'Chapter forty six'

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Your POV

I was awoken by someone stroking my cheek. At first I flinched away but then I opened my eyes and saw who it was. It was Brendon and he looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "How long have you watched me already?", I asked jokingly but I enjoyed his touch on my cheek. He chuckled with a low tune. I could feel the vibrations of it go through my body. "Not that long. I was wondering when you would wake up.", he said and tipped on my nose. I made a face and he chuckled again. "Then you can be happy that I woke up now. Normally I would sleep the whole day.", I said jokingly and scooted closer towards him. He lay his arms around me and squeezed me close. I looked up towards him and he kissed the tip of my nose. "I'm so happy to have you.", I mumbled and kissed him on the mouth. "Me too. You're amazing.",he whispered back and stroked my back. I felt a tingle go up my spine but I liked it.

Sadly someone of the others seemed to have awoken now too. I raised my head and saw that Dallon was sitting up looking very sleepy. "Mornin...", he mumbled and streched himself. "Morning!", I answered joyfully and Brendon turned his head and nodded towards him. Dallon began to stand up slowly and roll the sleeping bag together. That sound woke Ryan. He nearly jumped up. He looked at Dallon in shock being in a fighter pose. His hair was a mess and his eyeliner all over the place. When he saw that Dallon was just putting things together he sat bag down again. "Don't wake me like that...", he said and tried to do his hair a little more... normal. He packed everything together now too.

As much as I hated it I knew that we needed to get up too. "How are you feeling?", I asked Brendon carefully while I began to sit up straight. "I'm feeling better.", he answered and sit up too although it looked like it took him a lot of energy. "But you're still hurt. I will help you, don't worry.", I said and kissed his cheek. Then got up and helped Brendon sitting next to the bed instead of on it so I could roll everything up. Eventually Tyler and Josh came too to get the things.

We used the same tactic to get Brendon out of the tree house like we used to get him in. I kinda crashed to the ground but Ryan held Brendon tight so nothing happened to him. Luckily. When they both landed safely Brendon immediately looked at me worried. "Are you okay? Did it hurt?" I nodded. "Way better than yesterday actually.", I said smiling wiping the dirt off my pants. Brendon still tried to help me up but I didn't want him too. He needed help on his own. But because I didn't want to hurt his feelings I took his hand but got up without pulling on it. Then I helped him walking again.

We carried him to the car and Dallon helped Josh and Tyler to seek all this stuff back inside. After that we all met at the car. "Thank you so much for helping us Josh!", I said and hugged him as a good bye. He was a bit confused by the hug but he smiled never the less. "No problem. I'm happy to help. It was kinda my fault too... I was just curious...", he said and I knew that he was about to apologies himself. "You couldn't have known.", Brendon said and smiled at him. "But I'm glad that I'm normal again.", he said laughing. Josh laughed with him. Then I went to Tyler. "Thank you too for all these things. It's probably weird to know that you have a guardian angel, huh?", I said smiling and he nodded. "Kinda.", he answered and looked to Josh. "You know what, you're pink orange red too!", I said and he looked at me in surprise. "And keep it up with the good music!", I said and huge him for a second. He didn't hug back but I wasn't expecting that either. I was happy that he didn't flinch away or anything.

"Then good bye for now! Just come over again if you need me.", Josh said and waved at all if us when we had prepared the car. "You could come just to hang out too...", Tyler mumbled that only me and Josh heard it. I nodes happily and Josh was smiling at him proudly. "I would love to come around again.", I said am and waved them my goodbyes. Dallon was driving and Ryan was on the passenger seat. Me and Brendon were in the back. "So, where's your house?", Dallon asked Brendon while preparing the satnav. Brendon told him the adress and he typed it in. The drive would take one day and a few hours.

We already sat a few hours in the car while talking about all bunch of things when it got dark again. I looked at my phone and realized that we already had driven twelve hours. "Wow! It's already 9 pm. Dallon, do you want to pause?", I asked him and leaned forward. He looked at me with pretty tired eyes. "Brendon? Do you think you can drive?"", he asked the one in the bag. "I guess for a few hours. I will scream when I think I can't take it anymore, don't worry. So let's change at the next gas station?", he suggested and Dallon nodded. Luckily the next station was only a few minutes away. Some of us when to the gross toilet and then we exchanged places. Brendon and me in the front now and Ryan and Dallon in the bag. Dallon slept really fast and Ryan did the usual thing. Staring outside the window. Until he eventually fell asleep too. I turned around a few times to look if they were still sleeping and it had happened that they leaned against each other. I took a photo and showed it Brendon at the next red streetlight. He laughed as silent as possible. Luckily it didn't wake them. The rest of the drive while it was Brendons turn I crawled his neck with one hand.

After a while someone tapped onto my hand. It was Dallon. He was awake again . We exchanged again  but this time just Dallon and Brendon changed because Ryan was still asleep. That meant Brendon was now behind me and he crawled my neck in revenge a bit before he drifted to sleep. I had don't the same by now.

When I was awake again Dalling stopped the car in front of a big house with a garden. There was a pool in the back. Wow, was that Brendons house. "That's huge!",  I said impressed and woke Ryan and Brendon. Brendon looked outside and smiled. "Welcome to my crib!", he said jokingly and I got outside the car to help him out too. "It's amazing!", I told him still eying the house and he chuckled. "I knew it would be good to buy this house.", he said smiling standing up.

"Then let's get inside, shall we?"

A/N: I know this was more of a filler chapter but I hope you still like it. Also finally everything is calmed for now and nobody is suffering too much. Isn't this great xD

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