'Chapter fifty three'

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Brendons POV

"Breakfast is ready."

Ryan's voice woke me up. (Y/N) was still snuggled up beside me but stood up soon after she heard Ryan too. "Mornin", I mumbled and stretched myself. She didn't respond but walked towards the table. Maybe she didn't hear me. I followed her to the table and sat down ready to eat. She stared at the meat on the table for a while until she walked away getting an apple sitting down with us. I didn't understand why she took the apple instead. The meat looked just like normal ham. Just raw. I shrugged it off and began to eat.

When all of us finished (y/n) had rarely begun to eat her apple. She just sat there staring to the wall chewing nothing. "(Y/n)?", Dallon asked her then and we all looked worried at her. She snapped put of her thought and nodded quickly. "Yeah. I'm just not hungry. That's all.", she answered and stood up. She threw the still fine apple away and left the room. I looked after her in concern. Was it still because of the dream? I thought she got better.

I stood up and rushed after her. She was about to close the door in front of me because she didn't notice me. I held it open and she turned around to look at me with tired eyes. Not tired because the lack of sleep. Tired because of life. "I will shower now.", she whispered and walked out of the room with a big towel. I had a bad feeling with leaving her alone but I was sure she wouldn't want me to shower with her. It would be a bit soon for that, right? I had the feeling she would do something bad. But how should I stop her from showering.

I sat down on our bed and rested my chin on my hands. She's gonna be okay, right? It was probably a really bad nightmare. She'll be alright soon. I will help her with that! Then somebody knocked. I went to the door and opened it. There stood the guys. "Where's she? Is she okay?", Ryan asked concerned when he saw that I was alone. "She's just taking a shower. She'll be alright. I think the nightmare from yesterday still worries her.", I explained to them. Then both of them entered the room and we all sat down. "What happened in that dream?", Dallon asked carefully. I cleared my throat before I started to tell them. I hesitated before I told them what I was doing in her nightmare. Dallon looked at me worried and I answered with a "I'm fine." Look. Ryan didn't know about that so he wasn't worried about me but about (y/n) of course.

It took a while to tell them and I expected (y/n) to be back already. I was growing impatient. Did she need so long for just a shower? What was she doing inside there so long? Was she... oh no... please don't be what I think. I jumped up much to the surprise of the other two and went to the bathroom. There was no water to be heared. I knocked carefully. "(Y/n)?", I asked softly. I waited a while but there was no answer. I furrowed my brows and knocked again. "Are you alright?", I asked again now louder. Still no answer. By now the others had arrived to and I looked at then seeking for help. Each of them tried to get an answer from the other side.

I was getting to worried now. I changed my hand to a claw and punched a hole into the door near the lock. I felt inside to open it so we could get inside. Even as I did that there was no answer. As I finally managed to open the door nobody was in the bathroom. The only thing that was there were (y/n)s sleeping clothing on the floor. The window was open.

I looked around the room in disbelief. Did she climb out the window?! I ran over towards the open window. "(Y/N)!!!", I yelled outside but nothing but my echo answered. I turned around and looked at the others in shock. Dallon rushed out. Probably already searching. Ryan searched inside the bathroom for anything that could help us possibly. I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my jacket. Then I followed Dallon outside. I tried to call her multiple times but she would never answer.

I began to panic. Where did she go? Why did she leave? Was she alright? All these and even more questions flew through my head mixed with possible realities. All of them were worst case scenarios and I didn't want to be any of this to be real. I needed to find her as soon as possible. She couldn't be gone for ever now. I would find a way. I ran through the forest yelling her name over and over again. Nothing seemed to work. I couldn't loose my love again. I nearly lost her a few weeks ago when she nearly died. I couldn't live without her. I need her by my side like I never needed anyone before. I just prayed that she heared me now. And that she would come to me. Even just to explain why she left and to tell me that she's fine.

In my thoughts I just repeated the words 'don't leave me'. In hope that this would cause her coming back. Of course that was foolish of me. Just because me thinking that she wouldn't return. But it was my only hope now.

I was already deep inside of the forest and stopped to catch my breath. My eyes were sore from the wind that blew into them while running. My lungs were burning and my muscles didn't want to go anymore. I wouldn't give up this easily. I forced my self to walk on further. After a while my phone made a sound and I nearly fell over. I got it out of the pocket as fast as possible. Just to see that Dallon messaged me. He was heading back and asked if I had found her yet. I answered that I would search a little longer.

Of the a little longer grew hours. It was already night again. I still wandered around in the forest. I couldn't scream anymore. My voice had left me a few hours ago and my neck hurt. I was defeated. For today I needed to head back. I would search on tomorrow. I didn't fully gave up yet there had to be a way to find her. But now I slowly made my way back towards my house.

Then I heard steps around me. I turned around and searched for what had caused the sound. There was a shadow in the woods but in a blink of my eye it was away. I was probably just seeing things that weren't there. Then I turned around to walk on but there was a person in front of me that caused me to stop.

"Long time no see."

A/N: I have something to say! I finally started with the requested Dallon x Reader fanfic. It's with supernatural creatures again. Other than my Ryan x Reader fanfic. But check it out if you want! ^^

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