'Chapter fourteen'

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Your POV

"It's beautiful."

,I said amazed by the cave and the little lake inside. I could help but squeezed his hand as I said this. I was just really overwhelmed and it felt good to be outside again. I breathed in and out calmly.

"Glad you like it", Brendon said smiling. I was kinda happy that he smiled. His smile was beautiful. I didn't even cared that much that I was tied to him. I felt comfortable? Wow, what? No, that can't be true. This can't be right. He tried to kill me and he tortured me! But... he was worried as I tried to flee and not because I could run away but because I could have died...

I glanced over at him and he seemed deep in thought. He looked at the ground and it looked like he planned something. I stared at him for a while before he raised his head fast and locked eye contact with me. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand a bit. I smiled back at him and my cheeks got a little warmer. Was that right? Was this okay? He's a demon... he nearly killed me... but...

Before I could think that thought I got pulled towards Brendon. It was him who pulled me. And... he kissed me as I got to him. I didn't dare to move. I was completely shocked but at the same time it didn't feel wrong. I didn't know what to do and couldn't move at first but then I remembered him punching a hole into my stomach and I pushed him away. It felt good, but it's not supposed to. Because we were tied together at the wrist I couldn't  go far.

He looked at me like a hurt puppy for a second but then to the ground. He winded his eyes. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!", he screamed and punched against a wall. Multiple times without watching out because of me. I needed to duck and avoid his arms to not be hit. Hi didn't calm down. His skin slowly got grey again and the horns and teeth were growing. His eyes glowed yellow. I had to stop him.

I tried to hold his arms, but I wasn't strong enough. He just turned around angry and looked at me like he had never seen me before. "Brendon?", I slowly asked and he began to smirk. Showing off his teeth. I was kinda terrefied but satisfied at the same time. 

"Please Brendon, calm down!", I said a little bit louder now and I reached a hand towards him but he pushed it away and drew a step closer. I didn't move backwards. I wanted to make him normal again. Do I did the thing that first came in my mind I took a step towards him and hugged him. I closed my eyes, scared of what could come now. Brendon started to breath heavily.

I tightened my hug and tried to breath calmly. I could feel a hand on my back which hold onto me strongly. I dared opening my eyes now and turned my head so I could see Brendon. He looked exhausted and had his eyes shut. I slowly let go of the hug, but his grip tightened and he leaned forward as if he was in pain.

"Brendon? What's the problem?"

A/N: im sorry that is a shitty chapter. But I was busy with my and other family members birthdays. ^^"

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