'Chapter forty'

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Brendons POV

I was waiting in the main room for (Y/n). She probably was getting Ryan. I really hoped it wouldn't be too awkward between us too now. He was away for a century and I just... I just don't love him anymore like I love (y/n). I hope we can just be friends. That should be possible, right?

Me and Dallon didn't really talk while waiting. I was still a bit mad at him for putting angle blood in me but to be fair he didn't knew me back then. And he hadn't the easiest start. So actually I couldn't be mad at him but it was weird to know that angle fluid was in me all this time. Like what the hell?

"Sorry.", said Dallon then kinda ashamed. I didn't hear it at first because I was still thinking but then I reacted. "Yeah... it's... you didn't know me.", I answered and hoped that the others would come soon so it wouldn't be that awkward. Luckily they came soon. Ryan sat down at the other end of the couch, still not really looking at me. (Y/n) sat down next to me and smiled at me a bit pityful then she turned to Dallon. Like everybody did.

Dallon cleared his throat and told the whole story again to Ryan. He was as shocked as Brendon and looked at both of them terrefied. "What? Really??" All of us just nodded. Than Dallon proceeded talking. "And because we want to make him normal again we need to visit Josh. Maybe he's got answers. Also none of you can stay here after all this happened. Brendon has a house in LA, but you can't live with him when he eats other demons. That would be too dangerous. So we're going to Columbus, Ohio now. Pack your things.", is all he said, before he got up and out. Probably packing too.

After a while of Dallon being away (y/n) got up and over to me. "Uhm, I'm sorry because of you hoodie...", she said and then she turned around, revealing two big holes in the back of my hoodie. That probably happened when she developed her wings. I could see a bit of skin through it. There were two big red slits. Not open but like really big scars. I wanted to raise my hand and touch them, but before I could she turned around again. "Are you mad?", she asked insecure. "What? Uh.. no, of course not. That's not your fault. You didn't know you had wings growing put of you back. Don't worry. I'm not mad. You can keep it for when your hunting so you don't destroy your own clothes.", I said and smiled then. She smiled back. It was so adorable.

"You should pack guys.", Ryan said then getting up. "(Y/n)? Can you come here for a sec?", he asked getting a bit embarrassed. She nodded and got over to him. I looked over at them trying to hear what Ryan whispered to her but I couldn't hear anything. I just saw how (y/n) giggled and nodded. Then they went to the bathroom. What the fuck? I tried to not think about it and got into my room.

But they're siblings.... well biologic they aren't. But they aren't doing stuff like.... no, no way! I tried to shrugg the thought off but I just couldn't get the picture of Ryan and (y/n) kissing out of my head. I couldn't concentrate on packing. I just looked worried in the direction of the bath. I could hear a giggle from (y/n) and a 'shhh' from Ryan. That's it. I'm gonna fucking open the goddamn bathroom door.

I stormed to the bathroom door and slammed the door open. (Y/n) turned around in shock and Ryan cried out. "Fuck! Ouch!", he yelled as he hold one hand in front of his eye. "What's your problem dude!?", he asked me and looked at me with one eye. (Y/n) turned around worried and took the eyeliner from Ryan. Wait. Ohhhhh! Of course! Why didn't I think of that earlier. Ryan wore eyeliner all the time. And he was just asking her for eyeliner. God I'm stupid.

"Uhm... sorry...", I mumbled and got back into my room again. There I probably face palmed myself twenty times before I began to pack again. I packed all the usual stuff plus a few knifes and ropes. I hid them inside of my sweaters or shirts. After some minutes both came into my room. "Am I emo enough now?", Ryan asked and (y/n) chuckled. He had eyeliner on both eyes but one of them was red and the black all around the eye and down to the cheek. I couldn't help but smile. That just looked very funny. His hair was all brushed down again. "So emo dude.", I said nodding then we all laughed a bit. Ryan cleaned his eyeliner up a bit so it would look too messy and (y/n) began to pack her things, although most of it was still in her suitcase. She sighed. "I just got here..."

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