'Chapter thirty four'

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A/N: drawing by beebboob thank you again ^^

Your POV

"If you love me let me go."

The last words I heard from Brendon. I just stood there and didn't believe what I saw. Dallon still held onto me and didn't even let go as they closed the door as they went out. I was shivering on the whole body. Eventually Dallon let go of me and I literally fell to the ground and just stared at the door. I just stared at the door while Dallon cleaned up the blood in the bathroom. He probably found the blade too but I didn't care. He already saw my arms and the fact that Brendon was away now was way more important.

What should I do now without him? I needed him. He can't just leave me alone. We need to get him back. I don't care how. We will get him. Right? We can do it! Right? All of the sudden I felt something cold on my arm. When I awoke out of my trance I could see that Dallon wanted to clean my arm. I flinched at first but thanked him with a nodd. It burned a bit but it wasn't worse than cutting in general. I put the bandage around my arm that Brendon wanted to put there before that happened. Whatever happened to him.

When he was finished I managed to stand up and speak. "What are they gonna do with him? Where are they gonna bring him?", I asked Dallon. Pleading that he had answers. And he did. He had answers but they weren't good. "Well, I'm pretty sure they torture and test him now to see why he was different...", he admitted bitter. "All my fault...", Dallon said before he left the room again. I didn't knew what he meant with that though. So I followed him. Well tried to. I was still really shocked and weak because of the bloodloss.

Eventually I got to him. "What do you mean with that?", I asked curious and kinda scared of the answer now. "Huh?", he asked back. "You said it was all your fault. Why did you say that?", I explained and he immediately looked trapped. He turned around to do something unnecessary and hoped I would leave it now but I didn't. I wanted to know. I needed to know what he had to do with all that. "Why?"

Dallon sighed and turned back to me. He scratched the back of his neck. "I don't come around telling you, huh?", he asked and I shook my head. He covered his face with his hand for a moment before he sat down on the couch. He didn't look at me. "Well, you know. It's my fault that Brendon isn't normal.", he admitted and I raised an eyebrow. "How's that?", I asked back. "I have like connections to..." he pointed onto the ceiling and I looked at him in confusion. "...angels...", he said and looked away. "What?! They exist???", I nearly screamed. He sushed me and nodded. "I was friend with one before I turned demon, and he really helped me there. I probably hadn't survived everything without him... and we didn't broke contact when I turned demon. Then he had an idea for an experiment. I mean you know how humans get turned into demons, right?", he asked and left a pause for me to answer. I nodded rapidly. I wanted him to go ahead with the story. "Okay, well I was the one turning Brendon into a demon. It was centuries ago." I looked at him in surprise. He did turn Bredon demon?? "And my friend wanted to find out something. So we made a little experiment. As I mixed my blood with Brendons I put some angel blood in his blood too to see what happens." I looked at him weirder out. "How the fuck could you do that to him??", I shouted at him. He ran his hand through his hair. "I didn't care about anything at that time. Really. The only reason to stay alive was my friend and I didn't even know Brendon back then... sorry", he said looking at me. "Why?", I asked carefully. "Why what?" "Why was your only reason to stay alive your one friend.", I said. That thought had hit me really hard and distracted me a bit from the main topic. I wanted to know why Dallon felt that way.

"Things weren't easy. I didn't have any friends beside that one and I didn't know he was an angle at first. Actually he is an guardian angle. He's watching over another one now, who seems to have a hard life. I was bullied really bad. Not just by students, also by the teachers.They laughed about how tall I was and that I looked weird. They just made fun of everything I did. It helped to talk to this friend.", he explained. "How's his name?", I interrupted him. He hesitated a bit but told me then. "His name is Josh. And he's now the guardian angle of a boy named Tyler. They seem to come along quiet well. The only thing is that nobody believes him that Josh is really because he's too weak right now to make himself visible to everybody. It's like with out demon form. You need strength too change forms. And that strength is missing so he can't make himself visible to any other human than Tyler. It's kinda sad that no one believes in Josh. He's nice. Tvey even found a treehouse...", he said now kinda said and I nodded understanding. But I stoll wanted to know what happened to Brendon. "I understand... and because you didn't want to loose a friend you did what he said." He nodded. "He was my guardian angel back then but was visible to everybody. He helped me when everybody made fun of me and when my father hit me. But he sadly wasn't there when I transformed the first time. It was way messier than yours...  I was so filled with anger that I stayed this first anger demon state for two days. I killed my parents and many classmates until Josh could get me out of this for at demon transformation. That's why I hated myself even more and trusted in everything Josh said. After nothing seemed to happen with Brendon we didn't talk that often anymore. He said that he needed to fully concentrate on Tyler. That he needed him more. And that's true. I befriended myself with Brendon. And actually I had nearly forgotten about this.", he said and stood up. "I just don't understand why you are special. Why you have red eyes like Ryan. I mean you don't even share a bloodline, right?", ,he asked and I was confused. "Ryan? Who's that?", I asked back but stayed sitting. I wasn't strong enough to stand. Dallon looked at me with a busted look. I guess he wasn't supposed to talk about this Ryan. "... he was another demon that got killed like a hundred years ago because he was 'special'. He had red eyes like yours. And he had wings.", he said looking rather uncomfortable. I looked back in surprise. "What?" "But he never said anything about why he was different. He was older than me but never said how old but it seemed like he lived for a long time. Sometimes he began to speak weirdly. Like people in 1700 would speak or something. He even brabbled some Latin sometimes. I don't know why he was that way and why your line him. But we're gonna find out." I was overwhelmed by all that sudden information and I was still sad and shocked because they took Brendon. "But first we need to get your lover back.", he said and half smiled. I guess he wanted to make me a little happy again. I went with the joke and chuckled.

"So where did they bring him? Do you know that?", I asked and tried to stand up. Which seemed to function. Dallon seemed to think, so I made my way to the fridge and took something meaty. I ate it without really looking at it, otherwise I might couldn't eat it. I still have to get used to human flesh when I'm not in my demon form where my instincts are active.

"I think I have a idea."

A/N: some of Dallons back story and an explanation for Brendons change, also sorry for all the people who got reminded of the forest fic.

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