'Chapter nineteen'

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Brendons POV

I was still sitting on my couch when I heard a knock. I stood up slowly and opened the door. There was Dallon he seemed angry. I let him in and sat down again. "Why did you ignore me?!", he asked without closing the door. Outside was Kenny. Another high ranked Demon. I looked at Dallon warning and looked back to Kenny.

"Kenny come in!", Dallon demanded. And so Kenny was in my room too. I looked to the ground. I wasn't feeling like talking or anything. "Brendon!", Dallon said louder. I looked up. "What?", I said my eyes switched between Kenny, who was clearly uncomfortable and Dallon. "Answer me!", Dallon said. "I wasn't in the mood for a fucking conversation.", I said annoyed by him.

"Where's the human?", he asked and I tensed up. I didn't want to talk about her. Not now. It's too early for that. "Human?", Kenny asked confused. So Dallon told him everything he knew. I didn't interrupt. Whatever. I didn't care about him knowing. He could tell it other ones and I would probably die painfully then, but I didn't care. Not about me. At least (y/n) is safe now.

Kenny just looked at me kinda shock when Dallon told him everything. Obviously he didn't understand. "I've never heard of anything like that...", he said slowly. I stood up. "Well yeah, nobody has. Because I have a fucking problem and am an abnormal fucking demon.", I said kinda annoyed now, but more because of me then him. "Leave me alone please. Both of you.", I said. Dallon looked like he wanted to protest bet didn't. Instead he said something. "Hunting is at 11 pm. Come if you want. It'll help you distract yourself", he said and left with Kenny.

He was probably right. I would need to distract myself. But right now I knew what to do. I returned to the bath and removed the bandage I had around my arm.  (*trigger again*) I took the blade again and settled it on my skin again. Added more cuts. Deeper this time. I wasn't worth anymore then this. I'm such a piece of shit. I stopped after the eleventh cut and bandaged my arm again. (*trigger end*) I put on a thicker hoodie for later. Then I got out of the bathroom into my bedroom. Just lying on the bed doing nothing. I tried to sleep but I couldn't.

I rolled around countless amounts of time. I looked at the clock like a thousand times until it was nearly 11 pm. I stood up and got out. I walked through the corridors ignoring everybody. Dallon, Kenny and a few other Demons where waiting outside the old subway station. When I got there they started walking. I just followed them. We split up and I walked away from the forest. In the opposite direction to search for victims. But (y/n) was in my mind the whole time. I couldn't concentrate at all. I arrived at a train station. It was empty though. Nobody was out that hour.

I could see a silhouette in the distance. It looked female. For some stupid reason my head though about it being (y/n) so i hurried towards this silhouette hoping it would be her. The closer I got the more I could see how the person looked. And it wasn't her. It was some other girl. She seemed to walk home too. I hated myself for thinking it was (y/n). I turned around and walked back.

Fuck this.

A/N: Here you go ^^ next chapter. And don't forget that you can always message if you want something to happen

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