'Chapter thirty five'

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Brendons POV

"If you love me let me go."

That were the last words I said to (y/n) and so she did. She didn't ran after me. Parts of me were happy that she didn't, because I didn't want her to get in trouble. I needed her to be safe. And I trusted Dallon with keeping her safe. He knew what to do. The other part of course didn't want to leave her again. Not now. Not that short after she got her demon form and all that. But I had no choice.

I didn't know what had happened to me either. All of the sudden I couldn't think straight. I got very hungry and the blood of (y/n) Arms smelled better than any human blood. I didn't know why. But I didn't think. I just followed my instincts. Her blood tasted amazing too but I knew that I couldn't attack her. I tried to hold everything back and hold her to get Dallon. After that I don't know anything anymore. Until the other demons got in.

Right now I was chained up and now they even stuffed my mouth so I could bite around me.  I didn't fight against it though. Not now. I couldn't risk (y/n) or Dallon. They got me into the torture chambers deep down in the ground. It was dark and dirty down there. It smelled like shit and rotten body's. That was just great...

On our way to get there the other demons made up a ton of theories of what has happened to me. One even believed I was Lucifer himself. Of course nobody believed him. I mean I know for sure that I'm not a fallen angle so I couldn't be Lucifer. I can remember being turned into a demon and I was a human before so go away with that theory. Others say I would be the destroyer of the demon race and they needed to kill me right away. But luckily they didn't. Well... luckily... not really. I was locked up in one of the cells down there and I could barely see what was around me down there until somebody switched on the lights. The light bulbs flickered all the time and made weird sounds as they locked me in.

They even chained me up on the wall so I could even reach the bars of the door, because the chain was too short. Still whispering weird theories to each other they left. Just one said that I won't see the sunlight or anyone in a while and laughed then. I began to get angry. Normally I was the high ranked. Others would have respect or leave me alone. I didn't liked be treat like that.

When they were away I looked at the chain. They were made of some strong thick metal. I tried to break them up with bare hands first. That of my course didn't work. Then I transformed partly and tried to break free with my claws. That did work either. I tried to rip off the chain of  the wall or tried to get the chain off my foot, but nothing worked.i sat down and sighed.

I needed to break free as soon as possible. These dungeons smelled horrible. Everywhere was the smell of death. I was sure that nobody would come down to give me food or water. That was probably the reason of the death down here. "Hello??", I asked then loudly. Maybe someone besides me was down here. But I heard no response besides my own echo. Great, not even someone to talk to.

I just sat there and leaned against the wall. All was cold and kind of moist but I couldn't stand anymore. It was disgusting to touch anything in here but how could I touch nothing, huh? Wasn't possible. So I had no choice. Now I regretted that I didn't fight back. I just could've killed them and run away with (y/n) and Dallon. I had a house. I just never used it because it was in the middle of nowhere so there was nothing to eat. Not even a supermarket for normal humans. We could've went there though. I mean, I had a car so, why not drive a bit to get food.

I began to imagine how it would be to live there together with (y/n). Like a couple. Just with some more killing. We would have a music room too and we could've pets. Why not? That would be great, right? The imagination helped me to blend out what was around me. To blend out the cold, the smell and the moist walls and floor. I felt warm. I imagined kissing her, cuddling while watching TV or while lying in bed to sleep, holding her hand, making her smile, making her laugh, travel around with her, showing her things and maybe a little pervy stuff too. But all in one I already missed her. And it was total cliché what I imagined but I really liked it. I would love to sing to her again. But I guess I won't see her in quite some time now though.

I began to sing to distract myself. It was an older song. I had written them quite a while ago. :
" I feel the salty waves come in
I feel them crash against my skin
And I smile as I respire
Because I know they'll never win

There's a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I'll lose the traits that worry me

Can we fast forward to go down on me?
Stop there, and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares, divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up, I'm getting out of here...."

It helped a bit. I needed to get out of here though.

A/N: so i know this chapter is shorter but well, I hope you still like it ^^

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now