'Chapter twenty six'

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Your POV

I opened the door as quiet as possible. But that didn't matter because my parents waited right in the doorway for me. Now more angry then worried. My mother stood there with crossed arms and my father had his eyebrows raised up as high as possible. I stepped in and closer the door because I didn't want to worry Brendon. I also typed a quick sms to him. I prepared for the angry voices.

And everything was how I expected it. The usual. 'Why was I not home?' 'They worried sooo much.' 'They thought I could have died.' Bla bla bla.... but in the end they told my how bad I was and that they're so disappointed by me. Nothing new though. I was used to that. I mean.. they aren't wrong or anything. I am a failure. That's it.

After what felt like hours of angry parents talk I was allowed to go to my room. And I knew exactly what to do now. There was no way to stop me and I didn't want to not do it. They're right all the time. I'm a piece of shit. I fell in love with a demon. Like what the hell?
So I did what I deserved. I got my blade I had hidden and some tissues. My parents would think that I was asleep and not interrupt me. I put the blade on my skin and pressed down. It didn't hurt at first, so I pressed down harder until it did. Then I sliced through my skin. I repeated it a couple times so my lower arm was filled with like twenty cuts until I put the blade down. Then I relief how deep I cut but I didn't hurt more than usually. It even hurt less. The cuts where wide. All of them. But I still put tissues on it so I wouldn't bleed all over my things.
*trigger end*

After I hide my blade and cleaned up everything I went to bed. At first I couldn't sleep but then I finally did. I didn't know what I dreamed. I only knew that it was weird as hell. My alarm forced me to wake up. I streched and rolled out of my bed looking very tired. I went into the bathroom to get ready. As I stripped off my pyjama I saw the cuts from last night. They were really deep but they didn't look like they would be from last night. They looked like they are some days old. Weird. I proceeded getting ready for school. I put on black trousers and a black hoodie with the words "Too weird too live, too rare to die" on it. I bought this sweater in an scone hand shop and the words sound kinda cool in my head. (Maybe make up and stuff like that, depends if you wear it.)

I walked out of the house. This times my parents didn't say good bye. They were probably pissed because of yesterday... whatever. I got to school in time and sat down on my place. Soon all students were in school. And my friends talked to me for a bit before the lesson started. All the subjects were as boring as always until we had biology last period. I totally forgot that our topic was the human body. Well I never really listened so. This time it was all about skin and how well we can detect touches on our skin with our eyes closed. We needed to sit in pairs for that. Luckily I ask my friend fast enough so I wouldn't be the only one left again.

The bad thing was one of us had to free their lower arms from clothing so the other one could poke them a little bit with a needle when they had their eyes closed. Then when the needle wasnt on the skin anymore the one with the closed eyes had to guess where the pain was. Of course I didn't want to be the one being poked and luckily I was first of me and my friend to volunteer for the job of the poker.

She freed her lower arm from clothing and closed her eyes. I took the needle and pocket her a few times in different places. She could nearly detect them each time and I somehow liked to poke her so I poke her stronger after a while. And stronger. Eventually she said that it hurt and looked at me with a weirder out face. She was right. The was forming a little blood bubble on her arm. I went to deep. As I saw the blood I wasn't feeling bad for doing it. I just stared at the bubble getting bigger. My friend was weirded out by that and went away to the bathroom to wipe the blood away. Many people stared at me after that.
I was feeling so uncomfortable after that that I just wanted to cry. But of course I couldn't. When (y/f/n) came back I apologised but she ignored me and sat to the other ones. I was surprised by that. I didn't think she would be like that. She was so nice all the time. But now she just looked at me with disgust and chatted with other ones. Great. I probably lost all my friends now...

Finally the time was over so I made my way home as fast as possible. I could her laughter behind me but I didn't dare to turn around. I nearly ran home and got into my room. My oarents were working luckily. I threw my schoolbag into the last corner of my room and was about to cry out loud but I heard the doorbell and stopped myself. I opened the door and saw the tall demon standing there. I looked around but Brendon was nowhere to be found.

"Brendon is not with me. He doesn't know I'm here. And please don't tell him.", he said. Poorly I had forgotten his name already. "Uhm... sure.. Ehh..", I mumbled. "Dallon.", he said a bit dry. "Oh, I'm sorry, Dallon. Uhh.. do you want to come in or?",I asked awkwardly. He nodded and got in. I led him to the living room and he sat down on the couch. "So uh... why are you here?", I asked then. 

"Well, we both saw what was on Brendons arm, right? And I'm sure you don't want that either. We might have different reasons for that, but part of me doesn't want him to feel like that either.", he admitted and I stared at my feet. He was right I didn't want Brendon to feel like that. "I think the reason was you and that you left. So I thought I could ask you to come with me.", he said and pulled a small bottle filled with red liquid out of his pocket. As he opened the bottle a sweet smell filled the room. I nearly couldn't stop my self from reaching out to grab it but luckily only my finger flinched a bit.

"Well... I get what you mean. It's my fault after all. But my parents would be worried and what's with school? I can't just leave my life behind. What would happen if others would try to eat me?", I ask kinda worried. "They won't.", he said and looked up and down on me. I just looked at him in confusion. "I can smell it. You'll Turm fully demon in a bit. What did you do?", he asked getting kinda worried too. He even stood up again and came closer. I took a few steps back.
"Wha...? I.. no! I cant! Why? I know why but no! I can't turn into a demon!!"

I hold my hand in my hands and tried to calm down again. "But there's no way to stop it. I'm sorry but I saw you wanting to take my drink away from me. That's pretty human blood.", he said getting more understandable each second. "It would be better if you'd come with me. You could stay with Brendon. I know it's hard but when you're a demon you don't need to go to school.", he said trying to cheer me up. He wasn't that much of a bad guy after all.

But I couldn't just leave school right? I mean... well, I learned all the essentials and I really don't need school for a demon life... wait?? I cant!! I'm human!! But what if not? He was right. I hurt my friend today without feeling bad for it. "...yeah... I will come with you for now. But if your wrong and if I stay human you have to bring me back and find a way to explain it to my parents. For now I will write them a letter. I will write that I went away for a journey through the land or some shit like that. I hope they'll believe it for now. Just so they won't call the police...", I said still not thinking right. He nodded and smiled. I smiled back although I was confused by his smile. Well, whatever.

"Then let's get in the car."

A/N: wow long chapter without beebo. I'm sorry xD. But dallon is there. Also maybe the next chapter will be pretty soon because I'm in writing mode atm, but I need to make a little present for my mother for easter so I should do that first. Happy easter then btw!^^

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