'Chapter thirty'

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Your POV

I saw Brendon go in the shower. I sighed and stared at the ground. After a while my eyes wandered to the drawer in which Brendon the photo. I was curious what was on that photo that made him feel that way. After a while I got over to the drawer and opened it. In the lied a black and white photography. It seemed to be old. It showed Brendon with another guy. Probably a demon too then. Maybe it was one of his older band mates. He looked nice though. I firmly placed the photo back in the drawer and closed it.

I sat down on Brendon bed to think while he showered. What was so special with my eye colour? I mean. Why is it so special that I have red. What does that mean. And why we're they so in shook while looking at me then?

I looked at my hands in different angles but they seemed to be and stay normal. They didn't turn grey neither became to claws. I hope I could control my demon apareance. I will probably learn that here. I thought about those things for a while until I remembered something. I pulled up my sleeves to see the scars that were now two days old. They were faded. You could still see them but not as much as you should've. They nearly looked better than the ones I did over a week ago. Weird. Probably because I'm a demon now. Demon. Demon. Holy shit. I'm a demon!

I didn't hear water running out of the bathroom for nearly ten minutes now and Brendon was still in there. And to be honest. Nobody could shit that long. I was wondering what he was doing. So I went towards the bathroom and knocked. "Are you okay?", I asked carefully. "Oh, uh... yea", he said a little distracted. "Really?", I asked again. "Yup.", he answered. I was about to go when I smelled something. It was blood. But no human blood. Demon blood. It was his. Oh, no. I knocked again. "Brendon, open the door please.", I said. And so he did. He gave me a confused look as he opened the door. The smell came from his arms but he just made a new bandage about the wounds I caused. "Oh, you're just... I thought... whatever.", I said and turned around. "Wait.", he said and grabbed my shoulder. " you should probably take a shower too. He said pointing at all the blood stains on my body I had from what I did while I was in my demon form. "Oh, yeah. Your right.", I said and got some new clothes while Brendon got out of the bathroom. "Have fun.", he said jokingly and winked. I felt my face heating up and I stared to the ground while walking into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and took a shower. After that I put on the clothes I had taken with me (and make up etc if you wear it). Then I got out.

I was welcomed by a fantastic smell. I followed it and it led me into the kitchen. I was impressed. With that little of kitchen things Brendon actually cooked something. I speeded towards the pot with something in it. "What is that? Smells amazing!", I said while he was getting bowls. "Well, it's soup. Kidney soup.", he said and gave me one bowl. "Eat up. I'll show you how to control you inner demon after that.", he said and laughed. I half laughed. "One of the worst puns I ever heard.", I said but he still laughed while putting the soup into his bowl. I put some of that soup in mine too and tried not to think about that it's human soup.

After we both finished he got up and told me to sit down on the couch. I did as told. "So first. I need to know what you saw in your demon form.", he said. "Well everything was red exempt for myself. I could just see the outlines of things.", I said truthfully. He nodded. Then he got up and went away. He got back with a rope. "We need that then.", he said and tied me up before I could even ask why. "So, now it should be safe. Well, it's because you will turn demon now and I will try to break that red wall so you can think clearly while being a demon. Then he got to the fridge and got some human flesh. He hold it in front of my face. At first I looked at it in disgust but soon I began to change. The hunger wad back. Everything went red. I wanted to attack. I wanted to kill. To eat.
I couldn't break free of the ropes. I concentrated on my surroundings. And I could see a body moving. So I concentrated even more and my vision got clear. I could see Brendon who talked to me. He looked tired. I blokes a few times. "Brendon?", I asked then. "Finally...", he said and smiled. It took you long enough.",he said half asleep. "How long?",  I asked. "We started like nine hours ago. Normally it would take maximal two.", he said getting up. He took the ropes off and I looked at my still grey hands. "And how do I become normal again?", I asked him. He looked at me. "Why? I like you demon looks.", he said smirking and I blushed. "And you don't like my normal looks?", I asked jokingly and he looked at me with a realising look. "No! I didn't mean to say that! I just uhh... well... you look amazing either way.", he said looking trapped and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Just a joke. Don't worry.", I said laughing. He laughed with me then.

After that we went to bed again. Well both was kinda hard. Breaking through the red and talking for eight hours straight.

We were both exhausted and slept right as our faces his the pillows.

A/N:  well not much happening in this chapter but I hope you still like it :)

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