'Chapter fifty seven'

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Brendons POV

It wasn't that difficult to get around. When I really concentrated I could smell that Bastard Patrick. I was boiling with anger and I think even Dallon was really mad. Surprisingly. Normally he's a rather chill guy, even when he's mad. Ryan was as quiet as before but I could see the worry and anger in his eyes too. We rushed around the corridors shoving everyone out of our way. Ignoring everyone who tried to talk to us or wanted to hold us back. Sometimes when I pushed others away I could feel my claws form. I probably scratched them but see if I care if you're in my way. I would leave nothing between me and the girl I loved. I would find her and free her and hold her in my arms again. Having her safe. Letting no one and nothing dangerous come close to her. I would do anything for that. I needed to have her safe with me.

I nearly ran down the corridors until we reached the big golden door. I could sense Patrick in there. Motherfucker. I will get you. I kicked the heavy door open and it revealed the demon standing there in front of the next door turning his head into our direction. A smirk appeared on his face. I just gave him a death glare. "You little fucker. (Y/n) Is in there, right?", I spit at him and stepped closer. "It wouldn't be profite for you if I say yes because you will never defeat me.", he said with a cocky smile and took a few steps towards us. Dallon firmly closed the door behind us. "We are three. You are one.", I stated and began to transform. I glanced at Ryan who wanted to do the same but I shook my head. He seemed to understood. Patrick shouldn't know about him being the race he is. That should be a ... surprise.

I ran up to him now fully transformed ready to attack but he just vanished. What? I turned around quickly and he was at the other side of the room wrapped in purple dust. What the actual fuck. He smirked at me and stayed where he was. He didn't look at Dallon or Ryan. Just at me. I could use that. I attacked again. The same procedure repeated a few times until he was in the middle of the room. I catched my breath a bit and quickly glanced at the other two demons who understood immediately. Ryan transformed quickly and Dallon made his way up to Patrick. I tried to stay where I was but seeming like I would attack any second. How could he be so stupid and ignore the other two. Like honestly. Ryan spread his wings and charged towards Patrick.

Within a second Ryan threw him over and pinned him down. I could see the shock in Patrick's eyes when he looked at Ryan. The red eyes. The wings. He hadn't thought about that, huh? I smirked now and walked over. "Well, looks like you're defeated.", I said and punched him right into the face. He flinched and groaned. But he was still not knocked out. What a pain in the ass. All three of us punched the shut out of him until I stopped them. I didn't care that he was still living but he was crying like a baby and probably had some broken bones by now. That should do the trick. We let him lie on the ground and opened the next door.

I saw (y/n). Luckily she was alive and I couldn't help but smile at her in relief and she returned it gladly. We made our way up to her and guarded around her. No one of us wanted her to get hurt. On the throne sat a ... girl? Wait. I had seen her before. Oh shit. (Y/n) had killed her, right?? Was that all just part of a trick? I knew that this room was for Satan. I've been here a few times already and most of the time she wasn't there or she had another form. But last time I saw her must be like forty years ago or some shit. I looked at Dallon who seemed just as shocked as me. I could even see a little fear in his orange eyes. I turned back to Satan as she spoke up after the laughter. " Do you really think you can win against me?"

I clenched my fist. Of course I knew I could win but this wasn't about winning. This time it was about running. Leaving. Hiding away. Normally I didn't like this kind of 'fight' but this time I wanted to get (y/n) safe so that was my only aim. We all stepped closer to (y/n) and I saw Ryan guarding her with his wings as well. Then the girl on the throne shot up and stared at him. He looked very uncomfortable with that situation and shifted around without letting his guard down.

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now