'Chapter thirty eight'

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Your POV

"Your birthday. Even though I swore myself I would be there. Your reincarnation day."

"What?!", I yelled at him. I didn't know what he was talking about. My reincarnation day? What the fuck?! This Ryan had be locked down here for too long. I am me and I wasn't reincarnated. I was born like every other human was once and I wasn't there before. I looked at him totally freaked out. He looked at me crying and smiling at the same time. It was nearly creepy. I was just overwhelmed by everything. I freed Brendon. I grew wings and all of the sudden this Ryan tells me that I'm reincarnated.

"Yes, why didn't I see that before.", he said still overwhelmedly happy. I just looked at him weirder out going a step back. He wiped the tears off his eyes and stood up again. "You're the reincarnation of my sister!", he said and smiled wide. I couldn't help myself but laugh. I didn't know why I laughed though. Actually I was really scared. "What? I can't be your sister! You're at least a hundred years older then me!", I said still laughing with a weird look on my face because I tried to stop laughing. Ryan looked at me kinda hurt actually. And I began to feel bad for some reason. I could stop laughing then.

"Of course you don't remember. You're in a new body with a new brain and you died 500 years before your birthday. You were killed because humans found out about us being demons. We could run but you resisted to get us some time. You know. You're actually older then me. Or you were...", he explained getting a little nostalgic and sad at the same time. I looked at him weirded out. What was he talking about. I didn't believe in things like reincarnation. I just couldn't believe it. To be fair I didn't believed in demons either. I shook my head slowly.

"Yes you are her. I'm sure of that. Nobody else has that birthmark besides our race.", he explained. All of the sudden Brendon said something. "What do you mean with race?", he asked sceptical. "Well, long ago demons where parted by race. You could see the race on their eyecolour.", he said and pointed at his and my eyes. "There were four races at first. The ones with blue eyes, who could use psychic abilities. Well they could years ago but they unlearned it. Then the ones with orange eyes, they were really strong and brave.", he said while pointing on Dallon who seemed really surprised by that. But he was right. As far as I knew Dallon had always helped. No matter how difficult it may was. And he is strong. "The green eyed ones who's healing abilities are much faster and the headmaster's could even heal others. I don't know if they still can though. And lastly we have the yellow eyes ones. There special ability was to learn very fast and think logical. Like combining everything they needed. So most of them could build very well and they built most of the old churches and houses you know today.", he said and looked at Brendon. I could still see anger in his eyes though. As if he wanted to say, why didn't you use that to help me. "And due to a mutation the red eyed existed. I don't know why either. Well the speciality of the red ones was most of the other ones mixed together. Like strength. And thinking logic, all that stuff. And they had wings too. The bad part was that they could be very agressive. Not all. But at least half of them. And because one demon raged in front of humans they saw his eyes. Then they hunted us down. You were always a really quiet person and had never turned into full demon. Also you only talked to me. You didn't even talked to our parents often. But you never told me anything about how you felt. You were only open when music played. So I learned some instruments to make you happy. Well one day they found out about us being demons and began to hunt us down. You were 16 there I think. And I was 14. Humans began to march up to our house and father and mother began to pack everything. I helped. You just looked outside to see them coming. Then when we had everything we wanted to go but you stayed.", Ryan explained while he was trying to stay calm,"You told us to leave. Of course we didn't. But then you yelled at us and began to cry. That's when we knew you honestly meant it. Our parents left and pulled me with them. I didn't want to leave you. I wanted to help but I couldn't. But that evening was the first time I saw you in your full demon Form. With wings. I could see the humans coming up and you fought... but they were more... I saw you die...", he said now crying. I still couldn't believe it. Was that really true? Or did he want to trick us. But as he talked like that I shed a tear. It made me sad to hear that. Even if it wouldn't be me.

"We needed to leave but at night I made a deal. And one part of it was that you would be reincarnated in 500 years. The other part was that you would be human and would have no memories whatsoever. I still did it and told myself to find you. But I got nearly killed and locked up in here.", he said. While he spoke his wings had disappeared and he was in his human form again. I still left my wings, partly because I didn't knew how to let them go back inside my back. But I let them hang so Brendon was able to see. Dallon was tall enough to look over them.

I turned my head and looked at Brendon who looked highly confused. I half smiled at him and turned back to Ryan. "Why should I believe you?", I asked and he looked hurt as I asked that. "Because I can prove it to you (y/n).", he said. I tensed up as he said my name. I hadn't told it to him and neither could anyone else. How did he know that. "How come you know my name??", I asked and he just said that this was my old name and he hoped it would be the same because he really liked it. Then he teared his pants apart on his thigh to show me the birthmark. I had to admit it was exactly the same as mine. I was totally weirded out. Was this true? Am I really his sister? Or better said was.

"Now that you say it. You both have a pretty similar smell too...", Brendon said slowly. It looked like he began to believe what Ryan said. Ryan nodded and I tried to smell myself and then Ryan. They were right.

Maybe you remember this:

"I chimed in with a haven't you people ever heard of..."

, he began and Brendon and Dallon tensed up immediately. But I felt like I knew this melody. I tried to remember from where I knew it.

"...c...closing the ... uhm .. goddamn door?", I finished what he had begun and the both behind me looked at me in surprise. Ryan looked at me with a big relief in smile. "You remember!", he said happily! "I composed that song to cheer you up and because you hated that our mother left your door open all the time I put that in there. You said that once.", he said laughing as if he remembered something really funny.

"Ryan? We played that with our band?", Brendon asked really confused. "I know. I hoped that we could play it to (y/n) when she's back. But who could thought of that you would leave me down here.", he spit out all of the sudden. "Ryan stop! Brendon wasn't strong enough. He wasn't a demon for long that time. We tried our best. We thought you'd be dead. You have no idea how sad we all were especially Brendon!", Dallon said now really annoyed. And Ryan looked at Brendon. "I didn't eat at first. I didn't go out. I didn't do anything. Not even music.", Brendon said honestly. "I was like that for over a year until Spencer forced me to do something.", he explained. "Oh, yeah, we're are Spencer and Jon?", Ryan asked and Brendons face got harsh. "They're dead... they got killed by humans..."

"What?!", Ryan said completely destroyed. "I'm sorry, they were involved with a crime and got shot...", Brendon said. And Ryan looked at the ground. "Uhm... I'm sorry but, when I'm the reincarnation of your sister.. can you help me let my wings disappear again?", I asked a little bit embarrassed. Ryan looked up in happyness. "You believe me?", he asked happy but in disbelief. "I guess... I mean I don't have another explication for all that. So how do I get rid of them?", I said still confused though. All of the sudden Ryan ran over to me. Dallon and Brendon got in defense. I didn't move though. He didn't look like he would attack. And I was right. He pulled me into a close hug. I hugged him back but said: "If I shall believe you, you need to believe Brendon.." Hus hug felt so warm and familiar. Not like Brendons. More like the one of my mother just a little different. After a while Ryan nodded into the crook of my shoulder and I smiled then. So Brendon was safe now.

After a while he let go of me and smiled at me. "I'm so happy that I found you and you believe me!", he said tearing up again. I smiled back and said: "I just hope you didn't lie.", half joking half serious and he shook his head. "I won't. I never lied to you and I never will.", he said smiling. "Now to your wings... you need to concentrate more than just turning demon. Like concentrate about them disappearing real hard." And that's what I did. I needed some time but eventually they grew back into my back and I turned human again too.

"Okay, I'm happy that we found you and that the family is back together but we really need to get outa here now.", Dallon said already walking towards the staircase with Brendon.

A/N : heyy, some mysteries solved! And Ryan is nice again ^^

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