'Chapter twenty eight'

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Still Your POV

I had a weird dream. Everything was blurry and red (not blurryface). I ran. I tried to see something but nothing. I felt like I needed something. Like I was missing something very important. I didn't know what though. My body hurt. As I looked down on me my skin tone was weird and out of my veins came a red fluid. Blood. It dropped to the ground. Loud. Very loud. I hold my hands over my ears but it didn't help. The sound just got louder. Suddenly there was a smell. I didn't know how it smelled. I just needed to find the source. I ran even faster. The smell got further away the more I ran. I punched in front of me out of anger. I closed my eyes and as I opened them again I was back in the bedroom of Brendon.

What had I done?! The pillows were ripped apart. There were scratches on the wall and floor. Everywhere. Things were broken or knocked over. My heart was racing and I breathed heavily. I looked around in shock. As I turned around I saw Brendon standing on one corner. He had hold up his arms in front of his body. On them where scratches and biting spots too. He was bleeding. Fuck. Was that me?! How? I wanted to reach out for him but as soon as I saw my arms I screamed. My skin was grey! I had claws on my fingers. There was blood flowing. I must have scratched myself. The blood dropped on the floor like in my dream.

All of the sudden everything went red again and I forgot everything I saw. I just felt hunger. There was like a hole inside my stomach that wanted to be stuffed so bad. I growled under that extrem hunger. At least now I could make out like figures in the red. I couldn't tell what each was though. I saw something human like in the corner of these walls. I couldn't think straight and just attacked. I bit into its arm. It wasn't tasting like I expected but duck it I was hungry as hell. I tried to bite off a piece but the skin was strong. Something grabbed my head and pulled me back. I had to let loose of my food. All of the sudden I felt something soft on my lips. I was so surprised by that that I didn't even bit back. I just stood there and saw how the red was slowly fading.

I remembered again. Fuck. I had done it again! Just now I realised that Brendon lips were on mine. He hold me close with his bleeding arms of which I was the reason. I felt so bad that I pushed away. He breathed heavily. "I'm so sorry!!", I said in panic. "I don't know what happend!" I began to cry a bit. "It's okay, follow me.", he said and I did as I was told. He brought me to the bathroom and made me look at myself in the mirror while he was bandaging his arms.

I put my hands in front of my mouth as I saw myself in the mirror. What has happened to me. My skin! It was grey. My eyes! My eyes were a deep red. What? Why? And out of my forehead were growing horns. As I removed my hands from my mouth I could see my teeth. I immediatly closed my moth again. What had I become?? My clothing was ripped apart too, but I didn't care right now. I looked at Brendon panicking. He chuckled. He chuckled?! Why??

"Well, I thought I would have to wait longer to see your demon form but I have nothing against it now.", he said smiling. I still couldn't believe it. How could he be so calm? "H...I.... W...", I couldn't get a sentence out of my mouth. Not even a word. "Come with me.", he said and I followed him awkwardly. I still couldn't believe what I saw. He made me sat down on the couch and brought me something that looked like meatballs. "Eat that. I'll be back in a sec.", he said and smiled. I just looked at him in confusion but he just went out and closed the door.

I stared at the box filled with meatballs in my hands. Slowly I opened it. Accidently breaking the box while holding onto it to strong. I didn't know I had so much power. The food smelled so good that I ate the whole box in seconds without thinking. Right after that the door opened again. Brendon followed from Dallon entered the room. I was kinda embarrassed now that I ate the whole box and that I looked like this.The whole demon thing and that my clothes were ripped apart so you could see my bra. Also the now dry blood on my arns that covered the wounds.

I simply sat there while both of them were sitting down next to me. Both of them just stared at me. Mostly my face. Brendon was the one to break the silence. "I had never seen a demon with red eyes before.", he said slowly with his eyes glued on me. "I haven't read of it either.", Dallon said after that. I finally managed to get enough courage to speak. "Could you stop staring?", I asked a bit embarrassed but gentle. "Uhm... sorry..", said Dallon and looked away. Brendon just started looking at my teeth and horns instead of my eyes. "The rest seems to be normal. You have just two bigger sharp teeth and not six (four upper range, two lower range) like demons normally have.", he said analysing me.

"Should we inform somebody?", the taller one asked. I looked at him in panic. "Why? Why should that be necessary? What has my eye colour to do with anything?", I asked back. "Well, I don't know but it's unusual and it could be bad or good or nothing. We don't know. There was never a demon with red eyes. Just our lead.... forget it. Not important", Brendon said and stopped himself. "Leader? Who?",  I asked weirder out. "We can't tell you. At least not yet. Well see what will happen with you..", he said trying to convince me. I wasn't happy with that answer but I'm sure I won't be able to push out more.

"Did you like the food?", he asked them while Dallon was on his way towards Brendons room to look at the mess. I nodded. "You can probably guess what was in it.", Brendon said as gentle as possible and layed one arm around me. I nooded slowly again. It was human flesh. "But we have to tell somebody of you because you need to get a rank. Therefor you need to do a ability test. They just want to see if you can run and all that.", he said and I groaned. "I hate running!" He chuckled. "Me too. But due to your demon body you abilities are different. We just need to get contacts. Or maybe I can be your judge. Let's say I'm really high ranked and can do almost everything.", he said and winked at me.

When Dallon got back he looked very puzzled. "I have never seen that much destruction due to the first transformation.", he said kinda shocked and Brendon sighed. "Okay, I'm sure (y/n) is tired now, right? So. I will clean that mess up and Dallon you can go if you want.", he said and got up. Dallon stayed to help him and after I couldn't convince them to help to I lay down on the couch at tried to sleep. Before I began so sleep I felt my teeth shifting normal again and I could feel the horns disappearing.

Then I slept in peace.

A/N: She's demon!! Boom! Also this time the drawing is by me. I'm sorry if you don't look like this but the important things are eyes, horns, teeth and ears, so ignore the rest then. ^^

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