over my shoulder to see the man, who attacked me. He looked at my confused and just stand in the doorframe. He didn't wear a shirt just black jeans.

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