'Chapter forty eight'

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Brendons POV

When (y/n), Dallon and Ryan left I began to clean up the house a little. I hated cleaning up but I wanted to surprise (Y/n). She helped me so many times already, so it was definitely worth it. I put on some music and got myself a glass of beer before I really started. Because I was already in the kitchen I started cleaning there. Luckily it wasn't that dirty because we rarely ate the past days. Even the fridge is nearly empty. So I was through that quickly. I already drank the whole glass of beer and decided to get another one.

I proceeded cleaning in the living room. That one was a lot more messy. It took me a while to clean it up and I could feel the alcohol in my blood a little. I probably should've ate something before drinking. Now I was hungry and kinda drunk. All of the sudden I heard the doorbell. That can't be they already, right? I went to the door and opened it. There was Kelly standing outside. "Hey, Bren.", she said with a smirk. "Uhh, hey..?", I mumbled leaning onto the door frame because I started to feel a little dizzy. "Can I come in or shall I stay out here all the time.", she said with a devious smile but I just nodded and let her inside. She walked into the living room and sat down. I  wobbled after her and sat down at the opposite ending.

She looked at the empty beer glass on the table. "Oh, sweety, you've begun to drink without me. You should've waited for me!", she said and played disappointed. I just raised my shoulders. My vision for more or less blurry. "I will get us two something and don't say no to a guest.", she said when she saw my face and got up again. I could see how she was pressing her but out while walking. I shook my head and looked away. Soon she came back with two little shot glasses. "I figured beer would be pretty boring so I brought us something special.", she said. At least I thought that's what she said. Apparently I can't drink as much anymore as I once did and everything I heard was rather dull. She gave me the shotglass and we clinked glasses. I forced the alcohol down my throat. I couldn't really think straight so in my reality she forced me to drink. She proceeded talking and scooted closer eventually. My hunger grew within each second.

Eventually I couldn't concentrate on her speaking whatsoever. I just stared at her skin. No matter if neck, arms or face. She seemed to have taken it the wrong way and pressed her lips on mine. Everything was still blurry and weird. The only thing I was sure of was her skin touching mine. I didn't even really comprehend that it was hers. I just liked the feeling of flesh. Fresh human. I couldn't control myself any longer. I pushed her over and proceeded kissing her deeply. I was going wild. Wild because of hunger. My hands wandered over her arms and felt her warm skin. It was like I could feel the blood under it. I wanted it. I needed it. I began to suck on her bottom  lip to get more of the red liquid in it. She seemed to like it but that wasn't important to me. I needed flesh. I was about to bite in her bottom lip when I heard something crashing. I looked up and only saw the blurred lines of (y/n) dissappear. Dallon and Ryan were there too. Ryan ran over to me and threw me off Kelly. She was screaming for some reason and ran out too. I just stared at the ceiling trying to get a clear head again. Then there was Ryan face. He looked angry? Did he? I wasn't quite sure. Then he did something what left me certain. He threw his fist to my face. He was angry. "Ryaaa..", I slurred. "You drunk cheating Bastard! Are you aware of what you just did?!", he yelled at me. What did I do so bad. "I'm hungry....yyy.", I slurred back. But then one puzzle part clicked into another and I realised what I had done. I stared at Ryan with a shocked expression. "..N...Noooo.... NOOO... I didn't .. I wanst... thinkn... she.. I..", I babbled and Ryan punched me again. "Are you aware how much you hurt my sister now!?", he yelled again and I began to curl up. "I didn.. mean to. Nooo..."

What had I done! Why the fuck did I do that?! To all the others it must've looked like I'm about to fuck that bitch. But u really wasn't! That wasn't what I was meant to do! I was just hungry and drunk! I began to cry. Alcohol made me pretty emotional too... Ryan stood there like he didn't know wether to yell or help me. Eventually he lay one hand on my shoulder. "Okay... get sober and explain what happened then. But we need to find (y/n). She just ran down the road.", Ryan explained and I nodded heavily.

Dallon and Ryan both rushed out and left me how I was. I remained in that position for a while until I grabbed my phone and tried to call (Y/n) to explain. Or at least apologies. I didn't mean to do that. I couldn't control myself there. She didn't answer her phone. I stood up wobbly and went to the bathroom. I searched everywhere for some kind of medicine against being drunk. There wasn't really something like that but I had pills against dizzy feeling. I just decided to take them and hope it's gonna help and not turn into a desaster.

I went out and walked down the road. After a while I didn't feel that dizzy anymore and my view wasn't that blurred anymore luckily. So somehow the pills seemed to work. I walked down the road as fast as possible. I could find anything that showed me were she could've gone. I didn't find Ryan or Dallon either. They were probably way ahead of me.

All of the sudden a metallic smell hit my nose. It came out of the forest. Oh no! I ran into the forest as good as I could. I hit a few trees every now and then but that couldn't keep me from running to were the scent came from. My eyes searched all my surroundings.


I cried out as I finally found her. She was lying on the floor. Her arms crimson red and the floor around her too. She didn't move. She didn't move. She didn't move. I ran towards her and picked her up. "Nonononononononononononono!", I began to say and shook her. "(Y/n)? Can you hear me? (Y/n) please answer! Please! Come on!", I nearly yelled at her as I tried to hold back tears. The wounds on her arm were still pretty fresh. I picked the bandage up that was lying beside her and put it around her arms. It turned dark red in no time. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. I just repeated 'Please don't die!', in my head.

After a while I picked her up and ran through the forest. I ran towards my house. There was my car. She needed to go to the hospital! Now! I didn't know how long I ran through the forest but it felt like hours. As soon as I was home I put her into my car and got over to the front. I drove as fast as possible. Luckily no police men were there to stop me because I was to fast. I looked over my shoulder on every red street light to how she was doing. I was so scared. I was never this scared in my whole life. She needed to stay alive. I needed her. What had I done?!

I arrived at the hospital and picked her up again. I ran towards the front desk and told the woman about the huge blood loss. She immediately understood and nodded fastly. "We have an emergency here! Fast!", she spoke into a mic and a few helpers came took her from me. I hesitated a second to give her away but I knew they could help her. I wanted to go with them but the woman told me to stop. I wasn't allowed to go there. I argued with her but then I gave in. I sat down into the waiting room and filled in the necessary sheets. I could think straight though. My mind was with (y/n) all the time. She needed to survive. After I finished this sheet I messaged Dallon where I was. He left me on read so he was probably already on his way and had no time to answer.

I waited and waited and it felt like hours. I looked towards the clock all the time but the time didn't pass by at all. I was on the verge of crying and most of the other waiting people looked at me but I didn't care about that. I wanted to know that my love was safe. She needed to be. I need her. I can't live without her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her jokes. Her protective character. Her little imperfections that made her even more perfect. I needed her so badly. I couldn't loose her.

Eventually Dallon and Ryan came and sat beside me. Nobody talked. I'm sure they had no idea on which side to be and what to say to me now. I didn't bother. I was lost in thought anyways.

After two hours my name was called. "Urie! Please follow me.", a doctor said and I jumped up and did as told. My heart beat so fast and my palmed were sweaty and cold. I was so nervous. I followed him into a small room with a window to the next one. There was she. (Y/n) lying on a white bed with all kinds of attachments to her body.  I stared at her and felt so guilty. "She lost a lot of blood but we stiched all her wounds up. Luckily none of them were vertical otherwise it may not be possible because the wounds are really deep. But eventually she will get better.", the doctor explained. And I began to cry. Out of joy and sadness. But she will survive.

She will survive.

A/N: here's the explanation for the last chapter. That's why I post again so early

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