'Chapter forty five'

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Your POV

I went to the tree house with Tyler and Dallon. I tripped several times over wood because my mind was somewhere else. I had to think about Brendon the whole time. What if he isn't able to do the ritual? What if something bad happens? I tried to shook those thoughts off but it didn't work. Josh said he would feel immense pain. What if he isn't strong enough and won't survive... oh no! I didn't want to think of that! I couldn't loose him. I needed him. He will be able to fulfil the ritual. He's strong. I knew that for a fact. He will survive. There's no way he won't.

As I tripped probably the tenth time Dallon came over to walk next to me. "Is everything alright?", he asked. I didn't answer. I was still lost in thought and didn't really hear him due to that. "(Y/n)?", he asked again and tapped on my shoulder. I reacted this time. I turned towards him. "Huh?" "Are you okay?", he asked again now a little bit more worried. I looked to the front again. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine...", I mumbled. Why did I say that? I'm sure he was worried about Brendon too. Why didn't I just tell him? "He will make it. Don't worry about that. He is strong. Probably the strongest demon I know. He's able to do that.", Dallon said without looking at me. He was right. Brendon would make it.

We reached the tree house but before we climed up I stopped. "Are here other people in the forest often?", I asked Tyler. He shook his head. "That's why I like it.", he added and went up the ladder into his treehouse. "Okay, I think I will go into the forest for a bit then. Not to far, don't worry. I will just be away for half an hour so, don't worry.", I said and wanted to go further into the forest. Then Dallon hold me back. He looked at me with huge worry inside his eyes. "What are you going to do?", he asked me looking at my arms for a second. Oh, he thought I would do that. "No, not that. I want to train a little with my wings. And here in the trees I can like hang onto trees and nobody would spot me.", I explained to him and hoped that he would believe me with that. He looked at me for a while before he nodded. "But stay close so I can still see you through the trees. Just in case. Also Brendon would kill me if something would happen to me. I wouldn't want you to hurt thought either.", he said. I didn't understand the last part he said because he whispered it. "Excuse me, what was the last thing?", I asked. He looked at me surprised. "Nothin'. Good luck with the training.", he said fast and went up the treehouse. That was weird.

I went further down into the forest when I turned around I could still see the treehouse but other than that there were just trees. I changed my form fully and tried how well I could move my wings first. More or less. Still a bit hard to move them smoothly. I tried to swing them up and down. It kinda worked. At first I just stood there until I could move them faster and more controlled. I swung them with force and jumped. I stayed in the air for a few seconds but fell down soon after. Maybe starting from the ground isn't the best way to learn it. I looked around and saw a tree on which I could climb on easily. A few feet above the ground I stopped. I spread my wings and jumped off. At first I just let them wide and it worked. Manoeuvring was kinda hard but it worked. Then I tried to get higher. I swung then up and down and I actually flew! Not that good but I stayed in the air. I tried to lower my flight to land but I crashed onto the ground. Fuck, that hurt. But it didn't kept me from trying. I tried again and again. After a while I decided that it was good enough for now and went back. Completely forgetting to change back.

I climbed up the treehouse and because I saw my hands climbing in front of me I realised I was still demon. I changed back quickly so Tyler wouldn't see the whole demon form. When I got up Dallon looked at me worried. "You took more than an hour out there.", he said. Oh shit. I had completely forgotten about the time. "Oh, really? I'm sorry. I just didn't watched the clock.", I said and sat down next to him. He leaned over and whispered into my ear: "Can you show me your arms later on please? I just want to be sure and change the bandage." I freezes for a moment but nodded then. It's not like I had done something. I just didn't like it when people looked at my arm.

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