'Chapter twenty seven'

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A/N: I know normally I would write in Brendons POV now but in your world is happening too much stuff right now ^^"

Your POV

I ran into my room and grabbed all the stuff I needed. It took a while because I couldn't really sort out what I didn't need. After a while Dallon got into my room too. "I don't wanna be like a parent but we really have to go before yours are coming home.", he said and I nodded I just stuffed everything in. Then I got up and followed Dallon outside.

"Dang it.", I whispered as I saw some of my so called friends walk down the street towards me. Some of the bullies were there too. As soon as they saw me they began to talk and laugh loudly. I could hear them surprisingly. They called me a sadistic weird emo monster and all that stuff. To be honest it did hurt. I probably looked kinda hurt because of that and Dallon noticed it.

"Hey kids! How about you fucking piss off? Your just stealing other humans air if you talk that much crap, so shut up!", he shouted at them all of the sudden. They inclusive myself looked at him weirded out. Why did he say this. They would've left anyways. Dallon just glared at the teens coldly. They were surprised Forst but then they felt provocated and came closer with dumb smirks on their faces. "And who the hell are you to tell us this?", one of them asked. "Oh.. Hell. I haven't been there in a while. I would like to know if it has changed since I'm away.. one of you could be my pass to visit there again.", he said cold as ice. I couldn't see why but all of the sudden all of their faces changed quickly from a arrogant smirk to a terrified look. They began to move backwards slowly until they decided to run. I could only imagine what Dallon did.

After the kids where far enough away he half smiled and got into the car. I sat down on the codriver seat. After a while of silent driving I was brave enough to ask him about what he did. "Why did you help me with that? And what did you do?", I asked carefully. He looked at me for a moment and then back at the street. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you why I did this. I just don't know you long enough.", he admitted and I could tell that he felt a bit sorry for that even though his face didn't show any emotion. I kinda felt it. "Oh.. okay. But what did you do? I couldn't see it.", I asked then.

He looked away from the street and directly at me. Then his face changed. His skin got kinda greyish like brendons and his eyes turned bright orange. His teeth grew and he got horns growing out of his head. But after a second it was all over. And I fully understood. I was used to this demon look but others weren't of course. That's why they were so scared of him. "But wasn't that dangerous? What if they will call the police?", I said scared. "And tell them what? That they saw a demon?", he said and chuckled. He turned more open since we first met and I'm kinda happy about that now that I know him for a bit. At first I was scared of him. More then of Brendon probably. But he's nice. I laughed then too. While I laughed I covered my mouth with my hands, what caused my sleeves to reveal more of my arm than I would want.

Dallon glanced over for a second and probably saw the scars. Dammit. I hid my hands in my sleeves fast after that and stopped laughing. After that the drive was silent. Just the car noises were making some noise.

We arrived at the underground station and Dallon got out first. I followed him. He got inside and I was close behind him. It was scary just going into the corridors full of demons but not a single one looked at me longer than a second. I was confused by that and asked Dallon silently. "It's because you'll turn demon soon, so they are ignoring you. You can be happy that they do though.", he says looking down for a second before his cold look was there again. I just nodded and followed him. We went to Brendons door. I waited for him to knock but he didn't. Instead he hugged me for like a second really tight. I was surprised by that and hugged back awkwardly. He looked into my eyes and onto my arms for a second."I will be in my room. The second next door. Come if you need me.", he said cold and as if he didn't care. Made no sense for me but I just nodded and said bye. He turned around and went away. Weird.

I hesitated for a bit but knocked on Brendons door. I stood there a while but nobody answered. I knocked again. "Dallon, Kenny I don't wanna talk. Piss off.", Brendon said and he sounded kinda sleepy. I didn't dare to talk too loud because I didn't want any attention from anywhere so I knocked again and I could here a loud sigh from Brendon but he seemed to get up. Slowly the door was opened and Brendon peeked his head out.

As soon as he saw me his eyes widened. He pulled me in for a tight hug and closed the door with his hip. I hugged him back immediatly. After he let loose he looked at me in disbelief. "What are you doing here? And how?", he asked me surprised. I chuckled. "Well, Dallon drove me here.", I said looking to the wall where, a few rooms ahead, Dallon must have been. Brendon raised an eyebrow. "He did?", he asked in disbelief and I nodded. "He's really nice. He even helped me against bullies.", I said smiling. "Well, I have to thank him a lot for that then.", Brendon said and pulled me into a hug again. "But why did he bring you?", he asked again.

I looked to the ground awkwardly. Both reasons were things I didn't want to tell him. But I had to. "Well... he thought that you... cut.. because of me leaving... and that's why he wanted to bring me.. and also he's sure that I will... like... uhm.. turn demon.", I admitted and looked down in shame. He just stared at me. I felt his finger under my chin pulling my head up. Then he pecked my lips lightly and looked into my eyes. God his eyes were beautiful. I could get lost in this endless shades of brown. "It's okay. I'll help you through the change. It will be hard and a bit painful but I will help you.", he said careful and smiled at me. "And please don't give yourself any fault.", he added and I nodded. "Also I'm excited to see you as demon.", he said embarrassed leaning his head a side a bit avoiding eyecontact.

After a while of talking he showed me places where I could leave my luggage. "Also I really like your sweater. 'Too weird to live, too rare to die'. Maybe I could use that someday as album name.", he said getting lost in thought after the last sentence. "You write songs??", I said surprised. "Well yeah... I am in a band but... things have changed for me and that's okay. But I kinda miss the guys with which I started the band...", he said kinda sad. "Oh, why aren't they in the band anymore? And who's member now?", I asked interested. He sighed. "Well, they aren't in the band anymore because they died. They got killed by other demons who were stronger... one by one... now it's me and Dallon. Kenny is helping too and another demon. You don't know him though. Well you don't know Kenny too. You should meet him sometime.", he said getting more happy at the end. I nodded understandingly.

After we sorted everything of my things we sat down to eat dinner it was pretty late already. "I think I'm not that hungry. But I'm kinda tired actually...", I said and half lied. I just didn't want to eat. Also he would give me some human parts probably... I was more tired than hungry anyways. "Oh, okay. You can sleep on the couch or.. like if you want you can sleep on my bed too. It would be big enough..", he said getting a bit red. "I think... I'll sleep with you... I mean.. in your bed!", I said even more embarrassed.

So we made ourselves ready for bed. I wore a big sweater and sweat pants. He just wore sweat pants and no shirt. Gosh he was hot. I had to admit that to myself. I tried to not stare to much as I got under the blanket. We both lied there kinda awkward on our backs. After a while I turned around to lie on my side with my back towards Brendon. I felt and arm hugging me pulling me closer. I raised my head and he was sleeping. So cute. I took the hand of the arm what was on me and kissed it carefully. Then I scooted closer to him and fell asleep soon after that.

I felt safe in his arms.

A/N: first things first: did you get the brobecks reference? And the panic reference? :'D
Second: I want to draw all three of them in their demon Form. So when I do I hope you aren't like sad that (y/n) doesn't look like you or anything. I don't know how everyone of you looks, so ^^" also I hope I characterise Dallon right :') I'm sorry if not. I'll try to update asap!! Thanks for the positive feedback!!!💕💕

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