'Chapter thirty seven'

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A/N: drawings both by me.

Your POV

"We're gonna set you free!"

I was sure of that. I was so happy to see that he was alive. He was wounded yes, but that would heal fastly. He was aöive, that was all that counted now. I looked at him and saw that he was chained up on his foot. I sat down to see it better. I tried to reach a hand through the bars and Brendon moved his leg towards me. Now I could reach the chain. It was locked. I tried to break it but Brendon mumbled something then. "I...already tried it....", he said breathing heavily. I tried a little longer but he was right. I stood up again and turned to Dallon.

"Have you seen a key? Or something to open the chain and the cell?", I asked him in a hurry looking around. There was a metal pipe lying around. I picked it up. But before i could swing it Dallon stopped me. "This would be way too loud, you know that.", he said and took the pipe. I began to sesrch again. Something had to be here. I went back to the staircase and searched at its walls.

Eventually I saw something reflect the light. It was a key chain. It was kinda far up again but I tried to hurry. I was really out of breath when I got it. I hurried back down and screamed at Dallon that I got the key. He sushed me of course. I had forgotten that I shouldn't be that loud. I looked at him in hurry and for over to Brendon. There were like three dozen keys on it. I tried all of them, who seemed to fit. After a while I luckily had the right key to open the cells. I shoved the door open and ran to Brendon. I immediately hugged him closely. He filched a bit because of his wounds but hugged me back. I could keep myself from crying and pulled away. I wanted to open the chain around his ankle when he took my head and pulled me into a kiss. I nearly let the keys fall in surprise but closed my eyes then and some tears began to roll down my cheek. I broke the kiss after a while and looked at Brendon happily. "I'm gonna free you from that chain.", I whispered to him and her wiped my tears away with one hand smiling.

I had to try a lot of keys again. But finally it worked. I freed his foot from the chain and tried to help him stand but I was too weak so Dallon came over to help me. We carried Brendon out of the cell. Then I saw something glowing red out of the corner of my eyes. I looked into the direction and there were two red glowing things in the last cell in the darkness. I couldn't see to what it belonged. Dallon seemed to be able to hold Brendon alone. I was so curious about the red glowing things that I walked into the direction it was coming from. I was walking towards the last cells that were all in the dark. I think I heard Dallons voice but I didn't payed attention. I only concentrated on the red.

When I got closer I could see a person. He had a little longer hair and he looked very slim but not that tall I thought. The red were his eyes. They stared at me. I couldn't help but going closer. When I was about to see facial structure I felt a hand on my shoulders. "(Y/n)?", Brendon asked me. And the person began to move all of the sudden. He moved towards the bars and sat there and looked behind me. I turned around and there were Brendon and Dallon. Both looking like they just saw a ghost. Brendon looked was like he was about to cry. I was super confused. I looked at the locked up person and tried to see more. I had seen his face before. But where?

Oh! I remembered. He was the guy on the old picture with Brendon. So probably an old friend of him...? But by the look on Brendons face he probably was friends with this guy. I walked towards the door and as no one seems to stop me I tried to open it with a few of different keys again. They still just stared at each other. I finally could open the door and stepped back after that. The person in the cell got up and walked out kinda weakly. He walked towards Brendon who began to smile. He still needed to lean on Dallon. The clothes of the other guy were dirty and got holes in it. "B... Brendon..", he said. All of the sudden I could see the skin of him turn grey through the shirt.He attacked Brendon and threw him to the ground. What? I thought they were friends. Brendon just looked as surprised as me. "You left me! You didn't help! YOU KILLED ME!", he screamed at Brendon and raised his claw, ready to attack. I wouldn't let him do that. So I threw Ryan off Brendon but before I turned into my demon form too, so I had a chance.

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