'Chapter twenty four'

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Your POV


I couldn't tell him. But I wanted to. It broke my heart seeing him like this. I screamed the words in my mind. The words that scared me the most to say to others. I never told anyone in person too. I just texted a close Internet friend. And that was only possible because I never met her and she was miles away. But I needed to tell him.


Come on brain! Let me tell him! Look how sad he is by the fact I can't speak right know. I needed to tell him! I mean it will make him sad too. Probably even sadder then he already was... I didn't want to trigger him... I shouldn't tell him. Right? Or should I? Maybe I could help him with other methods? I mean I know some but... I can't stop myself from real cutting... but maybe he can! He's a demon! He's strong!

"I c..."

Come on (y/n)! You can do this! I need to tell him! I couldn't lie to him.

"I cu..."

Just one letter! Go!

"I cut."

I finally managed to say. I did it. I said it. I said it out lout. I said it out loud to another person. And not just any person. I said it out loud to Brendon. Fuck! I began to panic. I hugged my legs and pulled them clothes. My eyes got wet and I breathed heavily. I couldn't see what exactly happened but I felt tow arms around me. He whispered the same thing over and over again. "It's okay.", it was so quiet that I didn't heard him sometimes. It helped a bit. After a while he bagan to sing something. I had never heard of this song before.

"When the world gets too heavy,
Put it on my back,
I'll be your levy
You are taking me apart
Like bad glue, on a get-well card
It was always you falling for me
Now there's always time calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road, blink back to let me know..."

His voice sounded so calming and beautiful. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly. His hug and his singing helped me to calm down and I stopped crying. He let go of me after a while and looked into my eyes. Oh no, he had his puppy eyes again. I looked to the ground.

"Do you want to talk about it?", he asked gently and I thought about it for a few seconds but I'm not able to talk anymore about that stuff for now. He nodded in response. "What about you?", I asked then. He seemed to think too. "Not today."

And with that he stood up and reached out a hand to help me up. I thanked him and stood next to him then. "How's normal life going?", Brendon asked me then. "Nothing special. I think half my class thinks I skipped school the last days but I don't care. They leave me alone so whatever."

He looked at me with a sad look again. "Sorry...", he admitted and lowered his head. "Why sorry? Before you kidnapped me it was exactly the same. Also except for the torture and wounds at the beginning I liked that week.", I said getting more quiet at the end scratching my neck. He looked at me in surprise. "...Really??"

"Yeah, finally something interesting happened.", I admitted once more. I took my phone out of my pocket.
"Shit! It's 1 am??? 47 missed calls from my mother and 22 from my father?? I'm so dead when I'm home. I'm sorry but I really have to go now!", I said sad and in a hurry. I wanted to go but then I stopped again. I turned around and hugged him one more time. As I let loose he still looked kinda confused. I gave him a kiss then and said good bye. "I will come tomorrow again. Tomorrow around 5 pm, yeah?", I shouted as I made my way out.
"Er.., yeah!", I could hear Brendon shout back.

With that I made my way to the train station and waited for my train to arrive.

A/N: so Option two was the only one voted for xD honestly didn't expect that to happen but I have nothing against it^^ here is the next chapter! Also THANK YOU for the many reads! ;^; I feel so honored!!❤
(I really like you when you know what brendon is singing ^^')

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now