'Chapter three'

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Your POV

The man looked at me in shock. But I can bet I was way more afraid. I panicked and looked around in the room. But there was nearly nothing I could use to defend myself. Just the pens on the desk, but how should I use them. How would you use pens to defend yourself from a murderer?

He took a step in my direction and I pressed my back against the wall. That hurt like hell and made me flinch. He walked faster towards me and crouched next to me. I breathed faster if that's even possible. I wished the wall behind me would suck me in. I wanted to dissappear. He highered his arm slowly and pushed is towards my neck really fast. His hand was around my neck and pinned me to the wall. I wimmered and tears began to fill my eyes.

"Let me go... please...", I whispered and began to sob. He smirked for a second but it fell and he asked me: "How did you survive?" His voice was harsh and the grip on my neck tightened. I gulped.
"I... don't .. kno...", I stuttert while I tried to breath calmly. He let go of my neck and pulled me up roughly.
"Stand up!", he demanded. I flinched and screamed. It hurt so much.
"Shut the fuck up or I will slit you up right here!", he demanded in a whisper scream.
As soon as I stand on my feet I closed my mouth and tried to make no sound. He pulled me into another room. I followed flinching and wimmering. He threw me on a couch. I screamed again but he put his hand on my mouth.
"I said shut up, do you understand?", he said and let go of my mouth as soon as I nodded.
He looked at me smiling deviously.
"I don't know how you survived that, but now that you're living, we're gonna have some fun.", he said and laughed. I was shocked and looked at the door first but then at the walls with all the swords and knifes. He followed my look.
"Oh, these things. Don't you worry I won't use them.", he said and looked back at me. His face came closer to mine. "But I have plenty other things.", he wispered and I tried to flee, but there was nowhere I could go.

I breathed heavily and took all my bravery together. "Who are you?", I ask him quiet. He looked down at me in surprise. "And where am I?", I managed to add.
"I guess it won't bother if you know my name. But I think you know, that I can't tell you where you are.", he said while getting to a big wardrobe and moved some metallic sounding things. "Name's Brendon.", he said and took something out, but I couldn't see what it was. I looked at him in concern. I could see plenty scars on his upper body and some gray looking spots on his skin. Then I remembered how his hand, no his claw attacked me.

"... w..what are you?"

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