'Chapter thirty two'

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A/N: drawing by @endercookie555
Thank you!!

Your POV

I started to go in the direction of that girl out of my school. I couldn't like her at all. She was one of the bullies who thinks she's the best and others must follow her instructions. I hated people like that in general but she bullied me and made one of my friends change the school. I hated her. So much. I could feel my strength grow and how my teeth horns etc grew. I felt stronger. Strong enough to rip her head off.

When I got close enough she seemed to recognise that someone was behind her. I didn't mind her seeing me. She would die. I would kill her. She turned around and I smiled at her. Presenting my teeth. She screamed at her phone fell out of her hand. Like a scene of a movie. Great. "Hi, missed me?", I said still grinning. She just looked at me in shock and tears began to stream down her face. I slapped her right on the cheek and left scratches with my claws. Right after that I pushed her to the ground and pinned her down. "I asked a question. But I guess a weird emo monster isn't worth your attention, huh?", I said wanting to spit in her face. She looked like she was wanting to say something but she couldn't. Great, now she knew how I felt all the time. "I hate people like you and I hate specificly you. You are a fucking piece of shit. And I can say you that. Nobody would miss a piece of shit!", I now screamed at her in anger. I had began to cry too without even knowing. I was just so filled with hate and other emotions. "I will make you feel like I did everyday because of you and people like you!", I yelled.

With that I pulled up her sleeve and cut with my claws. As deep as possible. With my other hand I muted her in putting it on her mouth. She screamed but u just added more and more until her arm was full of blood. After that I got back op to her face. "That's not even all.", I whispered. She looked at my with shocked eyes full of tears. I ignored that completely. She didn't know how many nights I was crying my eyes out because those people made me that insecure. She deserved that. With that I began to choke her. But not enough to really kill her. I could see her trying to breathe but I knew there was enough air to keep her alive but not enough to breathe normally. "That's what I felt like everyday when I wanted to say something against you. Do you understand that now?!", I yelled and let go after a bit. She tried to move but I just pinned her down even more. "And now I show you something else. How all the things you said hurt.", and with that I rammed my fist into her stomach and it broke through the skin. She screamed and breathed uneven while nearly choking while crying. She deserved it. She cramped up and Strecke again. I swirls my hand around and she screamed without a tune coming out. Then I reached up for something that could be her heart and ripped it out. With that it was over.

I breathed heavily and let the heart fell down beside me. I looked at the mess I had done. Or better said I looked at what I had done. I still had this pride in me. This pride that she had finally felt the same. That she wound never terrorise others anymore. That she would be gone. Gone. Forever. Everybodys life would be better! I helped everyone! Right?

After a while of sitting on the dead body I started to question the things I had done. She deserved it. Right? She was worse. Right? I was still breathing heavily when Dallon and Bredon got to me. Brendon reaching out a hand to help me up. I took it without looking at him. I didn't want him to see my tears. They still streamed down my face and it was hard to not fully on cry. I just remembered every bad day and night I had. Every bad thought was there. All at once. It was just too much. Too much emotions. I nearly couldn't handle it.

I could stand straight as I got on my feet. I needed Brendon to help me. Dallon went over to the body and took it. Taking the ripped out heart too. "Well, I wasn't suspecting this to be honest.", Brendon said surprised and kindaI tried to stop the tears but it wasn't working. I think Dallon saw me crying while taking the body because I felt a pair of eyes staring me down from behind.

"Are you okay?", Brendon asked then. Shit. I hated that question. Normally I would lie but firstly it is Brendon and secondly im obviously crying so... I raised my shoulders and lay my head aside. I could finally speak again. "I don't know...", I whispered. I felt Brendon holding onto me a little tighter. "Did you hear me?", I asked then.


So he did. Both did hear me. How embarrassing. Well I can't change that now. It's too late. I felt like being able to stand alone again and I head a little fight inside my head if I should go alone or with Brendon for a little longer. I decided for the last option. I turned around. "Let's go back. I know two isn't much, but I need a break. Could you bring me back?", I asked him when I turned into my human form again. "Sure, I can stay if you want bu..." "No. I want to sleep.", I lied. I wanted to do something else but he had to be away. Luckily he believed me and he went back. Dallon was so nice to bring the body's to the right places and left. Brendon made sure I was all comfortable in bed and asked me like a hundred times if it would be really okay if he left. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before he left.

I waited a few seconds to make sure he would return. Then I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. There was a blade. I already saw it a while ago. Now was it's time to be used. I pulled up my sleeves and looked at the older scars. They really faded fast. I didn't deserve them to fade that fast.


So I took the blade and settled it on my skin. I did a few cuts while remembering nearly every bad emotion I felt because of her or because of people like her. I also added the feelings of killing into it. I was thinking that killing her was my only purpose. Now I'm worthless. Nobody needs me anymore. It doesn't look like family or friends are even trying to find me. Why would they? Why would they want to find me. I'm shit. I'm garbage. They should just shoot me. With that I cut and cut and cut. Going deeper with every cut. Blood was dropping all over the floor but I didn't care. I felt my arm go deaf but I didn't care. I could feel my vision starting to blurry but I didnt care. I could hear the front door open and steps entering but I didn't care.

Wait. Fuck!

A/N: Heyhooo, you killed somebody!! Be happy, be sad. Whatever dude!^^ hope you like the chapter though. impressed. I still couldn't look at him.

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