'Chapter four'

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Brendons POV

"... w..what are you?"

The girl asked. But it sounded not afraid. At least not like normally. It sounded... interested? Nobody has ever been interested in me. Just in my ability to murder and torture. But to be fair, that never really bothered me. I never thought about that.

I looked at her in irritation for a second then I cleared my throat.
"You won't believe me.", I simply said. I glanced over to her and saw a disappointed look on her face. I don't know why that made me change my mind, but it did. "I'm a demon.", I said while going back to her. Before that I pit the rope back into the wardrobe. She looked at me a little freaked out. I just stared into her (e/c) eyes and waited for her to say something. She didn't. She just stared back at me.

While we stared at each other I remembered my original plan. I broke the eye contact and went back to the wardrobe. I took the ropes and a metallic box out of it. I turned to her and hold both things in the air.
"I'll make you believe me.", I said with a devilish grin on my lips. But it didn't felt the same. Normally I was super excited and motivated for some torture, but not this time. I was irretated by my own feelings. The afraid look on her face didn't make me happy. It made me feel bad for what I was about to do. Why? 

As she tried to move futher away from me her mobile phone fell out of her pocket. I looked down at it. She tried to grab it, but it was to far away from her. I took it. I tried to switch it on, but nothing happened. I chuckled. "Seems like it's fucked.", I said and threw it back to her. She tried to fix it, but ended up breaking it totally.

"By the way. Since I answered your questions I have one too. What's your name?", I asked. What was wrong with me? I never asked anything. I never was interested in anything but death and murder. Why did I ask her that?

She hesitated first but said then "It's (y/n)..." Beautiful. Wait what?! Nooo. It is just a name. Jesus fucking Christ. I shook these thoughts away and walked over to her again and grabbed her arm. I pulled her a little bit, but I heard a little voice inside my head which said that I should be more careful. I pulled harder to get these voices out of my hand. She flinched and groaned, because of the wound in her stomach. I still didn't understand how she did not die.

I went into another room with her. Floor and walls had bloodstains on it. In the middle was a metallic chair. I pushed her down on it and tied her onto it. She tried to fight it but lost in an instant. I smirked and pulled a sharp knife out of the metallic box.

"Let the fun begin."

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now