'Chapter thirty one'

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A/N: drawing by @PanicAtTheSmolBean

Brendons POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. (Y/n) was still sleeping making cute little noises while she slept. I had to smile. She was adorable lying there but I couldn't sleep anymore. I had nightmares of the night Ryan died. Even though it had happened a hundred years ago. I stood up quietly and payed attention not to wake (Y/n). I put on a long sleeve shirt and went out of my room into the corridor. But before I left I wrote a note for her so she won't worry about me.

I made my way to Dallons room and knocked. Surprisingly Kenny opened. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, hi Kenny.", I said kinda confused. Dallons got up and shoved Kenny aside. "What's up Brendon?", he asked me and looked at me kinda worried but tried to hide it from Kenny. "Nothing. I just wanted to know if you're up to hunt a bit.", I said and smiled. I didn't want to talk about Ryan or anything I just wanted to distract myself from that.

He looked at me kinda glad. He probably thought something bad happened again. "Sure. Why not.", he said looking at Kenny with a questioning face. "Yeah, I actually have something to do in a bit. I don't have time for hunting now. Maybe next time.", Kenny said and raised his shoulders. Then he went away.

Just as we were about to get going I could see (y/n) peeking her head out of the door. She looked at us in confusion. "Where are you going?", she asked then. "Oh, hunting.", said Dallon and smiled at her. I threw a look to Dallon. I was actually scared to take her with us and I'm sure that she wanted to come. "Can I come?", she of course asked. I didn't want her take her with us because I was scared that the thing with Ryan would repeat itself. But I couldn't just say no. Also Dallon answered before me. "Sure.", he said and I smiled. "Just wait a second!", she said and ran back inside. After she got dressed and that stuff she got back outside and closed the door behind her.

We went outside and I grabbed her hand as we got out just to be sure that she's safe. If she would get attacked I won't fail again. She blushed and smiled in a surprised embarrassment. Out on the streets were nearly no people here. We walked for a while in the dark corners of the streets.

"Look, there.", Dallon whispered then. There was a human walking in the distance. Then Dallon turned demon and made his way up to the human. He shortly attacked him from behind so the human didn't even see him. He came back with the dead body soon after that. I high five him but then I looked at (y/n) and immediately felt bad. She looked terrefied at the dead body. Dallon let the dead body down behind him to hide it a bit. "Uhm.. are you okay?", I asked her and put one arm around her. She took a while but then she nodded and freed herself from my arm to get behind Dallon. She breathed in and out. Then she asked. "So, where do we put it?", she asked then. I could see her skin getting grey on some spots. She shouldn't be overwhelmed by that though, so it should be fine. Right?

"Uhm, hide it in the trees there for now. One isn't enough.", Dallon said. She nooded and somehow managed to pick the body up all by herself. Her skin turned a bit greyer then. I guess because she needed some more strength. She made her way to the trees and put the body there. Both of us looked at her in surprise. And she looked looked at us with confusion. "What?", she asked then. We both just shook our heads and said nothing in syncro.

She went back to us and then and pointed behind us. "There.", she whispered. I turned around and saw another human. It looked like a female. I couldn't really tell how old. "Wait, isn't that one of these kids?", said Dallon then and looked at (y/n) in surprise. She got a few steps forward and nodded slowly. "Well let's say she isn't the nicest to the school. And come on don't forget you wanted to kill me too back then. You didn't care about my age there too.", she said and crossed her arms. Dallon raised his shoulders. And I looked away and scratched the back of my neck. She smiled then angelic and turned back to the girl.

I wanted to say that I would kill her but (y/n) was already on her way. Against the light I could see her horns grow. Was she really ready to kill somebody? Was that right? I wanted to go after her but Dallon hold me back. "Anger can be a good tactic.", he said. I knew that he was right. He lived that through. Much harder than most other demons.

I hope she won't mess up without training.

A/N: Hey!! Well this is a bit shorter again because I wanted to write the kill out of your perspective ^-^' but I hope you still like it!

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