'Chapter ten'

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Brendons POV


Was the last thing I heard, before I closed the door. I locked it, just to be sure that nothing would happen to her. I wouldn't want that. I was so angry and sad at the same time. I rushed down the corridors as fast as I could. I knew a secret place. Nobody knows about it. I kept it secret, because I need some time away from all this demon business.

So I walked out into the night. I walked for a while and tried to stay calm. Which was hard and I wanted to explode. I walked into a nearer forest. There was a cave. It was hidden though and I just discovered it because a victim hide in it and luckily I was out alone that day. I into the cave. At the end of the cave was a little lake in the dark. I didn't heard anything back here. That's when I began to let it all out.

"FUCK!", I screamed as loud as I could. And I repeated this so many times. Why do I have to start liking a human? Why the fuck? Why does this piece of meat mean so much to me? It shouldn't? I EAT humans! I can't fucking like them! And it hurt so bad as she tried to escape. Am I that terrifying to her? Compared to other victims I was really nice.

I pulled on my hair and screamed the whole time. I will lose my goddamn rank if someone else besides Dallon finds out. This is not okay! Fuck. I punched the wall and some pieces fell off.

After a while of pure raging I could see light at the end of the cave. Shit, it was already day. I have to go back to normal places. It would be arkward if someone saw me coming out of the Forest. I breathed slowly until I didn't feel like exploding any second and then I ran out of the cave and back to the streets. Luckily it was like 6 am and no one was really awake.

I should head back to my room. But I don't want to. But I have to. Goddamn Brendon don't be a coward and just go!

So I went down the former subway station and walked down the corridors. I stopped in front of my door for a second, but decided to walk in anyways. As I opened the door I saw (y/n) sleeping in a corner. I was confused. Why didn't she sleep on the couch? Why in a corner? I couldn't just leave her in the corner so I picked her up carefully and lied her down onto the couch. I sneaked into my bedroom, because I didn't want to wake her. As I got there I stopped in disbelieve.

Thedrawers and wardrobes I had thrown around were at their old places. And even the blankets and pillows were neatly placed on my bed. Everything was like it was before, even a little bit more tidy. I was surprised. I still stood there as I heard a voice from beside me.

"I... I tried to fix it again...", (y/n) mumbled and looked to the ground. I didn't know how to react to that. Nobody did something like this before. I looked at her with a surprised look and said "Thank you." She raised her head a bit and looked into my eyes. She looked kinda sad. "Really, it's great, but why did you do this?", I asked her and she smiled for a second. After a while she answered slowly. "Well, you seemed upset and... I think it was my fault... and I figured to apologize I could clean that up...", she said quietly.

I smiled at her. I couldn't control it, but it seemed to help her. She half smiled back and raised her head more. "You know...", I began, "...if you're okay with the fact that I will tie you to me I could let you out when it's dark again...", I said smiling. Her eyes lit up and she smiled so wide. She was truly beautiful.


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