'Chapter fifty eight'

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Your POV

I was dragged away from Brendon and Dallon. With me Ryan. I like him dearly but I would rather not have him here right now. Not for this stupid plan. She could wait as long as she wants. I was not going to fuck my brother just for her enjoyment. She can forget that right away. What gave her the idea we do that? I didn't understand but I don't think I have to understand her either.

We got thrown into a huge room. It looked surprisingly fancy. There wasn't any windows but other than that it looked like a normal room. There was a bed some empty shelfs even a desk and wallpaper. I looked around pretty surprised and heard the door behind us slamming shut. I immediately turned around. Shit. I looked at Ryan in panic. He looked so done with everything but I knew he was just trying to hide the fear. There was no way he was calm. I lay my hands against the door and knocked and yelled. I knew it wouldn't help but it made me feel like I wasn't totally useless. Also that way Ryan wouldn't see how much my body trembled. I didn't want him to see how anxious I was either.

He walked towards the bed and sat down putting his head into his hands. I gave up and slid down the door until I hit the ground hugging my legs close hiding my head. "I won't do it.", Ryan said with a trembling voice. I just nodded. I couldn't speak right now. I wad barely able to hold back tears and if I would speak now I would just sob. I didn't want him to see how weak I actually am. That I'm not as strong as his sister once was. Once I sacrificed myself to safe my family and now I'm locked in here with the purpose to fuck my brother and I'm nearly crying like a baby. Great. What an improvement. I tried to breath calmly and swallow the sobs.

After a while I had my emotions pushed aside. I got up again. Ryan was still in the same position. I walked up to him and sat down beside him. "We need to get out of here. Maybe they'll bring us food or some shit and then we can attack them.", I suggested looking at him. He took his hands away and I saw his side profile. Eyes were a bit puffy and red and the skin around it reflected the light. He did cry. I felt sorry for him. It was mostly my fault that we were here. I shouldn't have come back. I don't know how much time passed since Brendon told me to leave when we were in the cave but I should have stayed away. It would've been better. I'd never turn demon and all of this would've never happened. Everyone would live on normal.

I put one arm around Ryan and he wiped his cheeks with the back of his hands fast and sniffled a bit. He turned towards me and hugged me close. "I hope they come. I'll kill them. Every single one of them. I'll kill satan if I need to.", he said with a week voice and I just nodded. I knew he wasn't able to kill Satan but we needed that spirit right now. That strength. That hope. Eventually we both let go and just sat there again.

I stood up and went around the room. There needed to be something we could use to get out. Maybe to break the door down. I wondered how Brendon was. And Dallon too. Was their room different to ours? We're they safe? I dearly hoped so. What if they already killed them? I stopped my movement. What if? They don't need them any longer. They have two red eyed now. My body began to tremble. Brendon and Dallon were still alive, right? They were fine, right? I crossed my arms and tried to stay calm. I couldn't loose him. I needed him. I nearly lost him a couple times already. I wouldn't be not strong enough to survive that loss. My eyes wandered down to my arms. I remembered the time I saw Brendon on top of Kelly and what that caused me to do. I would definitely not survive if he died. I needed him. For once I truly loved somebody and he loved my back. I couldn't loose this bond. I lifted my sleeves up a bit revealing the scars. They looked old. I let my fingers brush them slightly and felt a tingle in the tips. I just wanted to dig my nails into my skin. Until it bleed. I didn't know what Brendon was doing although I needed him so dearly. And I just caused more and more trouble for him with every moment we are together. When I wouldn't have been there he would live like he did before. Hunting. Being a high ranked demon. Living.

I choked on my own breath and began to shiver. I began to cry and sobb. I couldn't stop myself from it. Ryan rushed over to me and wanted to hug me but I pushed him away. "No, I'm just causing all of you trouble. I'm the worst. When we get out of here I will leave and you never have to see me ever again.", I said between the sobs. I really meant it. They were better off without me. I should've killed myself while I was human. That would've made everything so much better. I wasn't needed back then and now I'm needed for stupid things like that. I'm just causing trouble and destroy their lives. I don't even know why Brendon likes me in the first place. He can have so much better.

Ryan looked at me in shock. "What are you even talking about? You can't leave. We need you. We all love you! You're not causing any trouble.", he said trying to come closer again. I scooted away. I felt like even a hug would cause trouble for him. I wasn't worth it. He sighed and sat down were he was. Far enough away. "Listen. You may think that right now because so much stuff is happening but you have to believe me. We all need you and want you around us. And if you'd really leave Brendon wouldn't survive that. He would probably live physically, yeah, sure, but mentally he'd be a fucking mess. He needs you more then anybody else. Really.", he stated calmly. I didn't answer. I didn't move. I didn't do anything besides sitting on the ground.

Eventually Ryan raised up again and searched for different things in the room. After some hours he seemed to have found exactly nothing. He lay onto the bed sighing. He rolled onto one side that faced towards me and looked at me. "How are you feeling?", he asked then. I didn't answer. That would just cause more trouble for him and I would lie never the less. I would say I'm fine like I always do although I am feeling like shit. I didn't want to bother anybody with it. I stayed silent this time. "I guess not good then.", he stated sounding nearly worried but tried to hide it. Of course.

A few hours passed. I just thought about how Brendon was doing. I tried not to think about the possibility that he was dead or under torture. That wouldn't help me at all now. We needed to get out of here and then I'll leave. My reasons do make sense. He'll understand. They will.

All of the sudden there were rattles at the door. The lock ticked open. I shot up and so did Ryan. We looked at each other and I saw his skin turning grey patchwise. My heart rate increased and I tensed up. The door slowly opened and some demon threw meat into the room. He just looked at us. Probably searching if we had already fucked yet. Asshole. He was about to close the door again when Ryan charged towards him and attacked. Of course the demon fought back but now the door was open.

I ran towards it and out. The guard turned around grabbing my arm but Ryan punched him and I kicked him right between the legs. One thing I learned in school. Wow. He fell to his knees and Ryan turned full demon biting the neck of him. Looked like a vampire until he ripped off flesh of the neck and spit it out. The dead body fell the the ground and Ryan wiped his mouth with his sleeve turning back normal.  He nodded his head for me to follow him. I didn't loose any time.

We headed down the corridor towards door six. Luckily there were no other guards. Seemed like they were sure that the rooms were safe. Dumb enough. We reached the door and Ryan knocked against it. Nothing. Kocking again. Now we heard mumbling. "Brendon,  Dallon..it's us.", Ryan said loud enough for them to hear.


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