'Chapter fifty two'

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Your POV

I was walking down a road. It was night and cold. I closed my jacket. I looked to the apartments to my left side. There was an old lady looking outside the window watching what happened. There were mostly cars driving by and me. There were no other people here. She looked at me grumpy. I tried to avoid her gaze and proceeded walking. My breath turned into white clouds in front of me but they faded right away. I didn't felt that cold but it must've been.

I proceeded walking. I didn't know where I wanted to go. I just knew where to go. The world around me began to looked familiar but still kinda odd. Everything had a weird touch of colour and was slightly weird. It was a little blurry and faded. I tried to look inside the windows but the people inside where more shadows then real people. Still I wasn't questioning anything. It felt normal. Something inside me told me that it wasn't right but I ignored that part of me. All the other parts of me told me that everything was great and that I should just keep walking.

At the end of the road was a house that wasn't blurry at all. All the colours were like day time. Everything seemed warm and lovely. I recognised that house immediately. It was my former home. Where I lived with my parents. I felt the warm feeling inside me. The warm loving feeling. I started to walk faster and ignored all the other houses. I didn't see how they melted away to black liquid. I didn't see how they started to hold onto my legs. I fought them off without even thinking of them. I started to run. I was so happy to see the house where I grew up again. I felt my eyes getting wet.

When I was at the door I didn't even bother to knock. I just opened the door and ran inside. All of the sudden all warm lights were gone. Everything had a blue touch except the red. There was blood nearly everywhere. I heard screams. My mother screamed. She begged for her life. I ran towards the room where the voice came from. I ran into my parents bedroom and there was my mother. Tied onto the bed. I looked around ready to kill who ever had done this.

But there was nobody and as I looked towards my mother she looked at me fearing for her life. I needed to save her. I wanted to get towards her when she kicked out in my direction. I jumped backwards. What?! "Don't touch me!", she yelled at me in fear. I looked at her confused and wanted to reach out for her. Then I saw that my hands were claws and my arms were bleeding. I pulled my arms back immediately. "You're a failure! We never wanted you! It's all your fault! Look what you had done! It's all because of you!", she yelled and while she did that her face began to change slightly. I stretched out weirdly and the skin began to rip off flying onto the ground. Her face was only muscle and blood. She proceeded yelling at me. I screamed out of fear and began to cry. I ran out of the room. I had never been this afraid in my life.

The next room I entered was like a normal room. There was Dallon in the corner. I was so relieved to see him. I rushed over and grabbed his arm. "Dallon! You need to..." He cut me off by pushing me away. "You destroyed everything! If you wouldn't be here everything would be normal! You are the reason Brendon got weak! You are the reason he cut!", Dallon yelled and turning into demon. But not only that. He got much bigger then he already was. I ran out of the room again.

The next one I entered was like a cell. There was Ryan who was changed up at his ankle. "Ryan!", I said on the verge of tears. He looked at me with hateful red eyes. They seemed to be everywhere. "You are a failure of a reincarnation. You are nothing like my sister. My sister saved us. You are too weak. You can't save anybody. And you destroyed my relationship.", he hissed at me and the eyes seemed to get closer as he did. "Ryan, I...", I stumbled and took a few steps backwards. "I wish you would be dead! Go kill yourself! It's better for everyone!", he yelled and I ran out crying just to enter the bathroom which Brendon owned under the ground with his rooms.

He was taking a shaving blade to his arm. He pressed down and cut right through his skin without moving a muscle. I ran over. "Brendon!", I cried out and he pushed me away. Then he proceeded cutting like I wasn't there. "You are the reason why I am doing this. You. And only you. You broke me. You made me weak.", he said and drew line by line on his arm. "Because of you I lost the respect of the others. I had to leave home. They're all laughing at me. They all think I am weak. And they're right. You made me weak. There's no point for me staying here any longer. I lost it all.", he said and with that he made a huge vertical cut at his wrist on both sides. Black fluid stated to flow out and I rushed over to catch him ad he began to collapse. "Nononononooooo!", I yelled and hold him close but his eyes were already dead. "You can't leave me! I need you! I never meant to cause this! I will leave you if you want that but you can't die! Brendon! I love you! Don't die!", I yelled at him and shook him. He didn't move and I began to scream and cry and shake him harder.

I woke up in the middle of the night bathed in sweat and screaming. My face was all wet from crying. I felt Brendon holding my shoulders and turned my head. There he was looking at me worried. "(Y/n)? What happened?", he asked me caring. I saw Ryan and Dallon standing in the doorframe looking at me in shock. I curled up into a crying ball and Brendon hugged me. He was close to me and stroked my back while ebbing me back and forth. I could sense that he was telling the guys to leave. Then he kissed my head and hold me close. "Shhh... everything's fine. You're safe. Whatever that nightmare was its not true. I will protect you. I will keep every harm off you. Nothing bad will touch you. I promise you that.", he whispered while resting his head on mine. I tried to nodded but failed and started to cry even harder. I was afraid he would push me away and all would yell at me again. All was my fault.

I hugged Brendon back ready to never let go and cried onto his shirt. He tried to calm me down with words but it didn't really work. It was just too much horror that I had seen. So he lay me down and as I began to twitch in fear because he wasn't there he immediately lay down beside me. Pulling the covers over us both and hugging me closely. Now that the blanket was over us I felt safer then before but I still had all those pictures in front of my inner eye. My mother's face coming off. Dallon getting gigantic. Ryan and the red eyes staring at me and Brendon. Dead.

He still stroked my back while I was sisterly sobbing. "Everything will be fine. Calm down. Please. Do you remember our song Always? I told you to think of i...", he began caring but I cut him off with a weak voice. "I saw you kill yourself.", I whispered and he stopped stroking my back for a second but proceeded then. "I saw you cutting through your veins and I was the reason why. I saw Ryan and many red eyes staring at me wishing I was dead. I saw Dallon who was ready to kill me because I made you weak and I saw my mother. Tied to her own bed while her face ripped off calling me a failure...", I said and started to sobbing again. I clawed onto his shirt to keep him close to me. He kissed my head before answering. "All those things aren't true. You aren't a failure. You're the most amazing human I ever met. And you aren't the cause of everything bad. And you aren't the reason for me to kill myself. You are the most important reason for me to stay alive.", he said while his voice cracked at the end. "And please don't think killing yourself would be a good idea just because of what you dreamed. I need you and I love you with all I have. Everything you dreamed was false, please know that.", he said with a weak voice.

While he said that I began to calm down a little. It was like his words were fighting all the memories of the dream away. "Thank you. I love you too. I'm sorry.", I whispered and looked up at him. He gave me a kiss and smiled at me. "Don't apologise. Also...", he said kissing my cheek. "...your eyes are all puffy and that's very cute.", he said and chuckled. He was trying to get me think of other things and I was thankful for that. I pouted back at him. "So you like seeing me sad?", I asked jokingly and he looked at me a little shocked. "Nono! That's not... I mean..." "I'm kidding. Don't worry.", I said smiling. He smiled in relief.

I turned my head to look at the clock. 5 am. I tried to sleep again but I wasn't tired anymore at all. "I can't sleep...", I whispered and Brendon looked down on me. "I can imagine... do you want to go into the living room and maybe watch something? But it has to be rather quiet.", he suggested and I nodded. We both got up and when we walked towards the door he grabbed my hand and hold it close. I pulled our hands towards my face and kissed his. I couldn't quite see it in the dark but I bet he was blushing a bit.

We walked into the living room and zapped through the channels until something decent was played. We sat down onto the couch and I leaned against him. We made the TV as quiet as somehow possible so the others would wake up. Eventually the light of the TV made me tired and I fell asleep. This time I didn't dream at all. I was awoken by someone shaking me. As I opened my eyes I saw Ryan.

"Breakfast is ready."

A/N: Im sorry I haven't post in a while. I didn't had a good idea recently so I upload just now ^^"

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